Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hello everyone, one question: what is the best way to remove/disable the use of DRS in a car mod? It has always seemed to me that in AC the DRS does not make sense, since all cars always use it, regardless of the distances from the car in front. That is, it is the same to use it as not to use it, so that if its use is eliminated, the distraction it produces is avoided. Thanks.
Hello everyone, one question: what is the best way to remove/disable the use of DRS in a car mod? It has always seemed to me that in AC the DRS does not make sense, since all cars always use it, regardless of the distances from the car in front. That is, it is the same to use it as not to use it, so that if its use is eliminated, the distraction it produces is avoided. Thanks.
Not sure if posted before.

These guys

That did private Yas Marina for AC last year.

That track has been leaked? (on purpose?)

Its absolute **** show in texture and fps disregard modelling things like tyre walls 100K tris.... Heavy use of 8k res textures and 8k normals(wtf?) and 8k maps wtf?)

Requires major clean up. If someone wants to spend the time there you go.
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Sata - Kirald Rally Stage Hungary - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.



    4.9 MB · Views: 26
Sajókaza - Felsőnyárád Rally Stage Hungary - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.



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Red Bull Ring Mod

The finished(?) modifications for Red Bull Ring that hopefully solve the lighting issues if you don't use CSP's WeatherFX seasonal adjustment changes. If you also have Allow Seasonal Adjustments turned off under Track Adjustments, I can't say how this will look.

Special thanks to @Quark67 for the advice on how to make my animated flags work without impacting @Pyyer F1 mods. I ended up using my own animated flags. I took the time to make them, it only seemed right that I used them.

As usual, a few notes:
-- Backup before extracting to be safe. Might overwrite files you already have.
-- The mod comes with a skin and ext_config modifications, but you do not need to use them together. If you have a particular skin you like, my config changes will work with other skins. You may however need to adjust some diffuse and ambient values in the ext_config because I set those numbers based on my track skin textures.
-- The config is designed for one specific purpose. To fix the bright washed out textures if you have the seasonal stuff turned off under Track Adjustments and/or Weather FX in CSP. It will make things potentially too dark if you have that stuff enabled. You can simply not use my ext_config if you find things too dark or go through the config and adjust the ambient and diffuse values.
-- If you find the grass lacks saturation, download the alternative skin at the bottom.
-- If you like the darkness modifications I made in the ext_config, you can apply them to the F1 mods by extracting the files in the Pyyer_F1mod_adjustments folder. I also fixed the flags on the 2021 versions, but I doubt anyone even uses the 2021 versions anymore. There was a couple of lines missing in one .ini file that caused the game not to hide the stock flags.
-- Please let me know of any problems. Any and all suggestions for improvements are welcome.

Red Bull Ring Mod

View attachment 1209069

EDIT: Almost forgot, if someone knows how to get the stupid sparkle\shimmer out of the grass, could you tell me how. It's driving me nuts because it's so dumb looking. I've never seen the grass in my yard shimmer before. Same thing on Brands Hatch. Thanks...

As per @Peter Boese suggestions, alternative skin you can try. Adds more grass saturation but cuts the yellow saturation on all the textures. Also lightens the tress a tad. Won't overwrite the track skin from the original version.

Red Bull Ring Mod Alternative
@racinjoe013 I'm the only one who have this?

Just posted an update because I noticed it this morning. Never saw it before because it only happens with Use Seasonal Adjustments turned off. I had it on for my final test runs before releasing the mod. Go back to the original post and download again. Should be fixed.

Update ended up being a good thing because I forgot to include the grassfx texture in the Pyyer mod stuff and I added the more saturated skin to the package. Plus I redid the extension folder structure so anyone who wants can easily disable my shader adjustments but still get some of the other things I did. You can read about that in the notes. So now it's a complete mod except the track lights I eventually want to add.
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Just posted an update because I noticed it this morning. Never saw it before because it only happens with Use Seasonal Adjustments turned off. I had them on for my final test runs before releasing the mod. Go back to the original post and download again. Should be fixed.

Update ended up being a good thing because I forgot to include the grassfx texture in the Pyyer mod stuff and I added the more saturated skin to the package. Plus I redid the extension folder structure so anyone who wants can easily disable my shader adjustments but still get some of the other things I did. You can read about that in the notes. So now it's a complete mod except for any suggested changes.
Perfect fixed. Basically i was downloading while you were uploading the v1.1 :lol:
Red Bull Ring Mod

The finished(?) modifications for Red Bull Ring that hopefully solve the lighting issues if you don't use CSP's WeatherFX seasonal adjustment changes. If you also have Allow Seasonal Adjustments turned off under Track Adjustments, I can't say how this will look.

