Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
RE: VRC Touring Cars, what needs to be done if I only want to keep the CSP versions and want to get rid of the non-CSP ones? Is there anybody able to give a short (and understandable for noobs) instruction how-to? I´ve read that the CSP ones do not work if the non-CSP ones are deleted since they share the same data?
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RE: VRC Touring Cars, what needs to be done if I only want to keep the CSP versions and want to get rid of the non-CSP ones? Is there anybody able to give a short (and understandable for noobs) instruction how-to? I´ve read that the CSP ones do not work if the non-CSP ones are deleted since they share the same data?
From what I've seen, there is no KN5 file in the CSP version, which prevent them to be used alone, so maybe copy/paste all the kn5 files?
Hello guys, Happy New year ;)
To continue my 964 Cup, I'm about to see how Simplygon is working with the Content Manager, but I have a small issue
Free License looks ok, it's even working well in 3dsmax

But not in CM?
CM Version 0.8.2467.39678 (x86) and Custom shader version 0.1.79

did you see a similar issue ?
thanks for your help !
Hello guys, Happy New year ;)
To continue my 964 Cup, I'm about to see how Simplygon is working with the Content Manager, but I have a small issue
Free License looks ok, it's even working well in 3dsmax

But not in CM?
CM Version 0.8.2467.39678 (x86) and Custom shader version 0.1.79

did you see a similar issue ?
thanks for your help !

I'm never seen that particular issue. Are they installed on the same drive?

RE: VRC Touring Cars, what needs to be done if I only want to keep the CSP versions and want to get rid of the non-CSP ones? Is there anybody able to give a short (and understandable for noobs) instruction how-to? I´ve read that the CSP ones do not work if the non-CSP ones are deleted since they share the same data?

Sorry, on a phone now, but in basic terms:

  • Copy over the KN5 files of the 'non' ones to the CSP folder
  • Go to the data folder and open lods.ini - remove all the 'path' references, so you're just left with the names of the KN5s (check any other car to see how it should look)
  • Check all other folders have the same content (the extension folder, if it's there, the sound folder etc)
  • Test delete it

I'm sure someone will do a better guide for you soon but if not, and you're stuck, let me know and I'll do a better guide next time I'm at the computer.

Otherwise, you can just disable the ones you don't want in CM and I think that would have the effect you're looking for.
  • Copy over the KN5 files of the 'non' ones to the CSP folder
  • Go to the data folder and open lods.ini - remove all the 'path' references, so you're just left with the names of the KN5s (check any other car to see how it should look)
  • Check all other folders have the same content (the extension folder, if it's there, the sound folder etc)
  • Test delete it

I'm sure someone will do a better guide for you soon but if not, and you're stuck, let me know and I'll do a better guide next time I'm at the computer.

Otherwise, you can just disable the ones you don't want in CM and I think that would have the effect you're looking for.
Many thanks! I can confirm it works as advised, if you a.) re-pack the data.acd (otherwise it does not load the data from the folder which has been created unless you use "use un-packed data if exists") and b.) make the mod a standalone one (with CM) after deleting the parent car.
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RE: VRC Touring Cars, what needs to be done if I only want to keep the CSP versions and want to get rid of the non-CSP ones? Is there anybody able to give a short (and understandable for noobs) instruction how-to? I´ve read that the CSP ones do not work if the non-CSP ones are deleted since they share the same data?
I had the same question about it I tried Bought at kilamy 1967 the regular ones do 3 second less than the CSP ones
Hi guys and Happy New year!
I have an issue with the ks_ferrari_488_gt3:

As you can see the LCD screen mirror doesn't work.
I tried deactivating CSP features. I tried adding the line:
inside the ext_config.ini of the extension folder I have in the root of the car.
I tried changing PPFilter.
I asked a friend to zip me his folder and overwrite the data file and LODA.
I also noticed there's an automatically loaded ks_ferrari_488_gt3.ini inside assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\loaded with a long code about LCD mirror. But if there's an error inside the code, if I delete it, it keeps on loading it...

