Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Oh that brings back memories tho - Ferrari Legends was awesome.
Anyway it does look very similar and it gave us an opportunity to watch a guy drive a 70s f1 car with a sticker bomb interior while talking to a gnome on acid so it's all good
TDFRL really was funny, concerning cars, tracks and missions. The physics, however...really a predecessor of Project Cars 3...
Nissan GT-R NISMO GT1 Super GT Test (Malaysia 2009) by Andrix with the help of Salty_Balduins and LoW-LiFE


The car was supposed to be a simple skin but ultimately a variant of the original car was made, the rims are not visible in the preview or in the showroom but in game they work perfectly

Original car: Nissan GT-R NISMO GT1 (R35) Pack by Yezhrod (it's free)

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Nissan R390 GT1 1998 v1.0 by Raver Blaster, Andrix, Salty_Balduins

View attachment 1191663View attachment 1191667
Version 1.0.1: The car lods have been fixed

The update has been placed on the link already used, if you downloaded before this message please re-download the car

I recommend updating the car, if someone knows how to improve something about the car please contact us and we will arrange to improve the car
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Can anyone tell me why that as of today when I go to drive or race, I get a pop-up screen saying "Loading Data for Custom Shaders Patch" with the option to skip or cancel? It loads after a little while but previously it was pretty much an instantaneous advance to the loading screen.
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Might be the final update for the Peugeot 405 T16 Pikes Peak. V0.82
analog_instruments.ini have been adjusted to show proper 8000rpm.
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Right I've converted like 20 odd short oval tracks now and first time I've come across this issue, so is it me or the particular track?
If its me what have i done or not done? Any help gratefully received.

As you can see the roof disappears once under it. Its not set to transparent either i tried all that.
Ignore the people they are going.

I've done WTCR 2022 full livery set. If somebody is interested, it's released on RD.

World Touring Car Cup 2022 Skinpack

Includes all 17 skins for 2022 season.







How to install:
Drop into content manager or copy files to AC's root folder.


Required cars:
Hyundai Elantra N TCR by WSC
Honda Civic Type R TCR Fk7 by WSC
Honda Civic TypeR TCR 2019 by Tommy78
Lynk & Co 03 TCR by Tommy78
Audi RS3 LMS TCR 2021 by WSC
Cupra Leon Competición by TM-Modding

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Right I've converted like 20 odd short oval tracks now and first time I've come across this issue, so is it me or the particular track?
If its me what have i done or not done? Any help gratefully received.

As you can see the roof disappears once under it. Its not set to transparent either i tried all that.
Ignore the people they are going.

View attachment 1191991View attachment 1191992
you probably need to clone the roof mesh and flip the normals
Spa 2022 and Zandvoort 2022 are now available at RD 😉

Have a nice weekend guys! 🙂
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Does anyone have any alternative links for the WDT Street pack? The official download link from the WDT site is not working & it gave me an "Account trouble" screen instead.
next one is ready. This time the Venturi 600LM of the BBA team #57.
View attachment 1190930
Sadly the model of the car is not up to the highest AC standards, but I wanted to have the Venturis on the grid....
Please be gentle on me, I know it is more than rough around the edges :-)
Hey mate, where can i find this mod?

Here is "REALISTIC TURISMO" ppfilter.
I worked on that continously the last months.
This is a work in progress ppfilter for Assetto Corsa, latest CSP + PURE.
A SOL version will follow. The 1.0 release will be on racedepartment, when the new PURE + CSP builds are released.

This v0.97 is recommended to use at daylight. It has some brightness problems esp. at night.

DOWNLOAD is in the video description:

How to install ppfilter (CSP + PURE needed)
Install folders are set up in the download folder,
please copy the files in the folders of your assetto corsa directory, like you see it in the download-zip.
Color-grading file is included and needed.

