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ACTK Falkenhill Speedpark v1.0



Thanks - do you have any future plans to animate the wind turbines?
Also, some of the skidmark placement seems a little odd, especially the one texture that gets repeated several times in a sequence.

Thanks - do you have any future plans to animate the wind turbines?
Also, some of the skidmark placement seems a little odd, especially the one texture that gets repeated several times in a sequence.

View attachment 1088950
I separated the 3d part of the blades so we can animate them but I haven't done it yet, if anyone knows how to do it, I'd love to have some help, I'm going to look for the groove, I also have some cut areas to add


Just to be clear this not another version it’s a renamed one for use with my F1 custom championship if you are not using the championship then stick with the acu_cota 2021 version with the additional add-ons from Pyyer and Daniel Paez​

FINAL Update ? with all the extras plus some Easter eggs baked in
My thanks to @Pyyer and Daniel Paez for their kind permission to use these in my renamed version. Also to Reboot Team/ @marc_13000 / @Masscot and everyone who contributed to making this, IMHO, the most immersive F1 COTA version ( The Base track/Skins/Extensions) out there for Assetto Corsa - (Of course some of you may disagree but I'm happy with it)

SFX, Crowds, Live displays etc
My renamed version of Track and other 2021 F1 to work with the Custom Championship here:

Base track: acu_cota 2021
Modifications of Circuit by leBluem, Mitch9, KevinK2,Reboot team, Marc_13000. Original Base Track - acu_cota_2021: and EuroRacers, 2021

Extensions by Pyyer

Skins by Daniel Paez

Crowd SFX, Flashing marshal flags and Easter Eggs by Cozy61

Live Displays by Pyyer with Alternative version by Cozy61

CrowdSFX works best in F3 camera replay mode

To turn off any of the crowd SFX and/or Live displays open the ext_config.ini file (in extension folder of track) using notepad or similar and change the ACTIVE = 1 to ACTIVE = 0
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Honestly the its not even that much of a jump. I play on controller a lot of the time and I actually prefer the handling of AC and it can pretty pick up and play if you're just there for the cruising / offline racing. Also mods. Mods are very nice
Any developer looking at AC's popularity in 2021 would do well to aviod any hardcore sim level content and concentrate on making some sort of childs playground.
These are the reasons PCars3 got rid of the pits.
I can't believe people want to replicate NFS GT and Forza horizon.
Each to their own, but it is, in the context of simming, rather soul destroying to witness.
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Any developer looking at AC's popularity in 2021 would do well to aviod any hardcore sim level content and concentrate on making some sort of childs playground.
These are the reasons PCars3 got rid of the pits.
I can't believe people want to replicate NFS GT and Forza horizon.
Each to their own, but it is, in the context of simming, rather soul destroying to witness.
a bit overdramatic don't ya think?
Thanks - do you have any future plans to animate the wind turbines?
Also, some of the skidmark placement seems a little odd, especially the one texture that gets repeated several times in a sequence.

View attachment 1088950

Thanks for making the conversion. This is a fun, fast layout, with some pretty good track-side features.

With some additional work and help from forum members, it could be improved more.

In addition to the wind turbines being animated, there's also a Ferris wheel, radar dish, and a few other things.

Most of the billboards, barrier, and grandstand graphics could definitely be improved and updated.

There's a few shader issues, as there's issues with trees and the surrounding terrain wall.

I know you're making a few updates, so others could contribute their work to you.
So what would your opinion be on those people that use a controller for driving in AC - genuine question and i'm honestly interested in your view on this
I'm curious too because since there are folks who could competently drive in a sim-not a simcade like forza but a straight up sim a la ac, rf2, ams etc. wouldn't that say a lot more about the sim than the player? I'm not saying that I am some super duper elite pro racer with an iracing team partnership but when I hear that playing a sim on a pad is damn near impossible I feel that some folks need to get off their high horse and learn to configure some settings.
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Brabham BT62R V1.1

After a long work of testing I'm happy to finaly released the new version of the car with a lot of improvements

Thanks to all testers @doc @Kallig @Nappie @lafierusa and @Kran and all others

Changelog :
-New physics
-New shaders
-New extention config
-Add better compatibility with cm paintshop
-Reduice the kn5 size
-Add lods
-Packed data
-Add new skins (thanks to @Opperslang for the blue and the green skins)
-New driver annimation
-New wipper annimation
-New collider

If you want to share this mod, please share the original link

If you have any comments or advice or if you find any bugs do not hesitate to send me a message, constructive comments are welcome

CSP 1.73 or higher required

Enjoy 🔥

Download :
Via Discord
Direct link
Font download

Thanks for this been driving the tits off it all evening at COTA with pyyers and marc_1300s fantastic work, very enjoyable..
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Having seen a Hotlap on Bedford Autodrome on the Evo channel yesterday, I gave the track another try in AC.

