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Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2021 v1.2
Kornos / Replaio / ACTK
Fix glass
Fix F6 cameras
Fix collider.kn5
Add lod

add 12 skins by Raul_007
fixed porsche-dash
Do you mean how to separate the parent car from the "alternate" version?
You can try this: move the parent car folder on your desktop. Open CM, select the alternate version: now cm says "Parent car is missing". Choose the option "make indipendent" (or something like that) ad here you go. I hope it will work for you 😁
I want to do exactly that, on CM "make independent" doesn't work, and on AC the alternate version doesn't appear.
If you're looking to copy a mod/car the easiest way is to just load a car into AC Car Tuner and you can copy the car and it will allow you to have 2 versions of the same car, just call the other a slightly different name. Otherwise you need to re-name files etc. and that can be a pain.

I'm not 100% sure as there are ports from Grid, Shift, Forza and GT and they all have a similar look. But there's Milan, Barcelona, Chicago, Miami, Dubai etc. Most of them are great.
I want to separate the parent car from the alternative version, but with CM it doesn't work
Is there any way to convert the VRC Prototypes (2000's) .kn5 files to .fbx? To make skins in 3d in Mudbox. Content Manager kn5 converter doesn't work with these cars apparently
Is there any way to convert the VRC Prototypes (2000's) .kn5 files to .fbx? To make skins in 3d in Mudbox. Content Manager kn5 converter doesn't work with these cars apparently
I always use this. It might not be successful with what you're doing, but I use it to do the same thing with tracks.
Just drag it into the car's folder and run the application.


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Copy one car folder and rename it, then rename the kn5, the lods.ini and in the sfx folder rename the bank file and any reference to the renamed car in the GUIDs.txt to the new folder name

Oh and rename inside the ui_car.json as well otherwise it won't change the name in content manager
No need for all of that.
Just copy the car folder and rename it, load the car into CM and replace the sound from the original car. Hit 'reload' to stop CM getting confused. Done!
I always use this. It might not be successful with what you're doing, but I use it to do the same thing with tracks.
Just drag it into the car's folder and run the application.


Yeah I've been using this program with all the cars, but with vrc proto just closes and doesnt create anything. I don't know if they are locked or something
Old git over here stuck in his ways lol. TBH i don't ever duplicate cars any more so haven't needed to do this but i'll try it your way if it comes up as it sounds easier than messing about with all those files and renaming stuff.

I honestly didn't realise it was that simple
Yeah, it really is that quick and simple. I don't know where the myth about having to rename kn5s, LODs and sound banks originally came from... maybe that was all necessary before CM let you swap audio from the doner car. It's much easier now anyway. Give it a go, it takes no time at all.
Somebody please refresh my memory: if both the data.acd file and an unencrypted data folder are in the car's root folder, which takes precedence? I ask because the latest iteration of ACTK's Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2021 (that is, v1.2), above, has both. TIA.
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Somebody please refresh my memory: if both the data.acd file and an unencrypted data folder are in the car's root folder, which takes precedence? I ask because the latest iteration of ACTK's Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2021 (that is, v1.2), above, has both. TIA.
The data.acd does. Spent a lot of time wondering why the changes in .ini's weren't having any effect only to find out the data.acd was still in the car folder
Any Antipodeans like to critique or suggest improvements to the Flunder from Down Under before I send to Velo for inclusion in the pack?

View attachment 1072553View attachment 1072555
Am I allowed to laugh at all the 'Aussie' stereotyping in this skin? Prawns for the BBQ, Vegemite, Emus and the obligatory kangaroo or two (not to mention beer). All it needs now is Crocodile Dundee's hat and knife and it will be 'f-ing bonza maaaate'.

But just for the record, these days, Australia is very multicultural. It's not all "yobbos bonking sheilas before sinking a schooie and having a chunder." 🤪

Anybody know if it possible to convert tracks from MotoGP 2021?

There is some nice looking tracks:

Well, the answer to that question is a yes. I know I'm quoting a comparatively old message but I worked on this for a few days and managed to do the primary stage 😉.

Track creators or whoever is interested in looking at the files can send me a message since I can't say/share anything more here.
If you're looking to copy a mod/car the easiest way is to just load a car into AC Car Tuner and you can copy the car and it will allow you to have 2 versions of the same car, just call the other a slightly different name. Otherwise you need to re-name files etc. and that can be a pain.

I'm not 100% sure as there are ports from Grid, Shift, Forza and GT and they all have a similar look. But there's Milan, Barcelona, Chicago, Miami, Dubai etc. Most of them are great.
wait. theres a miami port? where?
edit: oh wait nvm you probably meant the shift 2 miami. automatically assumed it was grid 2's miami lol mb
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Am I allowed to laugh at all the 'Aussie' stereotyping in this skin? Prawns for the BBQ, Vegemite, Emus and the obligatory kangaroo or two (not to mention beer). All it needs now is Crocodile Dundee's hat and knife and it will be 'f-ing bonza maaaate'.

But just for the record, these days, Australia is very multicultural. It's not all "yobbos bonking sheilas before sinking a schooie and having a chunder." 🤪

Well it is intended to be very tongue in cheek! But I did include an Indigenous Australian flag and didgeridoos.
Well it is intended to be very tongue in cheek! But I did include an Indigenous Australian flag and didgeridoos.
And your humour is well appreciated Tim! Especially given how little there is to actually laugh about with what's going on in the world right now.

Next I want to see a UK skin with silhouettes of men in busbies eating black pudding. 🧐
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Somebody please refresh my memory: if both the data.acd file and an unencrypted data folder are in the car's root folder, which takes precedence? I ask because the latest iteration of ACTK's Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2021 (that is, v1.2), above, has both. TIA.
Under normal circumstances data.acd always takes precedence over the unpacked data file UNLESS you have 'use unpacked data if it exists' ticked in Content Manager> Drive> Single, after which the unpacked data will take precedence.
Somebody please refresh my memory: if both the data.acd file and an unencrypted data folder are in the car's root folder, which takes precedence? I ask because the latest iteration of ACTK's Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2021 (that is, v1.2), above, has both. TIA.

The data.acd does. Spent a lot of time wondering why the changes in .ini's weren't having any effect only to find out the data.acd was still in the car folder
Not near my rig atm, but there is a setting in CM that controls whether the data.acd or the data has priority.

Edit: ninjad
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re: GRiD/2/AS tracks.

I have a few w.i.p:

GRiD AS - Washington DC (%90)
GRiD AS - San Francisco [freeroam and AI route] (%90)
GRiD/AS - Jarama [redux] (97%)

They all need some work and I did work on W.DC just yesterday and now need to fix a bad modeling decision heh)
San Fran needs some walls added to dead end streets.
Jarama needs a little work yet, maybe I will take a look soon as to the status/work.

If anyone wants to contribute in moving these forward, DM me.

note: there are a few NFSS2 tracks in the works, but Redux team prefer to keep quiet until formal release ;)
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