Any idea how to solve this, before checking the files via Steam as last resource? I have no idea.


I deleted the code about the internal LCD mirror inside the ini file in assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\loaded and it works!!!
Would be cool to find out what part of that long code is wrong...

; For demonstration purposes let’s replace interior rear view mirror with a mirror with extra features:

; Hide original mirror mesh
MESHES = Extra_Mirror_SUB1
LAYER = 10
ACTIVE = $" read('csp/version', 0) >= 1709 "

; Create a new mirror mesh
[INCLUDE: common/displays.ini]
MeshName = __mirror_display_mesh
ScreenScale = 256
ScreenAspectRatio = 0.5
MatrixType = TN
TreatTextureAsHDR = 1
P1 = -0.033037, 0.853015, 1.069863 ; four corners of new mirror
P2 = -0.109149, 0.844854, 1.013162 ; hold alt and click with objects inspector to get in-car coordinate
P3 = -0.109451, 0.773587, 1.023871 ; pro tip: with 0.1.76, hold Shift to get six digits after the delimiter
P4 = -0.033524, 0.781760, 1.080841

; And create dynamic texture. New mirror is going to have two modes, mirror with overlay and ABS/TC/brake bias control
MESHES = __mirror_display_mesh
RESOLUTION = 512, 512
DISPLAY_SIZE = 512, 512
SKIP_FRAMES = 0 ; high refresh rate, it’s a mirror in a racing car after all (don’t use it for other displays though)
-- Buttons on display
local displayMesh = display.interactiveMesh{ mesh = "Extra_Mirror_SUB0", resolution = vec2(512, 128) }
local btnModeSwitch = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(200, 7), vec2(45, 26))
local btnMenu = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(254, 7), vec2(45, 26))
local btnMinus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(308, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.15)
local btnPlus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(363, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.15)
local btnFasterMinus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(308, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.05)
local btnFasterPlus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(363, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.05)
local btnTurnOff = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(418, 7), vec2(45, 26))
-- Each mode will be drawn by its own function. Here is a function for mirror mode:
local brightnessMult = 1
local selectedOverlay = 1
local updateDelay = 0
local overlayText = ""
function modeMirror(dt)
-- Enable real mirror in this mode
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, false)
-- Firsly, draw mirror texture across whole thing
pos = vec2(),
size = vec2(512, 512),
color = rgb(brightnessMult, brightnessMult, brightnessMult),
mirrorIndex = 1, -- for rear mirrors, specifices position of which mirror to use. 0 is for the leftmost
uvStart = vec2(0.343, 0), -- these coords are used only if real mirrors are disabled
uvEnd = vec2(0.658, 1) -- good thing to switch real mirrors on and off to make sure it all matches
-- And let’s just put current speed in the top left corner
if updateDelay <= 0 then
updateDelay = 0.5
overlayText = selectedOverlay == 1 and string.format("%.1f km/h", car.speedKmh)
or selectedOverlay == 2 and string.format("%.1f l", car.fuel)
or selectedOverlay == 3 and string.format("%.1f C", car.waterTemperature)
updateDelay = updateDelay - dt
text = overlayText,
pos = vec2(40, 408),
color = rgb(0, 0, 0),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
font = "aria",
width = 432,
alignment = 1,
spacing = -6
if btnPlus() then brightnessMult = math.min(brightnessMult + 0.1, 1.2) end
if btnMinus() then brightnessMult = math.max(brightnessMult - 0.1, 0) end
if btnMenu() then
selectedOverlay = selectedOverlay + 1
if selectedOverlay == 4 then
selectedOverlay = 1
-- Second mode for customizing ABS and brake bias
local selectedItem = 1
function modeConfig(dt)
-- Disable real mirror in this mode
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, true)
local colorSelected = rgb(0, 0, 0)
local colorNotSelected = rgb(1, 1, 1)
if btnMenu() then
selectedItem = selectedItem == 1 and 2 or 1
pos = vec2(0, 40 + (selectedItem - 1) * 140),
size = vec2(512, 140),
color = rgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
text = car.absMode == 0 and "ABS: disabled" or string.format("ABS: %d/12", car.absMode),
pos = vec2(40, 70),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
color = rgb(1, 1, 1),
font = "aria",
pos = vec2(40, 70+68),
size = vec2(432, 8),
delta = 6,
activeColor = rgb(1, 1, 1),
inactiveColor = rgb(0.2, 0, 0),
total = 12,
active = car.absMode

