Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Can't we all just fishslapdance?

Yes, I know... the quoted message was posted long time ago (new here and currently reading this thread since the first posts of this year) but I couldn't resist replying: any joke post that involves the Python's, and especially if it's my favorite gag of all times, The Fish Slapping Dance, deserves all my respects.

My hat off to you, @ninezeroniner.
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Is that the updated-updated one from yesterday?
View attachment 918019
Mazda RX7 Touring Car
1.0 version
BHP: 730
NM: 630
CSP latest version is required.
3D Shell: LTK (me)
3D Work: LTK (me)
Sounds: kunos
4K Templates body and wheels
Physics: LTK (me)
Skins: LTK (me)
Thanks For Checking It Out & Enjoy...
Download Link:
3 more skins
fixed interior mapping
tuned from 9000rpm to 8250rpm

plus, fix for skins attached.

Discord link invite (valid 1 day)
Does anybody have a working link for this again please?
Awesome! Only wish someone (I believe @Pyyer was working on Terra's version) tried to do the same work of banners, lights, textures, etc... on this version of Montreal:éal-québec-canada.4439/

It's a bit barebone and the maker has not even logged in onto AC for over a year, but I wish someone made the modifications to this circuit to have a proper, scratch made circuit
Unfortunately the Linolafett version is way too unfinished in order to be re-worked with CSP things. So unless he will update it (i don't think he will) there's no other solution than doing the updates on other versions.
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Judging by the 3,478 Porsche 911 GT3's we have available, I would suspect not many. It seems modders work on what they want, without worrying if it's already available or not.

I used to worry about that myself, but having watched mod, after mod, after mod of the same car, usually in the same paint scheme, being done over and over again I've given up worrying about it. And then there's that old saying about "a bird in the hand..." I'm just grateful that people use their skills to bring me what I like, and usually they even try to make it as pretty as they can, despite the rough edges. The fact that we only have gen-before-last models available for conversion probably indicates just how popular they actually are... otherwise we'd have 3,478 of them...
I guess that just points out the difference in modding communities, then? I try not to worry much about it either, but with AC being more or less the only sim in town unless you count the dwindling GTR2/GT Legends scene that gave us the originals of these mods in the first place, seeing such a reduced interest in classic sports and race cars of the '60s-'90s does feel hard for me to just get over. It's not that I don't like the modern stuff -- far from it; I can hotlap all day every day in the latest GT4s -- it's that the modern stuff is readily available in pretty much every sim there is, while we'd be lucky to get 25% of the cars featured in the Brickyard Legends Mod Group 5 Era project or Virtua_LM's Group C collection. (And when we do get those cars, most of the time it's just superficially-improved versions of the old ones.) I don't think you're wrong at all in observing that people will mod what they like (or what they can get reliable crowdfunding money for), I guess I was just spoiled by the potential I saw with those older titles when I first started really exploring PC sim racing in the mid-2010s.
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I guess that just points out the difference in modding communities, then? I try not to worry much about it either, but with AC being more or less the only sim in town unless you count the dwindling GTR2/GT Legends scene that gave us the originals of these mods in the first place, seeing such a reduced interest in classic sports and race cars of the '60s-'90s does feel hard for me to just get over. It's not that I don't like the modern stuff -- far from it; I can hotlap all day every day in the latest GT4s -- it's that the modern stuff is readily available in pretty much every sim there is, while we'd be lucky to get 25% of the cars featured in the Brickyard Legends Mod Group 5 Era project or Virtua_LM's Group C collection. (And when we do get those cars, most of the time it's just superficially-improved versions of the old ones.) I don't think you're wrong at all in observing that people will mod what they like (or what they can get reliable crowdfunding money for), I guess I was just spoiled by the potential I saw with those older titles when I first started really exploring PC sim racing in the mid-2010s.
i think the real problem is that "we" that use AC as an Actual Sim are becoming a rarety.
Ive seen so many youtubers and facebook groups who use mouse steering doing reviews of cars.. even cars from the likes of EX Mods..
because they have the latest Porsche 911 GT from 2022 you know ;)
Worst part of that is they are even saying that the physics are good.. used to see one using mouse steering on the VRC F1 22 car saying the physics are bad.. AC has become more of a foto simulator or UltImatE GrAPhicS NExt GeN type of game for all these People..
Android Radio is more important than actual Drivability..
I guess that just points out the difference in modding communities, then? I try not to worry much about it either, but with AC being more or less the only sim in town unless you count the dwindling GTR2/GT Legends scene that gave us the originals of these mods in the first place, seeing such a reduced interest in classic sports and race cars of the '60s-'90s does feel hard for me to just get over. It's not that I don't like the modern stuff -- far from it; I can hotlap all day every day in the latest GT4s -- it's that the modern stuff is readily available in pretty much every sim there is, while we'd be lucky to get 25% of the cars featured in the Brickyard Legends Mod Group 5 Era project or Virtua_LM's Group C collection. (And when we do get those cars, most of the time it's just superficially-improved versions of the old ones.) I don't think you're wrong at all in observing that people will mod what they like (or what they can get reliable crowdfunding money for), I guess I was just spoiled by the potential I saw with those older titles when I first started really exploring PC sim racing in the mid-2010s.
I take the more optimistic approach,

