Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Not meaning to side track the thread but it would be wonderful if Ilya could fix the AI's ability to tackle slower cards in multi class races. I'm a huge Le Mans simracer enthusiast, in some races I run the AI level far beyond my skills, yet as soon as they hit traffic I can gain up to 8-10 seconds a lap. That's where AC really falls down - and I adore this game.

Also, side note - I had a go at making the F302 cars behave a bit more in line with the VRC cars (lift off oversteer etc). The Laguna is not so nervous as the VRC cars but it's in the same vein now. If anyone wants to give it a try give me a DM!
Hi everyone,

I see that the free car mods for Assetto Corsa have improved a lot in quality, visual effects, animations, lights, dashboard, etc... some better and more detailed than the original Kunos models, it's impressive!

The community is amazing and I am so grateful for all the fantastic mods that have been released lately.

However, not all mods, I would even say, most, do not have the same quality with regard to the technical specifications of the vehicle. Even in the most basic elements, such as the weight, or the power curve, which results in performances that are quite different from the real thing.

For me to get a performance close to the real model is very important, as much or more than the visual aspect... that's why I started to adjust the data files of almost all the mods to be able to obtain models closer to real and also comparable to each other, which implies using similar criteria in establishing the technical parameters.

I decided to start making the result of my work available to the community.

So, here is my first work!
PORSCHE 959 - 1987
View attachment 1220338
"When it was introduced, the twin-turbocharged 959 was the world's fastest street-legal production car, boasting a top speed of 195 miles per hour (314 km/h).
During its production run it was hailed as the most technologically advanced road-going sports car ever built, and forerunner of all future super cars."

It's certainly not perfect, but it's much more real and guarantees greater consistency between different mods, from different authors.

Your comments and support will be greatly appreciated.

Hope you like and enjoy!

This is Geroda74 mod probably. Can you add working wipers and turn lights?
AMS2 isn't as configurable as AC? You have to be kidding
Thank you for your informative post on some adjustments available in AMS2 in order to attempt to make AI less annoying, can you point me to where the AI does not take off corners as if they had a turbo boost that the human driver does not have, this happening in the same corner that he AI tried to negotiate so much slower than the said human driver, I cannot find that setting in there, that is the only one I would really like to see. Of course having the AI use the same physic as the human kills it in the bud.
Although, if that ever happen, a setting, telling the AI to respect track limits would be also be nice, instead of passing on the grass.
I still like AC and use it a lot, but when you can pull over to the side of the track and slowly come to a stop and the AI behind you basically does the same
Not attempt at belittling AC AI would be complete without a mention of AI confusion when the human driver slows down or stop in the middle of nowhere without apparent causes, it would, or at least should also concern human driver, usually not a concern for sim driver online, but those are a different bread. So, yes, what you describe happens, bad thing? not sure. In any case lets hope it does not happen too often that in a race, you suddenly slow down or even stop for no reason, as then yes AI will be (rightly so) a little confused. Ai has no issue passing the human driver in racing condition and that include multi class racing (when set up correctly)

How many AI cars do you use in your races? I can imagine that it takes a lot of performance if all other drivers use the same physics as the player.
That is a very legitimate critic of AC AI, using the same physic is not requirement efficient and without a very healthy operating PC, it will hamper the performance, other game have very limited physic for the AI, hence the discrepancy but you can have many more of them running at the same time as the human driver, so, yes, more dumb AI available.:lol::lol: Great!
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This is Geroda74 mod probably. Can you add working wipers and turn lights?
No, for that, I think it's necessary to work on the 3d model, and that kind of work I don't do... My work is mostly on the technical/data aspects, and some visual tweaks, based on tweaking the data files, not the 3D models themselves.

If anyone in the community can help I would be very happy!!!
Can I ask a question that might be (ok it is) off topic of the thread?
I don't really use social media and really only use this forum and thus mainly this thread.

