Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
its progress a bit ,n the outside is finished , the inside has 80% , physics 0% ...



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Some clarifications concerning my tracks list

Several people contacted me for clarification on my listing.
To date, there are 3 tabs: Real - Fictive - Roads & Streets.
These tabs are at the bottom of the file.
Other tabs are in WIP (Karts ...)

About the colors on the lines
1. The lines in green : circuits known to me but for which I have no other information.
2. The lines in red: paid circuits known to me but for which I have no other information.

About the columns
Column B: R for Real - F for Fictitious
Column C: H for Historic - O for Oval - E for EPrix - T for Test - S for Streets - R for Roads
Column D: Number of Layouts

I post a reminder about every 2 weeks but the update is permanent, which means that by logging into it, every time there is a change, it is live.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, additions, modifications, links which no longer work ... (Normally, I own all the circuits on the list with a few exceptions).

Nice week-end to all
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no idea... but the trees glow a faint deep red for me for no reason with/without config and are not set emissive.
Track is better with the config... really not a serious attempt but was reviewing some tracks (keep or bin) and figured it needed some

as a test, try disabling this entry:
DESCRIPTION = tree fix
MATERIALS = trees?, Leaves, ?trees
Thanks, that's a fix for me 👍
That's very nice update for really cool track! May I ask you for making VAO patch also? :)
Here (lose the .txt part)


  • jy_stc.vao-patch.txt
    517.7 KB · Views: 22
Another TCR post, yeah I'm sorry. Bear with me, I'm a newb. :bowdown:
But I had my Indiana Jones hat on and made some digging for the Rollovers TCR stuff around. Pure masochism, maybe.

So, there's a 2018 v2 2.0 pack. It features a Focus and a Subaru.

Then I find another one which basically looks like T78's 2018 package, I can spot it from kilometers because it features the ugly version of the i30n. I'm very fond of my 2020 Fastback N so it's an open wound for me. :lol:

Then guess what, I find a third package, most cars look properly "next gen" (sorry, I did not install it, just judging from the preview files), most of 'em without proper racing skins (ergo full white) a part from a Megane rs.

I'm getting kinda there some kind soul with some anecdotal evidence willing to relive the trauma again and confirm my findings?

p.s.: I have the legit T78 2019, the free TCR virtual and the Maki/Delpinsky pack. I just wanted to demistify the Rollovers stuff once and for all so that I can safely lay few meters of concrete on them and carry on.
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Another TCR post, yeah I'm sorry. Bear with me, I'm a newb. :bowdown:
But I had my Indiana Jones hat on and made some digging for the Rollovers TCR stuff around. Pure masochism, maybe.

So, there's a 2018 v2 2.0 pack. It features a Focus and a Subaru.

Then I find another one which basically looks like T78's 2018 package, I can spot it from kilometers because it features the ugly version of the i30n. I'm very fond of my 2020 Fastback N so it's an open wound for me. :lol:

Then guess what, I find a third package, most cars look properly "next gen" (sorry, I did not install it, just judging from the preview files), most of 'em without proper racing skins (ergo full white) a part from a Megane rs.

I'm getting kinda there some kind soul with some anecdotal evidence willing to relive the trauma again and confirm my findings?

p.s.: I have the legit T78 2019, the free TCR virtual and the Maki/Delpinsky pack. I just wanted to demistify the Rollovers stuff once and for all so that I can safely lay few meters of concrete on them and carry on.
I used the Rollovers pack for a few years. The Maki / Delpinsky pack that I replaced it with is much better, both in terms of physics and the appearance of the cars.
Very early start track is in game textures are just basic atm....the moto gp version has less of those saw like green kerbs compared to f1.

So I could add them in just by studying onboard videos.

Now about the f1 pitlane. There is geometry there to add it but need to figure out distance where it starts correctly. I have been trying to hunt down any overhead view to use as reference.

crappy onboard lap I don't know the layout yet.

link to lap

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Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2017 by Kunos

the official Kunos car crashes once in the pits in all tracks, back to the desk, do you have this problem ?
I am using SOL 2.2 RC1 and CSP 0.1.75 (public)
no mods inside just skins :confused:

View attachment 1094029:confused:

I have the same problem with CSP 1.75 public. Remove the following section in "ks_porsche_911_rsr_2017.ini" and the car is working again.