I'm the same in that I'm solely interested in historic cars and racing too. I feel that Assetto is far from dead in this content and over past few years a lot of cars/tracks I assumed may not come to Assetto have come in great scratch made quality. Talented modders are still involved with the scene and new ones are coming to the surface with interesting projects. Some of these are vastly superior to anything that could have been produced previously, to name a small few of these great modders. Targa Florio 73 track by Abulzz, Fat Alfie and the consistent quality of Pessio's mods who all still seems pretty active this year.

There are still decades of Assetto modding to come, interest in Historic content will rise and I feel the community may be even better in the long run. 3D development software in the future should become even easier to use for those like myself who have less talent or time in order to work on the subjects they enjoy.
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I take the more optimistic approach,

I'm the same in that I'm solely interested in historic cars and racing too. I feel that Assetto is far from dead in this content and over past few years a lot of cars/tracks I assumed may not come to Assetto have come in great scratch made quality. Talented modders are still involved with the scene and new ones are coming to the surface with interesting projects. Some of these are vastly superior to anything that could have been produced previously, to name a small few of these great modders. Targa Florio 73 track by Abulzz, Fat Alfie and the consistent quality of Pessio's mods who all still seems pretty active this year.

There are still decades of Assetto modding to come, interest in Historic content will rise and I feel the community may be even better in the long run. 3D development software in the future should become even easier to use for those like myself who have less talent or time in order to work on the subjects they enjoy.
I'd suspect demographics play a part as well. Those of us who can remember watching 917's blasting down a non-chicaned Mulsanne are really going to get our mojo flowing when we get to do that in the sim. Likewise any year you'd care to mention... Of course there's going to be exceptions to that - with all ages appreciating great cars, but it's also only natural that younger users are going to be attracted to the latest, and greatest. I know I was when those 917's were rolled out... :)
I'd suspect demographics play a part as well. Those of us who can remember watching 917's blasting down a non-chicaned Mulsanne are really going to get our mojo flowing when we get to do that in the sim. Likewise any year you'd care to mention... Of course there's going to be exceptions to that - with all ages appreciating great cars, but it's also only natural that younger users are going to be attracted to the latest, and greatest. I know I was when those 917's were rolled out... :)
Fair point, it sounds like I'm younger than you but I bet I'm still older than at least half the AC userbase. (For context, the first racing game I really remember as a kid was the original arcade Pole Position, and my late teens/early twenties were all about the Sega sit-down cabinets and the first Gran Turismo.) But I also have a real fascination with the stuff from before I was born, too, including the original heyday of the 917s, the GT40/Ferrari wars, the Cobra vs. Stingray rivalries, way back to the Le Mans battles of the '50s. I guess there's a certain level of geekery involved here, and considering how much deeper a lot of other gamer/modder communities go, I do hold out hope that AC (like Paintbox posted) is going to be able to cultivate that kind of dedication. Especially if the sequel is able to build off what's already been made so far.
Patreon is becoming an epidemic in this community, has a cure been found yet?
I just yesterday purchased about 8 mods from 1st studio racing, they had some ace Brazilian VW's and i got them all plus some other stuff, all like £2.50 or £1.80, and it was really refreshing to do it that way, none of this patroen stuff, just clear simple, this is what you get.
I don't know really how patroen makes sense?
You can sign up for say £3, get all you want, then cancel it.
It works because i suppose some people just stay signed up.