Special thanks to @Quark67 for the advice on how to make my animated flags work without impacting @Pyyer F1 mods. I ended up using my own animated flags. I took the time to make them, it only seemed right that I used them.

As usual, a few notes:
-- Backup before extracting to be safe. Might overwrite files you already have.
-- The mod comes with two skins and ext_config modifications, but you do not need to use them together. If you have a particular skin you like, my config changes will work with other skins. You may however need to adjust some diffuse and ambient values in the ext_config-shader-adjustments file.
-- The config is designed for one specific purpose. To fix the bright washed out textures if you have the seasonal stuff turned off under Track Adjustments and/or WeatherFX in CSP. It will make things potentially too dark if you have those things enabled. If so, open up the ext_config file and set the ext_config-shader-adjustments section to ACTIVE = 0.
-- If you find the grass lacks saturation use the Texture2 skin.
-- If you like the darkness modifications I made in the config, you can apply them to the F1 mods by extracting the files in the Pyyer_F1mod_adjustments folder. I also fixed the flags on the 2021 versions, but I doubt anyone even uses the 2021 versions anymore. There was a couple of lines missing in one .ini file that caused the game not to hide the stock flags.
-- Please let me know of any problems. Any and all suggestions for improvements are welcome.

Red Bull Ring Mod V1.1

View attachment 1209069

EDIT: Almost forgot, if someone knows how to get the stupid sparkle\shimmer out of the grass, could you tell me how. It's driving me nuts because it's so dumb looking. I've never seen the grass in my yard shimmer before. Same thing on Brands Hatch. Thanks...
Updated to version 1.1. There was an issue with an overly bright texture I missed with Seasonal Adjustments off. Plus I forgot to include a few files. Restructured the extension folder so you can disable or edit my shader adjustments easily without losing other changes I made. Included the more saturated track skin that @Peter Boese suggested I make.

Still hope someone can suggest a way to get rid of the grass texture shimmer. Or maybe i'm the only one seeing it.
Perfect fixed. Basically i was downloading while you were uploading the v1.1 :lol:
Good to hear it worked on another system.
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I'll try, but it's hard to pick up on in a screenshot. Brands Hatch does the same thing for me as well. I've never seen it before on any other track. It's almost like the textures shine under direct light like they have a glossy finish, if that makes any sense.
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I'll try, but it's hard to pick up on in a screenshot. Brands Hatch does the same thing for me as well. I've never seen it before on any other track. It's almost like the textures shine under direct light like they have a glossy finish, if that makes any sense.
or a short video, anything easy for you to show the problem and understand (and check) if i have it too or not ;)
or a short video, anything easy for you to show the problem and understand (and check) if i have it too or not ;)
Could it be a bounced light effect. I noticed in the stock config that they have grass as one of the supported materials. Since i'm not sure what bounced light is, thought maybe that might be it.

EDIT: Nope, not it.
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Could it be a bounced light effect. I noticed in the stock config that they have grass as one of the supported materials. Since i'm not sure what bounced light is, thought maybe that might be it.

EDIT: Nope, not it.
Did you have the same problem on one of my config?
Only tracks I ever noticed it on was RBR and Brands Hatch. Who knows, maybe it happens on all the other tracks, but isn't as obvious as it is on those two. I appreciate the time, but no need to waste your time. Seems to be only a 'me' problem so it's not worth investigating.
does anyone have extreme physics problems with the new car from urd? after a few laps at le mans, the ki cars eventually fly wildly into the air or clip into the barriers. When I drive this vehicle myself, the vehicle gets stuck on a curb and then flies far into the air
Coming soon... Not one but TWO Yas Marina 2022 extensions! 😉

I can't remember if I've asked this question here before, so if I'm repeating myself, apologies. But...

Is anyone else having issues with some of Pyyer's extensions where some distant billboards flicker on and off (only at a fair distance, for the most part), revealing parts the original billboards underneath the ones updated by Pyyer? If so, are there any known CSP or config adjustments that will fix the issue?

