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Would it be possible for someone to port this Red Bull X2014 Junior from GT Sport with my livery?
ACU COTA 2021 Update

Link :

  • delete older version for best result,
  • PYYER extension not included ( 1.5 version works fine but they are little incompatibity with this update, PYYER will work for 100 % adapted extension to this update )
  • NEW grass texture with a best grass FX extension,
  • Simili TECPRO textures to old tyres walls,
  • NEW big Texas star texture on the ground
  • NEW tribunes on last corners,

and others minors stuffs :)
Everything seems fine for Extension update 2.0
It will be a "star spangled" extension update as you can see in these preview pictures 😜

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Would it be possible for someone to port this Red Bull X2014 Junior from GT Sport with my livery?
The model is possible to convert to AC, since it got dumped alongside ALL the others from GT SPORT months ago (except for the GR86 update), while as for the livery, that is more likely next to impossible, as it's in no way possible to export and convert liveries from GT SPORT in DDS format so far, not to mention that we still don't know how the original mapping looks like in all raw GT SPORT models.
SirSpats is dire anyway, no morals charges people 2.99 a month for nothing yet people actually pay for a golden badge.
Like much of the current climate of social media he has a very voal crew who are caught in the cult of personality.

As an aside, humanity has been conditioned to follow religion over centries, as the pull of religion gets less and less in mnay people that conditioning in our psychology is still there, so people drop religion but fill it with other things and this is where the 'cult' like responces come in.

We all just want to praise in something as we just have been conditioned, so we lose any critical thinking.
You see it everywhere from politics right down to gaming and who is your chosen youtuber or modder or whatever...
You must be a jol at parties.
As always, many problems in the "homemade" conversion...I couldn't get the other windshield. I used a Lancia D50 as a base (almost the same wheelbase as the original Mercedes w196s car). Due to having used the Merecdes car from a Rfactor mod, unfortunately there is no way to provide it, besides there are many errors, but even so, as always, it runs perfectly on the track.

Just gotta change the shader, mate. Straight to the bin it went but it got working instruments, mirrors and glass.
Everything seems fine for Extension update 2.0
It will be a "star spangled" extension update as you can see in these preview pictures 😜

Thanks, great work as always! I have a question: How do I get the old brake markers back near the first corner? I understand that in reality they are the same as yours, but their old location was more convenient for me - they could be seen well from afar. I would be very grateful to you!
View attachment 1088869
Out of boredom I have started converting this one. Exterior is mostly done but I predict to struggle with cocpit instruments.

I don't know the original modeller to ask any permissions. Maybe someone here knows the guy and I would ask him if I can share it.
I know it was scrach made and way too good to be left behind.

All in all, with permissinon granted, maybe someone would like to take over once I get stuck with it.
I can do physics, exterior and also prepare sort of animated rear wing via extension.cfg.

Names of the people who worked on the project are here. Good luck m8
It may come from the once legendary Prototypes SCC mod for GTR2 of two decades ago it seems, I hope that russian scammer called Tony Barracuda/GTSupreme won't get his filthy hands on them all to then monetize them on his Patreon page like he did with many other GTR2/rFactor mods in the past sadly.

And since all of those models (like with ANY GTR2 model in general really) haven't really aged well at all when converted to AC, I wonder if it's ever possible to either retopologize and smooth each parts of a model in order to remaster them all for modern standards, tho I guess that remodeling them using the originals as a guide alongside pictures (if many exist), is way more plausable and probable instead.
This one's pretty interesting imo. Had no initial expectation for it whatsoever yet it's quite polished and belongs more into the "better" category. It even has LODs :eek: The only downside personally is the lack of liveries for it (one proper and another one with improper alpha/ao).
Hi there and sorry for the late you know by any chance how to fix the first skin? it has few issues like the spoiler disappearing in most of the lods.
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Brabham BT62R V1.1

After a long work of testing I'm happy to finaly released the new version of the car with a lot of improvements

Thanks to all testers @doc @Kallig @Nappie @lafierusa and @Kran and all others

Changelog :
-New physics
-New shaders
-New extention config
-Add better compatibility with cm paintshop
-Reduice the kn5 size
-Add lods
-Packed data
-Add new skins (thanks to @Opperslang for the blue and the green skins)
-New driver annimation
-New wipper annimation
-New collider

If you want to share this mod, please share the original link

If you have any comments or advice or if you find any bugs do not hesitate to send me a message, constructive comments are welcome

CSP 1.73 or higher required

Enjoy 🔥

Download :
Via Discord
Direct link

download link?
The model is possible to convert to AC, since it got dumped alongside ALL the others from GT SPORT months ago (except for the GR86 update), while as for the livery, that is more likely next to impossible, as it's in no way possible to export and convert liveries from GT SPORT in DDS format so far, not to mention that we still don't know how the original mapping looks like in all raw GT SPORT models.
Is there a x2014 3d model around?
Yeah I already said that ALL GT SPORT models (except for GR86 so far) have been dumped and posted around online, first time I ever saw them was on Facebook I believe.