I'd rather it was all just "this car is this price" though like RSS and VRC do.
I will add though that you can't blame the people doing patroen, as it clearly works for them.
Fair point, it sounds like I'm younger than you but I bet I'm still older than at least half the AC userbase. (For context, the first racing game I really remember as a kid was the original arcade Pole Position, and my late teens/early twenties were all about the Sega sit-down cabinets and the first Gran Turismo.) But I also have a real fascination with the stuff from before I was born, too, including the original heyday of the 917s, the GT40/Ferrari wars, the Cobra vs. Stingray rivalries, way back to the Le Mans battles of the '50s. I guess there's a certain level of geekery involved here, and considering how much deeper a lot of other gamer/modder communities go, I do hold out hope that AC (like Paintbox posted) is going to be able to cultivate that kind of dedication. Especially if the sequel is able to build off what's already been made so far.
i'm the same: my first type of racing games even being 22 years old. I was for PS2 and PS1s: BTCC 1997, F1 1995, Toca Race Driver 1 (BTCC DTM and V8SC 2001 on PS2 but DTM and V8SC 2002 for PC). then got to AC and realised how much the modding scene has grown from games like Rfactor, Sportscar GT. I was also one for the cabinet/arcade racers. I was always key to have fun and do these type of races again to relive some memories and do races that I never got to see but got to see in game like F1 1995, Le mans 2000 etc. Hell even as older as my own parents for crying out loud it just shows that with the right dedication some things you never got to see can come true. Like how I've been working on some le mans 2000 cars for AC.
Patreon is becoming an epidemic in this community, has a cure been found yet?
It depends by the content provided by the Patreons. Modding is a time consuming things to do (most of the time in spare time).

NO ONE forces someone do stuff. NO ONE forces anyone paying. Being supported via Patreon, sometimes for someone is vital if this someone don't gain enough money to pay bills and food or the components that are needed to work on
I'm inclined to agree at least part of the time, but it's still disappointing to see modders posting Group C or old-school touring cars I've been itching to drive, only to find out the models are nearly two decades old with PS2-level visible poly edges and three-pixel-wide drawn-on panel lines. I wonder how many prospective modders out there figure that they don't need to work on something like a Chevy DeKon Monza or a Jaguar XJR-12 because there are "already" mods for it, even though they're clearly gen-before-last quality and in desperate need of visual updates.
Some guy was working on new models for some early 90s GrC cars - like the XJR-14, TS010, etc.

Emphasis on the 'was'. We'll never see these cars completed so yeah, I'd rather have these old ass models than nothing
@Pyyer If you need any help with reference material, I've collected quite a bit since I was also thinking of doing a Canada 2022 mod, but thought better of it, especially after seeing you started on it already. So just hit me up, got a whole runthrough of the track with the current sponsors in place
Best question ever:
How do I install the new Content Manager?
My older one is on my desktop, do I just delete it and paste the new one? Or just overwrite it?

In the meanwhile...VAOs:



these are actually ok in game, I would rather have an old GTR2 convertion than no model at all. with a bit of work they can be updated a bit to get rid of the really tell tails like 2d headlamps etc.
i'm the same: my first type of racing games even being 22 years old. I was for PS2 and PS1s: BTCC 1997, F1 1995, Toca Race Driver 1 (BTCC DTM and V8SC 2001 on PS2 but DTM and V8SC 2002 for PC). then got to AC and realised how much the modding scene has grown from games like Rfactor, Sportscar GT. I was also one for the cabinet/arcade racers. I was always key to have fun and do these type of races again to relive some memories and do races that I never got to see but got to see in game like F1 1995, Le mans 2000 etc. Hell even as older as my own parents for crying out loud it just shows that with the right dedication some things you never got to see can come true. Like how I've been working on some le mans 2000 cars for AC.
It's all about fascination and passion towards the era here... I have a lot of love towards it.
I appreciate everything that's being done - across platforms even to try and emulate this era.
Is there a way to keep up with the RMS-progress, Discord, forums anything?
I take the more optimistic approach,

I'm the same in that I'm solely interested in historic cars and racing too. I feel that Assetto is far from dead in this content and over past few years a lot of cars/tracks I assumed may not come to Assetto have come in great scratch made quality. Talented modders are still involved with the scene and new ones are coming to the surface with interesting projects. Some of these are vastly superior to anything that could have been produced previously, to name a small few of these great modders. Targa Florio 73 track by Abulzz, Fat Alfie and the consistent quality of Pessio's mods who all still seems pretty active this year.