We only have this version of the track in AC, and it doesnt look that good anymore.

Also it only has one layout. Is somebody interested in making a better version? Thank you very much!
Original post updated for Slovakia Ring.

-rain fx added
-aerial objects (thanks again @Masscot for balloons)
-spectator removal via CM
-grass fx tweak attempt to clean up rumble strips (not completely suceessful)
-background images

View attachment 1088910

Hey @KevinK2, thank you for this, cool updates to a good track. Just adding the bolded section to the ext_config.ini should tidy up the GrassFX :D

Hi ! Can you share a pic of the interior ? When this car was ready i would like made Full AO and CSP light ! ;)
Zrzut ekranu (442).png

Zrzut ekranu (444).png
Zrzut ekranu (445).png

Zrzut ekranu (446).png

Could I post these like this? Or its to big? Model works and all but havent even tried setup the interior instruments.
Also had no contact with the author yet.

edit: If I would fail contacting the author, what is the punishment for sharing it here nonetheless?
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Hello guys, in 2 weeks the F1 will land in Mexico!
In my opinion, the currently available version of the circuit Hermanos Rodriguez by Acu needs of a big update. Mainly there is to update the stands on the main straight and beyond which haven't coverage and the stands with the podium in the stadium.
I'm sure someone is already thinking about it and is already working on a nice update.
Thanks to all the modders of the community who work hard to make this game more realistic and updated! Ciao.
I'm curious too because since there are folks who could competently drive in a sim-not a simcade like forza but a straight up sim a la ac, rf2, ams etc. wouldn't that say a lot more about the sim than the player? I'm not saying that I am some super duper elite pro racer with an iracing team partnership but when I hear that playing a sim on a pad is damn near impossible I feel that some folks need to get off their high horse and learn to configure some settings.
I started on Assetto with a Gamepad, if you are able to configure your pad correctly, with cars like GT3, open wheelers, etc (cars that don't have more than 360-400º of steering) you can play the game decently. I remember getting in servers like SRS and qualify top 5-6 with the gamepad. But with road cars is nearly impossible
any chance these can be reuploaded?

edit: can someone also share a link to Ruisi, cant find a working link on here or the net.

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Quick question, I have been trying out a fun offline championship using the Estonia-3 and the GPK tracks of Rmi that is so much fun but the AI absolutely sucks. Is this due to the AI line or the AI.ini of the Estonia or something completely different?

Exhaustive searching didn't help too much, but then again I ain't the brightest at times.
Not so much wrong, rather i find it a bit odd to switch from PS4 with Gran Turismo, to PC to play AC with GT addons and in chase cam.
If i was into that style of play i'd stick with PS4 and the proper Gran Turismo's.

AC is no match for GT's simcade chase cam type pick up and play....
A lot of gear to get to use chase cam on an 8 year old game trying to look like GT but failing.
That was all.
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My modified version of Interlagos. (original from patrickpat/acu)
  • Added missed fences on backstraight
  • added surround buildings
  • SRO sponsors and some 2020 textures
  • no temp stands and F1 objets to make the track looks more like a "real" weekend race at Interlagos
  • include modified "lebluem" nightlights
  • added new skidmarks
  • added rainfx
  • added grassfx


Yo, make a link using the We Transfer. Cus its unvaliable on the mediafire
View attachment 1089771
View attachment 1089778View attachment 1089779
View attachment 1089780
Could I post these like this? Or its to big? Model works and all but havent even tried setup the interior instruments.
Also had no contact with the author yet.

edit: If I would fail contacting the author, what is the punishment for sharing it here nonetheless?
Perfect for the pic thanks ! Uhh onestly the only punishment you can have is a delete mod, but nothing if you don't sell the mod !
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