Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Another quick one, one of the cars in bazzas TCL pack has really short gearing, when i use it i notch it up a clog or two, sadly noticed the AI doesn't do this so is struggling on straights.
Is there a way to get the AI to have the same set up as me?
Take the troubled car out, arrange its setup, save that setup as AI_Default to have all cars of that type use it.
Download link for the newest Apricot Hill + Midfield layouts.

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AI only works for the forward direction tracks for now. It's a few days late, but now I feel it's a bit better quality of a 'christmas gift' for everyone on GTPlanet who has helped out with questions, given feedback, donated, subbed on Patreon etc - you get the idea...

Thanks again everybody, despite everything that's happened this has been a great year for me, here's to more AC tracks in 2021!!!! (any ideas?)

Has there ever been an update for these ? AI ?
Volvo S60R BTCC v1.24
Goran Martensson / Mahem3000 / ACTK
Add lod 1 2 3
Fixed collider.kn5
Fixed tyres.ini
Fixed setup.ini
Fixed F6 cameras
Fixed rear lights in 3d model
Add Wipers

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In my case, some easy fixs for some members, are not being replyed just because some members don't like to read some trues.
They got shocked and simply don't help. True hurts the poor of spirit.
Or they don't like the silly sarcastic comments, i.e your Netflix picture for asking a question to me.
This sort of think can affect people in very bad ways, sorry but peoples heath is important to me... not saying your comment was that way to me mate. just easier to block and not deal with it for some..
Happy racing :cheers:
Or they don't like the silly sarcastic comments, i.e your Netflix picture for asking a question to me.
This sort of think can affect people in very bad ways, sorry but peoples heath is important to me... not saying your comment was that way to me mate. just easier to block and not deal with it for some..
Happy racing :cheers:
Of course it wasn't!

Take the troubled car out, arrange its setup, save that setup as AI_Default to have all cars of that type use it.
Hmmm seems it doesn't work with gear ratios, but classic AC way i bumbled into a ham fisted fix, sorted.
Problem is i don't even know what i did.
Great to have a decent version of Vancouver, environment sounds are nice.

However I have a little issue: I started driving with the KTM XBB (Kunos/updated Cpt_Looping) and the car had no sound at all (no inside, no outside).
Because it has been a while since I used the car, I figured CSP might have broken the sound. Reinstalled the car: no sound.
Took another car to drive Vancouver: car sound was OK.
Tried the KTM XBB on another track: car sound was OK too ! 🤔
KTM XBB at Vancouver again: no car sound, only environment...

So bottom line (could be that more cars are affected, idk, but the Vancouver track seems to conflict and break the sfx of the KTM XBB..
No idea how that is even possible, or what could trigger it.

Any thoughts please ?
Somebody else maybe ?
I can't get Vancouver to work on CSP 1.69 rain fx. But nicked the sound bank (personal use) for another track to try and some cars had no sounds, just the track sounds.
@Fanapryde @Masscot

I had a chance to look at the sound issue and I must not have the same Xbow as my sound works. Can you link me to the cars in question that the track breaks sounds for?

@Gas12 what cars?

@CrisT86 Did the rainfx config so if i can get this sound thing sorted out i will include in next update. or he can post code here until I include in an update.


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I get this every time I try to use the ac_legends_gt_nissan_gtr. I tried different versions ofCSP and get the same msg....anyone have any ideas how to fix this?


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This falls in the category of "awesome track I've had for a while--but I forgot about it."

Be sure to drive this challenging track if you haven't already. If you prefer flat tracks--this one isn't for you.

Last updated in 2018, this track mod could use GrassFX and some vegetation tweaks (@slider666 ).

It's a great track, that already looks good. With some "adjustments," it would look great!

Note: It does have a config file and KN5 for lights in the extension>config>tracks>loaded folder.

UPDATE -- Slider666 provided a config that adds GrassFX with a few other fixes in this post

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Naruto Skyline v1.21
Converted from rFactor2.


Nsuka is a virtual circuit about the 'Naruto Skyline' in Naruto city, Tokushima, Japan.
Its reading is "enu suka".
You should drive the left traffic lane except overtaking, to obey a japanese traffic law.

Remove the old version and then install it.
・CSP recommended
・34 pit/start
・3 layouts (InnerLoop, OuterLoop, Freeroam)

Credits & Thanks;
・Takach (website), the author of the rfactor2 original version.
@shi (shin956), Track convert
@ckkjw398 ,support and Camtool Replay
@CrisT86 , config advice

v1.0 changelog;
There was an update to the original source and my previous work wasn't good, so I converted from almost scratch.
The layout has been reduced to three: InnerLoop, OuterLoop, and freeroam.
Changed the start position to match the original source.
I was able to include an aerial photograph at the time of conversion.
Increased the number of Pit / Start to 24.
Rework ext_config.ini
Includes Replace Sign skin
And Many others...

v1.1 changelog;
Objects were aggregated and optimized.
Adjust ext_config.ini
The number of PITs has been increased to 34.

v1.15 changelog;
-Added sideline to AI.
-Updated ext_config.ini.

v1.2 changelog;
-Updated AI sideline and ai_hints.ini. (Innerloop)
-Updated ext_config.ini and audio_sources.ini.
-Fixed missing road mesh.
-Add seasonal adjustments. (ext_config.ini)
-The camtool for the innerloop layout that was previously included has been adjusted and included. The Outerloop layout was difficult to adjust, so it is not included.
-Other minor fixes

v1.21 changelog;
-Updated AI lines, sidelines, and ai_hints.ini.
-Updated ext_config.ini, audio_sources.ini and VAO-patch.
-A physical wall was installed at a tollbooth on the highway to prevent cars from crashing.
-Fixed holes in the road surface.
-Added sections.ini.

