Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a better road mesh for Oulton Park? I know Oulton is bumpy in real life but reboot's version redefines the word bumpy. It feels like doing the Acropolis Rally Greece twice in one lap. I saw one posted a while ago but it was messed up and it didn't work (car fell down from the map). Can anyone of you share if you guys have something better than the original road mesh?
Never though of Oulton being bumpy…. None of the layouts…
Never though of Oulton being bumpy…. None of the layouts…
I think we might be using the same version. If I remember rightly, it was updated by someone over on the F1 Classics Forum a couple of years ago.

I can't really remember what the original mesh was like. I just remember that the first update had a few holes around the circuit which were then fixed in a second update.

I'm not at my rig atm, but I'll upload the version I use tomorrow if nobody beats me to it.

EDIT: It turns out that @Zwiss updated it here:
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Porsche 959 2020 V1.03a

Update 3 : new engine cover , 3e brake ligth , shift pad , alignment interior , correction mirror ... , not finish .


Link :

Enjoy !
1998 Ferrari 333 SP - Pilot Racing #10

I will update the resource to make the skinpack

Enjoy, hope you like it.


I hear you and understand clearly... What if though, a skin folder containing an INI file with not so much a virus, but code that when applied does some type of damage to the users' system... say a command-line to manipulate/alter internal settings - like disabling AV software, altering the registry, allowing a backdoor to open for an attack - just thinking outside the box... Could this be a possibility?
You are on the right track, out of-the-box style...

I have investigated a few things... (we wont mention the multiplayer privacy disclosure already reported to Kunos by myself with full trace and proof-of-concept) mostly tied to how CM proccess JSON to be displayed to the user, for potential abuse of "nasty things". AFIAK for now CM appears to filter JSON "bad things" in my testing. There is a strong likelihood that other functions of CM can be abused to further a violation of system integrity and provide obfuscation to that fact. It can already run \assettocorsa\extension\plugins\AcTools.CurrentlyPlaying.exe

As far as an .ini being able to do the nasty, it appears an unlikely vector.

CSP is another issue, as it is a DLL injecting itself into the acs.exe process. It could be "dll hijacked", for example... or a malicious version could be distributed as a leaked CSP-preview.

The strong tie-in to Python would be my choice for exploit attack vector and deployment via an "app". The next strongest vector would be to abuse the web/download section of CM, likely via the built-in browser to exploit/abuse.

To note: anyone who would be developing on these vectors will also be smart enough that none of your virus protection... would protect you or even alert you to an issue.

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I think we might be using the same version. If I remember rightly, it was updated by someone over on the F1 Classics Forum a couple of years ago.

I can't really remember what the original mesh was like. I just remember that the first update had a few holes around the circuit which were then fixed in a second update.

I'm not at my rig atm, but I'll upload the version I use tomorrow if nobody beats me to it.

EDIT: It turns out that @Zwiss updated it here:
So i have the updated Oulton with a pit fix uploaded on FileMissing's discord. I might try the original Oulton (1.3.2 i think). By the way f1classic forum say they don't accept any new members when i try to register but it's ok. I can live with the version i have.
So i have the updated Oulton with a pit fix uploaded on FileMissing's discord. I might try the original Oulton (1.3.2 i think). By the way f1classic forum say they don't accept any new members when i try to register but it's ok. I can live with the version i have.
That version of the forum is dead (thanks to SimDream). I'll see if I can get the link off there for you. I just need to fire up my laptop.
Link is dead, I'm afraid - not surprising really, it's two years old! I'll grab the track off my desktop tomorrow evening and upload it for you.

It's very nostalgic reading that old F1 Classic thread. As well as myself, there are also messages on there from @Masscot , @LiquidSkyMan and @Fanapryde .
It's ok, you can post whenever you want, i am not in a rush 😁. How old is that forum btw? Is it like 10 years old or newer? I love nostalgia myself too. I remember my little version playing Colin Mcrae Rally 05 on a Windows XP laptop. I was like 6-7 years old xD, i didn't know how to read or write so i didn't even know how to change the stage so i played the same stage for months until i discovered Youtube.
It's ok, you can post whenever you want, i am not in a rush 😁. How old is that forum btw? Is it like 10 years old or newer? I love nostalgia myself too. I remember my little version playing Colin Mcrae Rally 05 on a Windows XP laptop. I was like 6-7 years old xD, i didn't know how to read or write so i didn't even know how to change the stage so i played the same stage for months until i discovered Youtube.
That is the original version of the forum, which closed in 2019. I was on there myself for a few years.
There is a new version of the forum, but I don't go on there much. This GT Planet forum is much more active these days.
But prior to it's closing down, the original F1 Classic forum was the place to be for 'underground' AC mods.
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It's ok, you can post whenever you want, i am not in a rush 😁. How old is that forum btw? Is it like 10 years old or newer? I love nostalgia myself too. I remember my little version playing Colin Mcrae Rally 05 on a Windows XP laptop. I was like 6-7 years old xD, i didn't know how to read or write so i didn't even know how to change the stage so i played the same stage for months until i discovered Youtube.
There you go

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There you go

I should also have credited @slider666 as well then. I'm fairly certain that this is the version I'm using, and it must have been Slider that did the second update that fixed the holes.
With so many updates to that mod (and even Slider mentioning the confusion in his post), it was hard to remember who did what.
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You are on the right track, out of-the-box style...

I have investigated a few things... (we wont mention the multiplayer privacy disclosure already reported to Kunos by myself with full trace and proof-of-concept) mostly tied to how CM proccess JSON to be displayed to the user, for potential abuse of "nasty things". AFIAK for now CM appears to filter JSON "bad things" in my testing. There is a strong likelihood that other functions of CM can be abused to further a violation of system integrity and provide obfuscation to that fact. It can already run \assettocorsa\extension\plugins\AcTools.CurrentlyPlaying.exe

As far as an .ini being able to do the nasty, it appears an unlikely vector.