As I can't seem to be able to copy a folder link, here are the GTS cars files on Sharemods, so I hope everybody is able to download them without any hassle:

tracks are on their way as well...
here are the track links:
I hope it's in there, can't remember all the cars...
AI for Slovakia Ring:

An RD member requested a look at this track. AI seemed a little slow for some reason. I tested, then reworked all four layouts, and tested some more. I like the track, it's pretty cool. Four layouts.


AI for TED Batangas Racing Circuit:

I know @Teddie was planning or updating this track, but I got antsy as I haven't heard from him in a while. I hope everything is okay.

Side Line fix for aa_Atlanta:

A fellow member asked me to look at this oval. I determined there were some side line issues. I'm not much of an oval guy, but in my testing, it seems fine now. However he said he was still having start problems, and having a car slow down intermittently in the middle of the race, (with the RSS Indy and a 2020 Camaro Xfinity mod). I've not had any of those issues since the fix, so if anyone has this track, could you please test it for me and let me know?
Original post updated for Slovakia Ring.

-rain fx added
-aerial objects (thanks again @Masscot for balloons)
-spectator removal via CM
-grass fx tweak attempt to clean up rumble strips (not completely suceessful)
-background images


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Something wrong with that? Not everybody wants to have a "hardcore realism" experience.
Not so much wrong, rather i find it a bit odd to switch from PS4 with Gran Turismo, to PC to play AC with GT addons and in chase cam.
If i was into that style of play i'd stick with PS4 and the proper Gran Turismo's.

AC is no match for GT's simcade chase cam type pick up and play....
A lot of gear to get to use chase cam on an 8 year old game trying to look like GT but failing.
That was all.
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View attachment 1088869
Out of boredom I have started converting this one. Exterior is mostly done but I predict to struggle with cocpit instruments.

I don't know the original modeller to ask any permissions. Maybe someone here knows the guy and I would ask him if I can share it.
I know it was scrach made and way too good to be left behind.

All in all, with permissinon granted, maybe someone would like to take over once I get stuck with it.
I can do physics, exterior and also prepare sort of animated rear wing via extension.cfg.
Hi ! Can you share a pic of the interior ? When this car was ready i would like made Full AO and CSP light ! ;)
Not so much wrong, rather i find it a bit odd to switch from PS4 with Gran Turismo, to PC to play AC with GT addons and in chase cam.
If i was into that style of play i'd stick with PS4 and the proper Gran Turismo's.

AC is no match for GT's simcade chase cam type pick up and play....
A lot of gear to get to use chase cam on an 8 year old game trying to look like GT but failing.
That was all.
Honestly tho its not even that much of a jump. I play on controller a lot of the time and I actually prefer the handling of AC and it can be pretty pick up and play if you're just there for the cruising / offline racing. Also mods. Mods are very nice
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San Jose 2006 v0.9
View attachment 1065204
Increased the number of PIT / START to 30
Adjusted Shader
Adjusted ext_config.ini and surfaces.ini
Created semaphore.ini, overlays.ini
Created AI,cam,VAO
Adjusted the UI
Smoothed the mesh on the road surface (Quick and not very good)
I reworked the trees
Changed preview
Adjusted the position of skibox

AI is not perfect yet

According to, the original author is unknown.
AC converted by RMi
Updated by shin956
has anymore work been done to the ai here as everything else looked really good?
ACU COTA 2021 Update

Link :

  • delete older version for best result,
  • PYYER extension not included ( 1.5 version works fine but they are little incompatibity with this update, PYYER will work for 100 % adapted extension to this update )
  • NEW grass texture with a best grass FX extension,
  • Simili TECPRO textures to old tyres walls,
  • NEW big Texas star texture on the ground
  • NEW tribunes on last corners,

and others minors stuffs :)
spectacular release as always. this along with pyyer extension is a great addition to AC. the only thing i see that could be improved would be the buildings on the main straight. there appears to be no shadows on them and they look very unnatural. great work to both you and pyyer
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