local range = car.brakesBiasLimitUp - car.brakesBiasLimitDown
text = string.format("Brake bias: %.1f%%", car.brakeBias * 100),
pos = vec2(40, 210),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
color = rgb(1, 1, 1),
font = "aria",
pos = vec2(40, 210+68),
size = vec2(432, 8),
delta = 1,
activeColor = rgb(1, 1, 1),
inactiveColor = rgb(0.2, 0, 0),
total = math.ceil(range / car.brakesBiasStep),
active = math.ceil((car.brakeBias - car.brakesBiasLimitDown) / car.brakesBiasStep)
if selectedItem == 1 then
if btnMinus() and car.absMode > 0 then ac.setABS(car.absMode - 1) end
if btnPlus() then ac.setABS(car.absMode + 1) end
if btnFasterMinus() then ac.setBrakeBias(car.brakeBias - car.brakesBiasStep) end
if btnFasterPlus() then ac.setBrakeBias(car.brakeBias + car.brakesBiasStep) end
-- Storing current mode in variable
local currentMode = modeMirror
local isTurnedOff = false
function update(dt)
if btnModeSwitch() then
currentMode = currentMode == modeMirror and modeConfig or modeMirror
isTurnedOff = false
if btnTurnOff() then
isTurnedOff = not isTurnedOff
if isTurnedOff then
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, true)
currentMode = modeMirror
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Alfa Romeo 33/TT12 v1.0

The Tipo 33 TT 12 by Autodelta, is unquestionably one of Alfa Romeo’s most important post-war racing cars.
It has everything of a truly exceptional historic racing car...
dominant success, the world’s greatest drivers, a world-famous brand.

Imagine yourself, behind her... at the edge of control, screaming....
11,000 rpm splitting the air as you shift into fifth gear...
the speed, the rush of wind, the exhilaration, she is alive!
(She likes to be caressed... but she likes it rough too!)

Stop dreaming…

I've sung the praises of this beautiful car but has anyone ever made an improved gear change animation for this?
Or is it just me who has a 1ms hand missing the shifter animation?
I reckon on 500+ shifts per lap at the Targa Florio.
Hello guys, Happy New year ;)
To continue my 964 Cup, I'm about to see how Simplygon is working with the Content Manager, but I have a small issue
Free License looks ok, it's even working well in 3dsmax

But not in CM?
CM Version 0.8.2467.39678 (x86) and Custom shader version 0.1.79

did you see a similar issue ?
thanks for your help !
Download from their website, extract all in simplygon folder in your pc replacing the existing files, it works.
Hi guys and Happy New year!
I have an issue with the ks_ferrari_488_gt3:

As you can see the LCD screen mirror doesn't work.
I tried deactivating CSP features. I tried adding the line:
inside the ext_config.ini of the extension folder I have in the root of the car.
I tried changing PPFilter.
I asked a friend to zip me his folder and overwrite the data file and LODA.
I also noticed there's an automatically loaded ks_ferrari_488_gt3.ini inside assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\loaded with a long code about LCD mirror. But if there's an error inside the code, if I delete it, it keeps on loading it...

Any idea how to solve this, before checking the files via Steam as last resource? I have no idea.


I deleted the code about the internal LCD mirror inside the ini file in assettocorsa\extension\config\cars\loaded and it works!!!
Would be cool to find out what part of that long code is wrong...

