Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
You can also tweak the Grass FX section of the ext_config.ini file. I edited mine to the following, and it got rid of the Grass FX from the white concrete sections of the background:

Thank you for your advice. That may help for now. My post is also about a basic "problem" with his mods. As also @CrisT86 has already written.
The rims don't shows in Showroom (but ok in game), steering wheel is offset from dashboard (don't know if is this way in real life), driver shifts gears on the left side (or is trying to open de door to jump out of the car), will not reach 250 km/h (as indicated on the info sheet) nor downhill, but... steers well (or as well as you can drive an old junk), the sound is inspiring (despite being borrowed), the steering wheel is at the proper side (:D...), and above all... IT'S SOOOO FUN TO DRIVE!

Thanks... :)
Rims is an odd one as they show my end?
The steering wheel I didn't change so not sure why its not centred, I think I'll add a new wheel anyway.

Driver changing gear wrong side i guess adding a driver from a left hand drive vehicle would solve that.

It's such a great looking little thing hopefully over time it will keep getting improved by others.
My aim is to get stuff like this out there that was IMO wasted as a drag car and get it out as good as i can then see how it evolves.

I still can't find a picture of how this car looked before, but trust me IMO i saved it, even with its issues.

edit, found a pic.

maxresdefault (1).jpg
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good afternoon. In the latest versions of CSP, I noticed that the trees began to sway from side to side (I don’t like how this is implemented), can this be somehow disabled in the CSP settings?
Look how amazing the game is with this MOD!

Bit disingenuous IMO this is.
Having spent a lot of time using Ilija's default weather and having made about 20 separate ones which I've changed the values in places, I never thought to start a patreon suggesting I'd invented a new weather system.

This just uses Ilija's default weather with a few tweaks to the variables.

I think its great that someone is altering the default weather, but don't think its great to pretend you just invented a new weather system as its totally false and I've not checked but if they are asking money for this, please avoid, go into the weathers settings files and ilija even put tips on what each bit does to change the look of AC....

This would be like changing a few variables in SOL and then starting Patroen with videos of rain etc saying it was a fantastic new weather system......

Oh and IMO ilija's default weather is better than SOL and Pure.
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good afternoon. In the latest versions of CSP, I noticed that the trees began to sway from side to side (I don’t like how this is implemented), can this be somehow disabled in the CSP settings?
Bar a few previous versions, it has always been like that.
You could set windspeed to zero (or just a lesser speed) in CM or use Sol weather app.
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Could someone make wiper works on Legion Porsche 935 Baby / Works ?

btw, there are no rain drops visible on the 935 Works' window banner and on most part of the body, although it uses the same material and shader as the hood, no such problems with the 935 Baby though...
Screenshot 2022-07-17 094456.jpg

Thanks mate! Still looking for the rest of 'em :-) Cannot find a way to do it myself via CSP....
added the others the original post:

Oreca 07
Acura ARX-05
Mazda RT24 DPi
Cadillac DPi-V-R:
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Track Update by CrisT86

@pk3r72owns Toronto 2021 (22)

  • New scratch made ext_config featuring RainFX, LightFX, GrassFX, Seasons
  • New TV Cams

Feel free to use it for future updates if you want

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1 (2).jpg
1 (3).jpg
1 (4).jpg
1 (6).jpg
1 (7).jpg

Download link as soon as i finished my testing (and beat the Colton Herta pole lap :D)

Immagine 2022-07-17 101337.jpg

OK, this is the best i can do for today so here's the link, enjoy ;)

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Bit disingenuous IMO this is.
Having spent a lot of time using Ilija's default weather and having made about 20 separate ones which I've changed the values in places, I never thought to start a patreon suggesting I'd invented a new weather system.

This just uses Ilija's default weather with a few tweaks to the variables.

I think its great that someone is altering the default weather, but don't think its great to pretend you just invented a new weather system as its totally false and I've not checked but if they are asking money for this, please avoid, go into the weathers settings files and ilija even put tips on what each bit does to change the look of AC....

This would be like changing a few variables in SOL and then starting Patroen with videos of rain etc saying it was a fantastic new weather system......

Oh and IMO ilija's default weather is better than SOL and Pure.
first thing to do when creating a mod : Start a Patreon.
Excuse me

This file, its encripted...

  • Fat-Alfie_Thomson_UPDATE_by_CrisT86.rar.txt
Bisides @CrisT86 there is also a modification from @slider666, it will be difficult to choose between them, because both are very capable modders. I did not test them on what the difference is, but soon I will do that. So I would suggest to test them on beforehand and kick out what you do not like directly in the Windows garbage bin.

BTW for this testing I always use the MOD swaptool in Content Manager, its based on the old JSGME, you only have to make the directory map structure. And if being an VR user there is also a great tip to get rid of those in VR hilarious 2D low trees and grass, you can read that here above.
Bit disingenuous IMO this is.
Having spent a lot of time using Ilija's default weather and having made about 20 separate ones which I've changed the values in places, I never thought to start a patreon suggesting I'd invented a new weather system.

This just uses Ilija's default weather with a few tweaks to the variables.