EDIT: I'm running the latest CSP Patreon build and Pure, just to be clear. I also have the render distance maxxed out in my settings.
Don't know if that is the issue here but my extensions downloaded in 2021 should be removed completely before installing new layout extensions from 2022. If you have both 2021 extensions (in the track extension folder) and 2022 extensions (in separate layouts folder) running, they are loaded together and that causes some Z fighting. Best way to install is to remove everything in the track folder, re-download track last version from @Breathe listing and copy extensions from 2022
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Hi @shi

Yesterday I tried to do some races with the Indianapolis 2001 conversion and everything works fine, the AI is very good. There's just one problem: the pit stop slot doesn't appear in the pits. If you try to start from the pits and reverse a little, the slot appears and disappears immediately and never returns, mechanic consequently does not lower the lollipop and it is not possible to make a pit stop. This happens for every team slot in the pitlane.
Is it possible to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Indianapolis 2001
View attachment 1209117

For example Imola
View attachment 1209116
I dont know why the pit box is hidden.
Please let me know if you know how to solve this problem.
Don't know if that is the issue here but my extensions downloaded in 2021 should be removed completely before installing new layout extensions from 2022. If you have both 2021 extensions (in the track extension folder) and 2022 extensions (in separate layouts folder) running, they are loaded together and that causes some Z fighting. Best way to install is to remove everything in the track folder, re-download track last version from @Breathe listing and copy extensions from 2022
Thanks for the response Pyyer. I'll try removing the 2021 extensions and see if that sorts the issue for me. :cheers:

Hi @xezez - Not sure which track your seeing on (if not a few) but I have been replacing the tracks since Pyyer mentioned it in his releases - However some of the earlier ones have not been altered.

As I only rename the original main track KN5 it may be worth trying to update the tracks by copying over the new files then renaming the main KN5 file using the '00_country_gp22.kn5' format ie 22_brazil_gp22.

You shouldn't have to adjust anything else as the original extension files in my amended track versions have been renamed to fit with this format - Hope that helps

PS Let me know which track(s) and I'll have a look see and update as necessary

For info (Those updated with new clean versions)

Thanks for your response too Cozy61. I really have to do a more systematic run of testing to know which specific tracks I've seen the issue on. To be honest, at this point, I can't remember until I'm driving somewhere and then suddenly encounter it.

I've got that many versions of some F1 tracks now, I'm getting a bit lost tracking the changes/updates to them all. I really should take some time to do a proper cull, but just keeping up with new mods already means I'm driving too little and fiddling more than I'd like.

Thanks for the tracks you've already updated. I'll download those and try them as soon as I get a chance. :cheers:

The biggest problem are the default Kunos tracks, cause clean default folders of the tracks are hard to come by and of course, you loose all the other changes you may have added to the track over the years (other skins, pit extensions, new ai lines,...).
Hi ales100i. What you've written is the exact thing that can make sorting this a big job. I'm just not sure any more what else I've changed or added, with cameras, ai and so on - and therefore what I might inadvertantly lose by starting completely afresh.

Some of my tracks have now been updated multiple times with different configs, extensions, textures and skins, often made by different people. Trying to sort through all of that makes my head spin! 🤪 (Insert soundFX here of head falling off and hitting the floor.)
... Not one but TWO Yas Marina 2022 extensions! 😉...
Yes, I know, it's like ask who do you love more, dad or mom, but... which is your favorite of the two? In other words, which one has the best balance between visual aspect and fps performance? (A tough one to resolve, uh? 🤨).
... Some of my tracks have now been updated multiple times with different configs, extensions, textures and skins, often made by different people. Trying to sort through all of that makes my head spin! 🤪 (Insert soundFX here of head falling off and hitting the floor.)
I'm with you bro... The damn blessing of Breathe List's existence (aside from these forums and modders from hell) is going to kill my marriage (aside from my mental balance), from so much time spent searching for the best possible track versions... 🥵
View attachment 1209336Do you want the template? or just use CM to create one yourself and save it like usual - ignore the red square as it does create an AO anyway.
Thanks very much for that mate - I came here to post that Norms had just created a quick one with wireframe too.
Are you thinking of flexing you skinning skills on this little beastie? Hopefully so!


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Yes, I know, it's like ask who do you love more, dad or mom, but... which is your favorite of the two? In other words, which one has the best balance between visual aspect and fps performance? (A tough one to resolve, uh? 🤨).
It is nearly impossible to answer that 😅

If you want to race at night CHQ track is still not enough optimized yet so ACU is a no brainer (especially in VR)

Now in terms of extensions, quality wise they are both similar as they use the same textures
And regarding driving I prefer my ACU "alternate" layout (and I heard F1 drivers preferred the formerT11/12/13 chicane too)

And I plan to update ACU with 2021 layout version (i.e. new T9) but there wasn't enough time (especially with two extensions) to do it for the weekend. Hope to release it during the offseason 😉
Thanks very much for that mate - I came here to post that Norms had just created a quick one with wireframe too.
Are you thinking of flexing you skinning skills on this little beastie? Hopefully so!
That was just a screenshot to show it was possible - if Norms has you covered then all good.
As for skins, nah I don't make skins anymore. Kinda lost motivation for doing so and can't really be arsed anymore. I sometimes start something and then give up after 5 minutes. Maybe one day I'll get back to it tho
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