; For demonstration purposes let’s replace interior rear view mirror with a mirror with extra features:

; Hide original mirror mesh
MESHES = Extra_Mirror_SUB1
LAYER = 10
ACTIVE = $" read('csp/version', 0) >= 1709 "

; Create a new mirror mesh
[INCLUDE: common/displays.ini]
MeshName = __mirror_display_mesh
ScreenScale = 256
ScreenAspectRatio = 0.5
MatrixType = TN
TreatTextureAsHDR = 1
P1 = -0.033037, 0.853015, 1.069863 ; four corners of new mirror
P2 = -0.109149, 0.844854, 1.013162 ; hold alt and click with objects inspector to get in-car coordinate
P3 = -0.109451, 0.773587, 1.023871 ; pro tip: with 0.1.76, hold Shift to get six digits after the delimiter
P4 = -0.033524, 0.781760, 1.080841

; And create dynamic texture. New mirror is going to have two modes, mirror with overlay and ABS/TC/brake bias control
MESHES = __mirror_display_mesh
RESOLUTION = 512, 512
DISPLAY_SIZE = 512, 512
SKIP_FRAMES = 0 ; high refresh rate, it’s a mirror in a racing car after all (don’t use it for other displays though)
-- Buttons on display
local displayMesh = display.interactiveMesh{ mesh = "Extra_Mirror_SUB0", resolution = vec2(512, 128) }
local btnModeSwitch = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(200, 7), vec2(45, 26))
local btnMenu = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(254, 7), vec2(45, 26))
local btnMinus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(308, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.15)
local btnPlus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(363, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.15)
local btnFasterMinus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(308, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.05)
local btnFasterPlus = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(363, 7), vec2(45, 26), 0.05)
local btnTurnOff = displayMesh.clicked(vec2(418, 7), vec2(45, 26))
-- Each mode will be drawn by its own function. Here is a function for mirror mode:
local brightnessMult = 1
local selectedOverlay = 1
local updateDelay = 0
local overlayText = ""
function modeMirror(dt)
-- Enable real mirror in this mode
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, false)
-- Firsly, draw mirror texture across whole thing
pos = vec2(),
size = vec2(512, 512),
color = rgb(brightnessMult, brightnessMult, brightnessMult),
mirrorIndex = 1, -- for rear mirrors, specifices position of which mirror to use. 0 is for the leftmost
uvStart = vec2(0.343, 0), -- these coords are used only if real mirrors are disabled
uvEnd = vec2(0.658, 1) -- good thing to switch real mirrors on and off to make sure it all matches
-- And let’s just put current speed in the top left corner
if updateDelay <= 0 then
updateDelay = 0.5
overlayText = selectedOverlay == 1 and string.format("%.1f km/h", car.speedKmh)
or selectedOverlay == 2 and string.format("%.1f l", car.fuel)
or selectedOverlay == 3 and string.format("%.1f C", car.waterTemperature)
updateDelay = updateDelay - dt
text = overlayText,
pos = vec2(40, 408),
color = rgb(0, 0, 0),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
font = "aria",
width = 432,
alignment = 1,
spacing = -6
if btnPlus() then brightnessMult = math.min(brightnessMult + 0.1, 1.2) end
if btnMinus() then brightnessMult = math.max(brightnessMult - 0.1, 0) end
if btnMenu() then
selectedOverlay = selectedOverlay + 1
if selectedOverlay == 4 then
selectedOverlay = 1
-- Second mode for customizing ABS and brake bias
local selectedItem = 1
function modeConfig(dt)
-- Disable real mirror in this mode
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, true)
local colorSelected = rgb(0, 0, 0)
local colorNotSelected = rgb(1, 1, 1)
if btnMenu() then
selectedItem = selectedItem == 1 and 2 or 1
pos = vec2(0, 40 + (selectedItem - 1) * 140),
size = vec2(512, 140),
color = rgb(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
text = car.absMode == 0 and "ABS: disabled" or string.format("ABS: %d/12", car.absMode),
pos = vec2(40, 70),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
color = rgb(1, 1, 1),
font = "aria",
pos = vec2(40, 70+68),
size = vec2(432, 8),
delta = 6,
activeColor = rgb(1, 1, 1),
inactiveColor = rgb(0.2, 0, 0),
total = 12,
active = car.absMode