RD link
Mediafire link


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DiRT3 - Smelter v1.0

View attachment 1062316View attachment 1062317

  • 6 start/grid
  • CSP rainFX, grassFX, lightsFX, VAO
  • multi-surface
  • easter-egg

@codemasters - 3dmodel
@RMi_wood - conversion, surfaces, misc
@shi - pit/grid, AI, optimization, rain, shaders, VAO, misc
@racealot - cams, lighting


Very good work. Thank you for it. :cheers: Quick question - Is there any way to get RSR Live Timing to not give an invalid lap? Or is that impossible because of the surface? It doesn't pose much of a problem, but would be nice if it worked.
Anyone working on the glickenhaus 007?
I believe someone is, however because it’s not being made together with the gr010 (urd are on that, won’t be out anytime soon….) you’ll find that it won’t match/be equal with the other cars in performance etc which you would need if your going too race them all together
1998 skins pack for BTCC tracks by Rockyrule v1.0

Snetterton, Silverstone, Brands Hatch, Thruxton, Cadwell Park, Mondello Park, Oulton Park, Knockhill, Croft and Donington Park

Unfortunately no link for the tracks in a readme.txt file !!!
For this you must go to the creator page and then open each skin page of the track
or more simple in my read_me.txt file just for this community below 😉 :gtpflag:






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Porsche RS Spyder Evo v1.1
Unknown / ACTK
Add lod 1 2 3
Fixed colliders.ini and collider.kn5
Fixed tyres.ini
Fixed setup.ini
Fixed F6 cameras

I really wish you'd rework these cars a little more before claiming them as your own and putting some meaningless "ACTK APPROVED" stamp on them as if that guarantees some abstract standard of quality. This one has a cockpit filled with a godawful 8-bit chessboard texture yet it takes less than a minute to swap in proper carbon fibre from a Kunos car that looks a thousand times better, even without the associated NMs. If you're going to continue annexing other modder's work and adding your name to them then please offer some tangible improvements. Anyone can add LODs now, it's literally a couple of button clicks in Content Manager.
I really wish you'd rework these cars a little more before claiming them as your own and putting some meaningless "ACTK APPROVED" stamp on them as if that guarantees some abstract standard of quality. This one has a cockpit filled with a godawful 8-bit chessboard texture yet it takes less than a minute to swap in proper carbon fibre from a Kunos car that looks a thousand times better, even without the associated NMs. If you're going to continue annexing other modder's work and adding your name to them then please offer some tangible improvements. Anyone can add LODs now, it's literally a couple of button clicks in Content Manager.
We at RMS will be having a crack at creating a reworked RS Spyder Evo. (it'll be after some car packs/way after the lola packs) but will be probably likely bringing the 2006 version aswell to AC.
CSP config tutorial part 2

Part 1 is here.

Now, I´ll show you how to get these mesh or material names for the config ini.
Best and imo the easiest way is using the Objects Inspector (OI) ingame.
Start a track and go with the mouse to the right side. Start there, the OI (Objects Inspector)

and you get this:

As explained there, hold <Alt> key and click to select an object:

Clicking on the road for example, you get the mesh name: "trk.015" and the material name: "road" besides a lot more information behind that 4 tabs (Details, textures, vars, Extras).
But for now just the default one "Details" is Ok. :)
You can click on the most stuff there, and you get the information copied to clipboard. By clicking on the material name "road" this will get a red background and get copied:


By <Alt><Tab> you get out of the game without stopping it. That way you can edit the config and see most changes simultaneously in the game.

As you can see, this material name is already in the ini in line 46: "Road__track= ?road?, ?ROAD?, ?PIT?," and that variable $Road__track is part of $PUDDLES__track, $SOAKING_track and some more later on.
Be aware, these names are case-sensitive.
So "road" is not the same as "Road" or "ROAD", that's the reason why I put there the same names in different versions in the variables. "?grass?, ?Gras?, ?GRAS?," just to show you one. :)

To make your first practical exercise, scroll down the ini to line 219 "; brightness, darkness, brighter, darker" and the small code block:

DESCRIPTION= road, tarmac
MATERIALS = $Road__track
PROP_... = ksAmbient, 0.35
PROP_... = ksDiffuse, 0.25
This code change the shader settings for the "MATERIALS" defined by "$Road__track", "ksAmbient" and "ksDiffuse".
By changing the numbers, you can change how bright these materials are shown and if your game is still running, you can see the changes instantly by saving the ini.

These are 2 extreme settings that show the change in brightness for the road textures.
This technique makes it easy to adjust different materials so that they fit better together. Even testing with different PP filters to see what you change is a breeze. :)

Changing the street brightness usually also implies adapting the lines, the edges of the street and sometimes also the grass areas. This can be seen in the ini supplied by me. If further materials need to be adjusted, you simply have to copy one of these code blocks and give it the new material name and the corresponding settings. These changes can be seen in the game immediately after saving the ini.

Be aware, make a backup of every ini you wanna work on. If you break something, you have always the original settings as backup. :)
Test it out and enjoy what you learned... :)

To be continued...
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