Another TCR post, yeah I'm sorry. Bear with me, I'm a newb.

But I had my Indiana Jones hat on and made some digging for the Rollovers TCR stuff around. Pure masochism, maybe.
So, there's a 2018 v2 2.0 pack. It features a Focus and a Subaru.
Then I find another one which basically looks like T78's 2018 package, I can spot it from kilometers because it features the ugly version of the i30n. I'm very fond of my 2020 Fastback N so it's an open wound for me.
Then guess what, I find a third package, most cars look properly "next gen" (sorry, I did not install it, just judging from the preview files), most of 'em without proper racing skins (ergo full white) a part from a Megane rs.
I'm getting kinda there some kind soul with some anecdotal evidence willing to relive the trauma again and confirm my findings?
p.s.: I have the legit T78 2019, the free TCR virtual and the Maki/Delpinsky pack. I just wanted to demistify the Rollovers stuff once and for all so that I can safely lay few meters of concrete on them and carry on.