local range = car.brakesBiasLimitUp - car.brakesBiasLimitDown
text = string.format("Brake bias: %.1f%%", car.brakeBias * 100),
pos = vec2(40, 210),
letter = vec2(24, 64),
color = rgb(1, 1, 1),
font = "aria",
pos = vec2(40, 210+68),
size = vec2(432, 8),
delta = 1,
activeColor = rgb(1, 1, 1),
inactiveColor = rgb(0.2, 0, 0),
total = math.ceil(range / car.brakesBiasStep),
active = math.ceil((car.brakeBias - car.brakesBiasLimitDown) / car.brakesBiasStep)
if selectedItem == 1 then
if btnMinus() and car.absMode > 0 then ac.setABS(car.absMode - 1) end
if btnPlus() then ac.setABS(car.absMode + 1) end
if btnFasterMinus() then ac.setBrakeBias(car.brakeBias - car.brakesBiasStep) end
if btnFasterPlus() then ac.setBrakeBias(car.brakeBias + car.brakesBiasStep) end
-- Storing current mode in variable
local currentMode = modeMirror
local isTurnedOff = false
function update(dt)
if btnModeSwitch() then
currentMode = currentMode == modeMirror and modeConfig or modeMirror
isTurnedOff = false
if btnTurnOff() then
isTurnedOff = not isTurnedOff
if isTurnedOff then
ac.pauseRealMirror(1, true)
currentMode = modeMirror
Yep, that did the trick. LCD works now. 👍
Before I begin, how much work will it take to convert those (I think there were called) F302 Touring cars - they were conversions from another game - to give them the physics from the new VRC cars? I mean, is it a good few hours of tedious work, a days work?
Before I begin, how much work will it take to convert those (I think there were called) F302 Touring cars - they were conversions from another game - to give them the physics from the new VRC cars? I mean, is it a good few hours of tedious work, a days work?

Should only take 10/15 mins per car once you know what you're doing, assuming you're literally giving them all the same values of the VRC ones. If you're going to tailor/fix things per car then obviously as long as you need...
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Before I begin, how much work will it take to convert those (I think there were called) F302 Touring cars - they were conversions from another game - to give them the physics from the new VRC cars? I mean, is it a good few hours of tedious work, a days work?
F302 touring cars are more fun and with better physics than the new VRC **** cars
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Hi everyone,

I see that the free car mods for Assetto Corsa have improved a lot in quality, visual effects, animations, lights, dashboard, etc... some better and more detailed than the original Kunos models, it's impressive!

The community is amazing and I am so grateful for all the fantastic mods that have been released lately.

However, not all mods, I would even say, most, do not have the same quality with regard to the technical specifications of the vehicle. Even in the most basic elements, such as the weight, or the power curve, which results in performances that are quite different from the real thing.

For me to get a performance close to the real model is very important, as much or more than the visual aspect... that's why I started to adjust the data files of almost all the mods to be able to obtain models closer to real and also comparable to each other, which implies using similar criteria in establishing the technical parameters.

I decided to start making the result of my work available to the community.

So, here is my first work!
PORSCHE 959 - 1987

"When it was introduced, the twin-turbocharged 959 was the world's fastest street-legal production car, boasting a top speed of 195 miles per hour (314 km/h).
During its production run it was hailed as the most technologically advanced road-going sports car ever built, and forerunner of all future super cars."

It's certainly not perfect, but it's much more real and guarantees greater consistency between different mods, from different authors.

Your comments and support will be greatly appreciated.