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Misty Loch, Scottland, from FerrariRacingLegends, with stuff from pCars Bannochbrae
-40 gridspots, forw+rev layout
-night lights, seasons, grass_fx, rain_fx
-custom road mesh, movable distance markers and cones
-seagulls, heli, water and waterfall animations
-camera sets by Racealot, thx!
-more info in readme and track description


vid by Racealot:

old vid, wip pCars (didnt happen) vs FerrariRacingLegends:
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Volkswagen Scirocco GT 2009 2.0 TSI DSG Release
Comverted from Forza Motorsport 4 By Peter Crill
-AO inside and out
-CSP Settings
-Wiper animation
-Physics work @VR Driving
-Basic Ligth Refraction
EXTRA D:Rear Fog Ligths
-Ligths Refraction -LRAC
-Paint Config -LRAC @takum1
-Panoramic session Start config Daniel Nogal
-Beta testing and help ,@takum1,@Mascot,and other
-Photos Qiu Liang






@Pfalzdriver and I have released a new BMW M1 Procar update.

Here is the changelog for v1.75:

  • New Interior materials & shader (DaWallace)
  • Edited the dash to the real original one (DaWallace)
  • New shaders exterior (DaWallace)
  • Added Good Year tyres, Dunlop tyres, Pirelli tyres and Yirotires tyres (DaWallace)
  • New interior, exhaust and engine textures (DaWallace)
  • Edited and opimised light settings (DaWallace)
  • Added normalmap and new shader settings for wheelcover (DaWallace)
  • Added skin templates for wheelcover and steering wheel (DaWallace)
  • Fixed final.rto data and toe settings (Pfalzdriver)
  • New LODs (Pfalzdriver)

download all skins (2k & 4k):
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Volkswagen Scirocco GT 2009 2.0 TSI DSG Release
Gorgeous car but it gets stuck shifting up and down between 2nd and 3rd gear if you use automatic shifting. You can sort of force it shift beyond that if you hold "shift up" long enough for it get well into 3rd gear revs, but then you run into the same problem against between 3rd and 4th gear. It just shifts back and forth.

@Pfalzdriver and I have released a new BMW M1 Procar update.
This is a lovely car. I especially like that pink-white-green castrol skin. Thanks for the update! My only issue with it (present since the last version) is that when you use automatic shifting, it doesn't shift down as you decelerate. You can shift down manually and that works. It'll shift back up from there when it needs to, as expected. It shifts up, no problem. It just doesn't shift down automatically until you come to a standstill.

Maybe there's a threshold somewhere you could edit for the next version, if there is to be one.
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Gorgeous car but it gets stuck shifting up and down between 2nd and 3rd gear if you use automatic shifting. You can sort of force it shift beyond that if you hold "shift up" long enough for it get well into 3rd gear revs, but then you run into the same problem against between 3rd and 4th gear. It just shifts back and forth.
Quick fix:
  • Unpack data using Content Manager
  • Open drivetrain.ini file in the data folder
  • Change line 63 to DOWN=3700 (from DOWN=4700)
  • Save file
  • Pack data

Thank you, fantastic car but in replays LOD are invisible. Only LOD 0 is visible.
The car doesn't actually have any extra LODs. If you want [LOD 0] to stay visible longer, do this:
  • Unpack data using Content Manager
  • Open lods.ini file in the data folder
  • Change line 7 to OUT=1500 (from OUT=15) or any other numerical value in meters that suits you
  • Save file
  • Pack data





@Pfalzdriver and I have released a new BMW M1 Procar update.

Here is the changelog for v1.75:

  • New Interior materials & shader (DaWallace)
  • Edited the dash to the real original one (DaWallace)
  • New shaders exterior (DaWallace)
  • Added Good Year tyres, Dunlop tyres, Pirelli tyres and Yirotires tyres (DaWallace)
  • New interior, exhaust and engine textures (DaWallace)
  • Edited and opimised light settings (DaWallace)
  • Added normalmap and new shader settings for wheelcover (DaWallace)
  • Added skin templates for wheelcover and steering wheel (DaWallace)
  • Fixed final.rto data and toe settings (Pfalzdriver)
  • New LODs (Pfalzdriver)

download all skins (2k & 4k):

Hello there! How do you define which type of rim a skin will use?

Edit: found it - it's ext_config.ini if anybody else wants to know who doesn't already.
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