There are still decades of Assetto modding to come, interest in Historic content will rise and I feel the community may be even better in the long run. 3D development software in the future should become even easier to use for those like myself who have less talent or time in order to work on the subjects they enjoy.

I'm 100% with you here - what we've currently got in AC is beyond my wildest dreams from a decade ago of the variety and depth of vintage content. I saw a video of Fonteny a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. Personally, I don't have anything in my install from later than ~1975, but you could give me just FatAlfie's tracks and a few cars and I'd enjoy myself for a long time, but the depth of content not just from the '60s and '70s but even the '20s and further back is surely the best a sim has ever had?

Sure, not every release hits it out of the park and some look great but lack in the physics department, but in my install those cars still have their place to add to the grids and fields and increase the immersion further. I've just spent an hour (practice, qualifying and 15 lap race) with a mix of ACL GTC Cobras, E-Types, 250GTOs and Porsche 904s, real liveries from '63-'64, on Thrashy's amazing Lake Garnett. Yesterday, a selection of 50s sportscars in dusk around @Italotracks fantastic Napoli. Fabulous combinations, deep fields and two tracks I'd never heard of, let alone been able to experience in a sim until the last couple of years!

And sure Ilja puts time into modern gubbins and gimmicks, but there are also loads of features of CSP that specifically enhance vintage cars and increase the immersion ten-fold, from details like staggered tachos to refractive light glass, that make it better and better with each release.
Really nice idea and awesome icons. Could I use them in my mod: with crediting you, of course?

I have improved it a little. This way, it is not absolutely necessary to tag the cars.
Also, I put this decade stuff into an extra file. I will share this if you give me the rights to do so.

My categories currently look like this, without the cars tagged with decades. It just took the years of the cars. Some decades are missing because I seem to be missing some cars from that era.
I reinstalled my AC on a small SSD a while ago, and then I'm more of a track guy. ;)
View attachment 1161506
You just made my day! I can finally have everything well ordered by brands and also by categories
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Good night

The Flying head

How to solve this?



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As promised, the link is updated with a new version that has a properly done and better looking digital leaderboard. If you didn't have a problem with the look of the leaderboard in the old version, no need to update. Nothing else really changed. Shouldn't need to do another update until I make some significant changes and that won't be for awhile.

The ext_config has lines in it to display numbers instead of initials on the leaderboard if you would prefer it that way. Just be aware that the numbers won't be accurate because it was explained to me that it requires the number to be defined in the skin. If you would rather see numbers instead of initials and don't care that they are inaccurate, feel free to enable it at the bottom of the config. Just make sure to remark out the part referencing the driver names. It should be obvious what I mean.
As promised, the link is updated with a new version that has a properly done and better looking digital leaderboard. If you didn't have a problem with the look of the leaderboard in the old version, no need to update. Nothing else really changed. Shouldn't need to do another update until I make some significant changes and that won't be for awhile.

The ext_config has lines in it to display numbers instead of initials on the leaderboard if you would prefer it that way. Just be aware that the numbers won't be accurate because it was explained to me that it requires the number to be defined in the skin. If you would rather see numbers instead of initials and don't care that they are inaccurate, feel free to enable it at the bottom of the config. Just make sure to remark out the part referencing the driver names. It should be obvious what I mean.
I cannot thank you enough for your effort.
This is one of the reasons I am drawn to this hobby, racing tracks that no longer exist or never really existed in the first place.
Don't get me wrong, I love the famous modern tracks as much as the next guy but with more and more venues being closed and racing in general going through a major change in the near future, due to the end of the internal combustion engine, sim racing might be a way to keep memory and history alive.
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i have an issue that once fixed means i can release the car preferably today if possible. ive split the mesh for the licence plate lights which now work in the CM showroom, however they do not work in game, same again for the brake lights. all the meshes are ok so its an issue with the ext.config as the lights.ini looks ok. if someone can have a look over it for me it'd be much appreciated.



All data of CM is stored in %appdata%/local/AcTools Content Manager
I've put the CM exe there now as well, but before I ran it from somewhere else (D:\CM\ folder ) , and that seemed to work fine too...
despite the fact there was an older CM executable still in %appdata%/local/AcTools Content Manager, I could launch the new CM from that other location.
So I guess you can keep the exe anywhere you want, it does not have to be in the %appdata%/local/AcTools Content Manager (can be handy if you want to quickly launch previous version for example).