Hope you like and enjoy!

yes, it is very realistic to brake and slide the car 30 meters laterally, please... Because the car is from VRC you don't have to applaud, if it's bad, it's bad, nothing more

and I haven't mentioned the ffb, I'll do that another day ;)
Well, I agree: after more hours driving the VRC's, I'll also stick to my first impressions which I already posted: imo physics are wrong and FFB is bad. And this is the first time I have that feeling with VRC cars. Don't know what they did here. Loosing a car at relatively low speed and (almost) not able to recover (after four careful laps and tires well within working temp window - following VRC's tips) is not what I expect from classic BTCC/TC cars...
The only fun I have with these is their good looks.
Hi everyone,

I see that the free car mods for Assetto Corsa have improved a lot in quality, visual effects, animations, lights, dashboard, etc... some better and more detailed than the original Kunos models, it's impressive!

The community is amazing and I am so grateful for all the fantastic mods that have been released lately.

However, not all mods, I would even say, most, do not have the same quality with regard to the technical specifications of the vehicle. Even in the most basic elements, such as the weight, or the power curve, which results in performances that are quite different from the real thing.

For me to get a performance close to the real model is very important, as much or more than the visual aspect... that's why I started to adjust the data files of almost all the mods to be able to obtain models closer to real and also comparable to each other, which implies using similar criteria in establishing the technical parameters.

I decided to start making the result of my work available to the community.

So, here is my first work!
PORSCHE 959 - 1987
View attachment 1220338
"When it was introduced, the twin-turbocharged 959 was the world's fastest street-legal production car, boasting a top speed of 195 miles per hour (314 km/h).
During its production run it was hailed as the most technologically advanced road-going sports car ever built, and forerunner of all future super cars."

It's certainly not perfect, but it's much more real and guarantees greater consistency between different mods, from different authors.

Your comments and support will be greatly appreciated.

Hope you like and enjoy!

Today is a fantastic day, a new Patreon is born!!! 🥰 Finally a great news! 😅

P.S.: Do not be offended, mine is just a silly observation, and your work will surely be appreciated
yes, it is very realistic to brake and slide the car 30 meters laterally, please... Because the car is from VRC you don't have to applaud, if it's bad, it's bad, nothing more

and I haven't mentioned the ffb, I'll do that another day ;)
More fun is a subjective matter, so I will not go there. Mario Kart can be more fun for some. And that is fine. But as physics go, f302 cars are 6 to 10 seconds a lap slower than what the real cars were doing. So they are realistic as a gt3 car is realistic at being an f1 car. FFB problem you are having is weird to me, cause I don't have this problem at all. Did you guys read the readme file? Did you unpack the cars and move them to ac folder in windows explorer? Or did you drag them to CM? Something must have gone wrong with the install on your end IMO. As for the sliding of these cars, yes they were sliding. That's what happens when you put an extremely overpowered engine on a saloon body with saloon tyres. You don't have to believe me, see for yourself. And when you get a hang of how to drive them, you don't slide once in a 20 lap race:

In general I don't comment on such posts. If you don't like, you don't like it. No problem. But to say something is **** and something has better physics without a shred of evidence, just doesn't sit with me very well. ;)
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hello thank you for the links I would like to know just what DLC of the game Assetto Corsa Steam DLC store you need to be able to play with the Renault Laguna BTCC because it does not work for me or on Content Manager and JGSME
More fun is a subjective matter, so I will not go there. Mario Kart can be more fun for some. And that is fine. But as physics go, f302 cars are 6 to 10 seconds a lap slower than what the real cars were doing. So they are realistic as a gt3 car is realistic at being an f1 car. FFB is weird to me, cause I don't have this problem at all. Did you guys read the readme file? Did you unpack the cars and move them to ac folder in windows explorer? Or did you drag them to CM? Something must have gone wrong with the install on your end IMO. As for the sliding of these cars, yes they were sliding. That's what happens when you put an extremely overpowered engine on a saloon body with saloon tyres. You don't have to believe me, see for yourself. And when you get a hang of how to drive them, you don't slide once in a 20 lap race:

In general I don't comment on such posts. If you don't like, you don't like it. No problem. But to say something is **** and something has better physics without a shred of evidence, just doesn't sit with me very well. ;)