; splitting banner in such a way that triangles looking inside interior end up as a different mesh
SPLIT_MATERIAL_POSTFIX = __csp_banner_fix
LOOK_AT = 0, 0.87, -0.6
@__EASY__ Now I've found a solution to prevent the flickering of two billboards from the distance.
Add the following section to the ext_config.ini of the track:

;;;prevent flickering of two billboards from the distance

DESCRIPTION= remove double side to prevent flickering from the distance
MESHES = karlkoga_banners_01.ddsbanners_02-4,karlkoga_banners_04.ddsbanners_05-1
@__EASY__ feel free to add the correction to the next update of the track. I found another bug, you should check. The pitlane is not collision free and so the AI cars crash, when they try to leave the pits. And maybe you can rearrange the positions of the cars in the pitlane, so that they don't have to drive through other cars to leave the pits.

And here is another correction for your Jarama version "actk_jarama". Add the following section to the ext_config.ini of the track to remove the wrong reflection of the building windows on the left side of the start/finish line, that is breaking the immersion in VR.

;;;;;;;;;;;;; SHADER REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

MESHES = grndstnd_04.001
SHADER = ksPerPixelReflection
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TRACK UPDATE by CrisT86, @pugsang and @ClaudioWRC74



HOTFIX 2 (fixing No Chicane Layout, you need it in any case):

Circuit do Estoril 2021

v1.06 - Reworked and improved by CrisT86, ClaudioWRC74 and Pugsang for GTP Forum

  • New EXT_CONFIG (RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, Seasons)
  • New TV Cameras
  • New physical mesh
  • New track skins: Light skin by CrisT86 or Full skin by CrisT86 + some file from DASGLOW from RD (choose the one you prefer)

Big thanks to @Dudept for the photography provided for the update.

Estoril 2021 v1.07 AVAILABLE NOW
(Original post updated)


  • New EXT_CONFIG sections with RainFX stream edges (@KevinK2), Soft collision deformable tyre walls, Animated aerial objects
  • Aerial objects (Balloons, Blimps, Helicopters, Airliners) @Masscot
  • Moved all structures and objects out of main track .kn5 for faster loading times
  • Activated the deformable walls physics. CSP preview build is required for advanced track physics features
  • Removed sand on road from no chicane layout
  • New semaphore textures
  • New AI sidelines @KevinK2
  • All hotfixes included
  • New banner texture added to the track skins
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Short questionnaire without connection: is there actually a F1 double seater as a mod?
Had the most likely to expect from Legion ...

To remove the aerial traffic, is it enough to delete the respective KN5 files?

Thank you

@Paulo Ribeiro no, you need also to comment the relative part inside the ext_config

for the balloon from line 1005 to 1167
Oh... what's the repercussion when you just delete/rename the kn5's ?
I mean, I've been doing this for a balloon here and there on some tracks and it works for me.
@Paulo Ribeiro no, you need also to comment the relative part inside the ext_config

for the balloon from line 1005 to 1167
Uh not true Cris, sorry. If kn5 is missing, it can't possibly appear. Equally, if you remove the "dynamic object", or even renumber them incorrecty from the models.ini, it also can't appear. Most of the config stuff is for flames, lights, or animation paths for certain planes, helis, and blimps.
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Uh not true Cris, sorry. If kn5 is missing, it can't possibly appear. Equally, if you remove the "dynamic object", or even renumber them incorrecty from the models.ini, it also can't appear. Most of the config stuff is for flames, lights, or animation paths for certain planes, helis, and blimps.
In the past i had few problems with this solution (maybe a bug of older CSP versions?) which, with missing KN5 (not vital ones of course) the track crashes completely, that's why i said what i said. Then, since then, i never tried anymore (not needed for me) so i don't know if it was solved or not.
To be honest i don't need it, he asked, i replied (a solution which in the past worked for me), then he's free to try out or not the solution i suggest (the link with the full track is still available and in the future as backup if something went broken)

In any case, if "my problem" of the past was not caused by the removal of that objects itself, everyone is free to try to remove what's not liked and see if still works fine ;)
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