I think its great that someone is altering the default weather, but don't think its great to pretend you just invented a new weather system as its totally false and I've not checked but if they are asking money for this, please avoid, go into the weathers settings files and ilija even put tips on what each bit does to change the look of AC....

This would be like changing a few variables in SOL and then starting Patroen with videos of rain etc saying it was a fantastic new weather system......

Oh and IMO ilija's default weather is better than SOL and Pure.
I've always used Ilja's default weather because I like it more and it's way less heavy on fps.
Sometimes I also go back to default weather that, well, it's not bad at all (and on bad optimised tracks/cars combo is also good for gaining some fps - VR here).

And anyway, I still haven't found a sunny weather that looks near real (maybe because of shadows), so I keep playing with cloudy weather


EDIT: about the Patreon stuff... nothing to add here, you're totally right. It's like sharpening a pencil and saying you invented a new pencil
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Rims is an odd one as they show my end?
I believe what @Perico Lospa meant is AC showroom not CM's. This is something to do with flipped object normal?

The steering wheel I didn't change so not sure why its not centred, I think I'll add a new wheel anyway.
Can't wait for this version
Driver changing gear wrong side i guess adding a driver from a left hand drive vehicle would solve that.
What I do is copying shift.ksanim and steer.ksanim from left hand drive car. This is will roughly solved the issue, but unless the steering wheel size and shifter position from donor car are exactly the same, the hand position and movements will not be precise. I suppose creating dedicated animations is the only way?
It's such a great looking little thing hopefully over time it will keep getting improved by others.
My aim is to get stuff like this out there that was IMO wasted as a drag car and get it out as good as i can then see how it evolves.

I still can't find a picture of how this car looked before, but trust me IMO i saved it, even with its issues.

edit, found a pic.
Glad you convert this to a street racer. I'm looking forward to see the race version.
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I believe what @Perico Lospa meant is AC showroom not CM's. This is something to do with flipped object normal?
View attachment 1173474

Can't wait for this version

What I do is copying shift.ksanim and steer.ksanim from left hand drive car. This is will roughly solved the issue, but unless the steering wheel size and shifter position from donor car are exactly the same, the hand position and movements will not be precise. I suppose creating dedicated animations is the only way?

Glad you convert this to a street racer. I'm looking forward to see the race version.
Regard's that the rims i used have to have the in the skins folder. Not sure why, I can see the full wheels in CM.
It's time to release.
Nissan 370Z Standard Edition 2019
By Blackbolt
  • Converted from Project Cars 3
  • Steer, light details, and sound by Kunos

  • Custom Physics
  • Native Wiper Animation (non CSP)
  • PBR
  • Radio screen
  • Refraction
  • 4 LODs
  • 4 Custom Liveries
  • Warning Lights
  • VAO Patch

  • Maybe seat position isn't centered, but it's still enjoyable.

Physics - VRDriving
Wiper Anim and Light Rework - Jerry Wei
VAO Patch - @Breanuts
Beta Tester - @Masscot , @norms , @El Locho , @Breanuts , @Tummie555 , @Peugeot905

NSX Pack 2017
is updated - v1.6
  • Updated LODs (changed wheels, working CSP wiper lod B and C, added chrome parts)

370z - Click Me!
NSX v1.6 - Click Me!


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does anyone had this issue before Content Manager cant connect to the internet.. i couldnt activate my key and i cant download vao patches and so on..

this is the error iam getting :

Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.
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Bit disingenuous IMO this is.
Having spent a lot of time using Ilija's default weather and having made about 20 separate ones which I've changed the values in places, I never thought to start a patreon suggesting I'd invented a new weather system.

Oh and IMO ilija's default weather is better than SOL and Pure.
Care to share any of your work. I too like Ilija's weather except I can't stomach the horribly unrealistic blue tint that hangs over everything in the dusk and dawn hours. Been trying to figure out what causes it for ever. Hoping maybe one of your versions might eliminate it.
Care to share any of your work. I too like Ilija's weather except I can't stomach the horribly unrealistic blue tint that hangs over everything in the dusk and dawn hours. Been trying to figure out what causes it for ever. Hoping maybe one of your versions might eliminate it.
Yep, they are all over the place though, if i had a good version I'd copy that that then work on the copy, then like that and rinse repeat.
So the versions are like 'final' 'final1' 'final2'
So yeah, its a bit messy but if I'd of got my act into gear I'd of called one of them something nice and made a patreon.

But yes I'll stick them in a folder and send them over.

My biggest 'gripe' and i use that word very loosly as AC is incredible, is that all the weathers have an issue with sunlight, so I can knock that back a bit but then that has an effect elsewhere.
Truth is AC just doesn't do direct sunlight very well, its affect on cars paint for example can be jarring.
Reworked Albi 1967 from NeelJ and Rainmaker
Added GrassFX,RainFX,New Trees,Cameras,Blimp and Balloons from Masscot
Have Fun

Hi DaBaeda

Any chance of getting rid of the awful 2d spectators and replacing with better one's, the update is brilliant otherwise. Thank you.

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