Have to agree with this Ales
I tried the F302 Laguna last night by mistake - forgot to select the VRC car lol - and after 3 corners it was glaringly obvious that it is not a good mod, both in looks and physics. When I restarted the race using the VRC Vectra it was like a night and day difference to how the car drove and felt.
I also don't think driving a fwd car with skinny tyres and no abs and no tc would be easy and would definitely feel a bit lively at the limit. As Matt Neal said
“They were awesome to drive,” he says, “not easy, but very special indeed.
At the start they were unreliable as so much new technology was being tested and boundaries being pushed, but they became very fun in the end when reliability was sorted. They were always on a knife-edge at the limit due to the small, narrow tyres, and as the technology increased so did the grip levels. The more tech you had, the more fun you had.”
More fun is a subjective matter, so I will not go there. Mario Kart can be more fun for some. And that is fine. But as physics go, f302 cars are 6 to 10 seconds a lap slower than what the real cars were doing. So they are realistic as a gt3 car is realistic at being an f1 car. FFB problem you are having is weird to me, cause I don't have this problem at all. Did you guys read the readme file? Did you unpack the cars and move them to ac folder in windows explorer? Or did you drag them to CM? Something must have gone wrong with the install on your end IMO. As for the sliding of these cars, yes they were sliding. That's what happens when you put an extremely overpowered engine on a saloon body with saloon tyres. You don't have to believe me, see for yourself. And when you get a hang of how to drive them, you don't slide once in a 20 lap race:

In general I don't comment on such posts. If you don't like, you don't like it. No problem. But to say something is **** and something has better physics without a shred of evidence, just doesn't sit with me very well. ;)

I was having difficulty with them to begin with. The base setups provided (in particular with the Mondeo) are very nervous with a tendency to snap oversteer. it's all fixable through setup work though. Tyre prep is still important though as well as how you brake into a corner (which seems obvious when you write it down, but it still took some time figuring out what was best).

I think the biggest compliment I can give them is that the setup direction taken to cure the tail happyness of the PM3DM Nissan Primera also works with the VRC cars.

I've also done what you suggested in a previous post. Migrating LUT files over (whilst keeping the ones already present) and deleting those no longer required (after having also repurposed the tyres.ini file from the VRC cars and adapting it to the Nissan and Volvo). Amending the minimum ride height and base/static ride height (after applying a similar setup across all cars to get a rough idea of where the ride heights should be). They're all driving to a similar (whilst still different) lap pace and all still have their individual quirks.
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Well, I agree: after more hours driving the VRC's, I'll also stick to my first impressions which I already posted: imo physics are wrong and FFB is bad. And this is the first time I have that feeling with VRC cars. Don't know what they did here. Loosing a car at relatively low speed and (almost) not able to recover (after four careful laps and tires well within working temp window - following VRC's tips) is not what I expect from classic BTCC/TC cars...
The only fun I have with these is their good looks.
I changed the tyres of the Mondeo, now with tyres from the PM3DM Nissan Primera, it improved (for me) the physics and the ffb, later i'll test the others cars with these tyres
I changed the tyres of the Mondeo, now with tyres from the PM3DM Nissan Primera, it improved (for me) the physics and the ffb, later i'll test the others cars with these tyres
Sometimes you have to mess with car setups and as you have found out maybe even swap the tyres. But you gotta admit that the F302 cars are terrible compared to the PM3DM and the VRC cars when it comes down to it. Glad you are now enjoying these more
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Has anyone here figured out how to BoP the VRC Tourers to the PM3DM ones via physics yet?

I can't seem to find the source of the 1.5 - 2 secs difference in pace. It's not just the tyres, although the PM3DM ones are slightly faster. It's not the aero, it's not weight or power and it's not a nuance like shift speed or brake power and I can't get it through setup.
If you make all these elements equal (not setup obv), the gap shortens somewhat but still remains. I can't figure out where the PM3DM cars are finding that extra time, and I'd prefer to bring the VRC cars up to pace rather than slow the PM3DM ones down since they're nearly spot on to real life lap times for me.
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