CSP is another issue, as it is a DLL injecting itself into the acs.exe process. It could be "dll hijacked", for example... or a malicious version could be distributed as a leaked CSP-preview.

The strong tie-in to Python would be my choice for exploit attack vector and deployment via an "app". The next strongest vector would be to abuse the web/download section of CM, likely via the built-in browser to exploit/abuse.

To note: anyone who would be developing on these vectors will also be smart enough that none of your virus protection... would protect you or even alert you to an issue.

Thanks for the heads up on this perplexed security-subject... DLL files were the other concern but were not mentioned in my earlier post, as window-based systems thrive on these files for normal/routine integral operational processes - so having a reputable AV monitoring these would reduce that likelihood somewhat, but still would not be 100% secure... From a non-tech-savvy perspective, would you say that running AC in a VPN-mode environment (that is, window app within windows) may offer a more robust method/level of protection - as unknown/unwitting changes should not take effect when VPN-mode is closed off/terminated?? I say this only cause that has been my understanding of using VPN... Nevertheless, best not to have personal/sensitive info within your gaming stand-alone PC or networked, and of course, a readily available external backup drive - to get yourself up and running with minimal downtime...
I should also have credited @slider666 as well then. I'm fairly certain that this is the version I'm using, and it was Slider that did the second update that fixed the holes.
With so many updates to that mod (and even Slider mentioning the confusion in his post), it was hard to remember who did what.
I had this version too. It turns out we were all using the same track all along. Sorry for wasting your time :(
I had this version too. It turns out we were all using the same track all along. Sorry for wasting your time :(
Well at least we confirmed it. And thanks to @norms , I didn't have to upload a version you already have.

And I had a nice trip down memory lane too, so it's all good :)
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Thanks for the heads up on this perplexed security-subject... DLL files were the other concern but were not mentioned in my earlier post, as window-based systems thrive on these files for normal/routine integral operational processes - so having a reputable AV monitoring these would reduce that likelihood somewhat, but still would not be 100% secure... From a non-tech-savvy perspective, would you say that running AC in a VPN-mode environment (that is, window app within windows) may offer a more robust method/level of protection - as unknown/unwitting changes should not take effect when VPN-mode is closed off/terminated?? I say this only cause that has been my understanding of using VPN... Nevertheless, best not to have personal/sensitive info within your gaming stand-alone PC or networked, and of course, a readily available external backup drive - to get yourself up and running with minimal downtime...
VPN, only concerns networking... which will not protect you from reverse-connection trojans (which has been standard fare for 15+ years). Connection monitoring (firewall rules) could help. You may be thinking about sandboxing, but that would require running AC in Virtualbox/VmWare which would seriously kill performance and limit graphic capability.

Personally I do not run any AV nor the Windows Firewall... nor any "protection" other than a standard NAT cable modem/router on all 5 of my internet connected boxes.

I can however create a JSON and .ini file for AC that will produce a virus "alert", without anything malicious actually being present (false positive)

Ah, its a paid mod....Then sorry i dont wanna buy it. Sorry then i cant help you., But maybe try another csp version? DO you have the newest preview 1 with rain?
Aren't you mixing things up ? I'm not the one with missing wheels, I can even switch between different types. So I see no point in switching CSP versions.
And what has the newest preview 1 with rain to do with all this ? 🤔
There you go

Late reply, just got on my rig. That's the exact same version that I have been using since it came available. I can't say I find this track too bumpy.
Does the driver's side wing mirror not work for other VR users?
All the mirrors are messed up on this mod. I think there's L1, L2, C, R1, R2--too many mirrors. The driver's side is the worst, and all of them seem to be like two mirrors, one on top of the other. If you switch one to M, it affects the image, either darkening it, or overlaying stripes. That's the most noticeable thing that needs to be fixed, before getting to anything else.
All the mirrors are messed up on this mod. I think there's L1, L2, C, R1, R2--too many mirrors. The driver's side is the worst, and all of them seem to be like two mirrors, one on top of the other. If you switch one to M, it affects the image, either darkening it, or overlaying stripes. That's the most noticeable thing that needs to be fixed, before getting to anything else.
I'm trying to work out why McLaren put a rear-view mirror in the cockpit when there's a solid bulkhead behind the driver. Maybe it's a screen for a rear-view camera... or for the driver's supermodel girlfriend to redo her lipstick after it got smudged while she was silently showing her appreciation at 180mph.
Can anyone identify this track? I'm probably going to slap myself in the forehead if someone can.

It looks a little like Blyton Park. But I don't remember there being windmills there.
It definitely looks like it is more of a driving centre than a race circuit.
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It looks a little like Blyton Park. But I don't remember there being windmills there.
It definitely looks like it is more of a driving centre than a race circuit.
It might be Toronto Motorsports Park. Still not 100% sure.

Having wind turbines and growing crops around the track is a great idea. It helps to offset the costs of maintaining the track.

There is a mod at RaceDepartment. It looks like a basic RTB track that needs a lot of work. It also has the same folder name as the Toronto Indy 2021 track mod.

Can anyone identify this track? I'm probably going to slap myself in the forehead if someone can.

I can't identify the track, but I certainly appreciate the car. 😍 And for anyone who missed it, grab this recently updated version and discover why.

Another big thanks from me to the GTP RT Team for this latest version. I may request to be buried with it after I fall off my perch... or my drivng seat. Whichever comes first!

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I noticed the link for the updated Citroen DS was broken, was anyone able to download it from somewhere else? If so could you repost the link?
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