New car, track categories and flags for Content Manager v0.51​

As promised, I have combined @Paintbox's idea of the category list separated into decades, with my old mod that I posted on RD.
So, credits for the decades stuff goes totally to @Paintbox. Thanks, for the permission to use in my mod. :cheers:

The decades can be used with the tagging of the cars, as @Paintbox did, or simply the year of the cars is used.
This way it is more convenient for all of you. 😁

Location to extract is here:
c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\
(Windows 10: press "Start" and enter %LocalAppData%)
Please backup your old folder (c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\) first, if you want to revert it back later to the original status.
For whatever reason...🤪

This is mainly what you should get after installing this baby. I hope you enjoy it:
car categories.png


EDIT: Lol, right after posting this update and watching the screenshots, I realized, I could have use this decades stuff for tracks too. I´m such an idiot (sometimes)... 🤪
To get the decades in tracks too, drop the file inside "more by decades for" into the track's folder, or just redownload "Data (User)".


  • More by Decades for tracks
    479 bytes · Views: 39
  • Data (User)
    6.3 MB · Views: 39
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New car, track categories and flags for Content Manager v0.5
As promised, I have combined @Paintbox's idea of the category list separated into decades, with my old mod that I posted on RD.
So, credits for the decades stuff goes totally to @Paintbox. Thanks, for the permission to use in my mod. :cheers:

The decades can be used with the tagging of the cars, as @Paintbox did, or simply the year of the cars is used.
This way it is more convenient for all of you. 😁

Location to extract is here:
c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\
(Windows 10: press "Start" and enter %LocalAppData%)
Please backup your old folder (c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\) first, if you want to revert it back later to the original status.
For whatever reason...🤪

This is fantastic, thanks. I may be being dumb but I can't work out how to get the categories across the screen like you have them. If I enlarge the car selection screen I just get a huge car and the categories remain in a narrow vertical strip like this. Where do I find a setting to change this?

Please don't assess my driving skill from those lap times LOL!

Screenshot 2022-06-17 12.03.25_cr.jpg
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New car, track categories and flags for Content Manager v0.5​

As promised, I have combined @Paintbox's idea of the category list separated into decades, with my old mod that I posted on RD.
So, credits for the decades stuff goes totally to @Paintbox. Thanks, for the permission to use in my mod. :cheers:

The decades can be used with the tagging of the cars, as @Paintbox did, or simply the year of the cars is used.
This way it is more convenient for all of you. 😁

Location to extract is here:
c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\
(Windows 10: press "Start" and enter %LocalAppData%)
Please backup your old folder (c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\) first, if you want to revert it back later to the original status.
For whatever reason...🤪

This is mainly what you should get after installing this baby. I hope you enjoy it:
View attachment 1161795
View attachment 1161796

EDIT: Lol, right after posting this update and watching the screenshots, I realized, I could have use this decades stuff for tracks too. I´m such an idiot (sometimes)... 🤪
To get the decades in tracks too, drop the file inside "more by decades for" into the track's folder, or just redownload "Data (User)".
Great works! Many Thanks!
This is fantastic, thanks. I may be being dumb but I can't work out how to get the categories across the screen like you have them. If I enlarge the car selection screen I just get a huge car and the categories remain in a narrow vertical strip like this. Where do I find a setting to change this?

Please don't assess my driving skill from those lap times LOL!

View attachment 1161801
I simply maxed the window, then made the car or track part as narrow as possible 😁
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what template? I used CM Showroom to export the DDS files, and altered them a bit with GIMP...
You can use the files in each skin folder as "template" to work out some extra skins (esp.take over in new skin folders else there is this defect in the paint, and you can then easily create a diff color car by putting "" with another color. You can take as template for the decals and in photoshop or GIMP change the car number.
Thanks. I've been trying a few combinations and got some real nice skins.

But there's one peculiarity with the car- the decals on the door. Looks like it's part of the kn5. So all cars seem to have the same number 25 on the side. I noticed with your skins the numbers are not on the same position on both doors. So getting rid of them would be the best solution but not the simplest, or maybe it is but I don't know how. Could you help me out or point me to a tutorial that could show me how, if you don't mind?
I'm not really a modder, just some very few simple tweaks done in the past so I could use some help.
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