The very quick question is, because google seems to conflict.
I am thinking of getting a gtx 1070 to pair with my i7 4790 on my desk computer which i use for work and modding, with this i want to then use my VR that sits there never being used, so i can stretch out with it use it for non driving VR games.

All i need to know is how do i go about using my steam on this other computer and can it mess at all with the steam stuff on my main system in another room?

Can i play my steam games on any other computer basically with no fear of messing anything up? Is it separate?
Or do i need to have new steam account? Which would actually be fine.
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Aston Martin Racing - LM LiquiMoly Livery




Turner Motorsport (revised) replica...
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Fine? Except for having to buy the games a second time?
Family mode. You can share your games from account to account and play it freely, just not at the same time, but that wont be a problem for him.
Yeah, I would suggest a second account then family mode just to be very very sure, but Steam should be able to seperate hardware sources anyway.
Can I ask a question that might be (ok it is) off topic of the thread?
I don't really use social media and really only use this forum and thus mainly this thread.

The very quick question is, because google seems to conflict.
I am thinking of getting a gtx 1070 to pair with my i7 4790 on my desk computer which i use for work and modding, with this i want to then use my VR that sits there never being used, so i can stretch out with it use it for non driving VR games.

All i need to know is how do i go about using my steam on this other computer and can it mess at all with the steam stuff on my main system in another room?

Can i play my steam games on any other computer basically with no fear of messing anything up? Is it separate?
Or do i need to have new steam account? Which would actually be fine.
You can play your Steam games on another computer without problems, you just have to log in. But you can only do it on one computer at a time.
You can play your Steam games on another computer without problems, you just have to log in. But you can only do it on one computer at a time.
Cool, cheers. That's what I'll do then as GTX 1070's are cheap as chips again and i'll only need it for basic free VR games anyway, just need to get some sort of monies worth from VR, hate it in driving games makes me feel sick.
Thank you for this explanation guys, it really helps. Wouldn't be possible to force hardware lock manually adding it in ini settings if some sort? I will then set 900 degrees in Ac as per my driver settings, tick the "adjust to match car" and tick soft lock for now. What about enhance understeering effect? Would you recommend it? I honestly love to feel the steering apply as much force as possible to really give me the sensation of driving a real car. Also in case the lock should not adjust itself car by car how could I manually do it in game?
This is STEER_LOCK under [Controls] in car.ini
Rotation from lock to lock
Heads up there is a bunch of skodas knocking around by some guy called fuzo, don't let 'skoda' put you off, they are top draw IMO.
And who wouldn't be curious about a retro skoda group 5 car?

I think atck is adding them on his site as where I got them from I can't link to it as I'll get slapped wrists.
Heads up there is a bunch of skodas knocking around by some guy called fuzo, don't let 'skoda' put you off, they are top draw IMO.
And who wouldn't be curious about a retro skoda group 5 car?

I think atck is adding them on his site as where I got them from I can't link to it as I'll get slapped wrists.
Doesn't Fuzo work with TMM? They have a bunch of Skodas on their site so probably the same cars.
This is STEER_LOCK under [Controls] in car.ini
Rotation from lock to lock
... and not to be confused with LOCK under [STEER_ANIMATION] in data/driver3d.ini, which a lot of Silly Billy Facebook modders set the same as the STEER_LOCK value, then (because they test their cars exclusively in chase cam) never even realise that the driver now steers with his hands sliding around the steering wheel as if we've just interrupted him pleasuring himself with butter.
.../ some guy called fuzo.../...
You don't seem to know Fuzo ?
He's from the TMM (Trained Monkey Modding) group. They already brought us (among others)
  • Lausitzring
  • Pau
  • Oschersleben
  • Most
  • Sachsenring
  • Skoda 130rs (and several others)
  • Cupra Leon Competition
  • Renault Clio RS Cup
All great stuff... certainly worth having :)

Btw: this bunch of Skoda's isn't made by Fuzo. Some of the guys there went a little overboard... :lol:
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You don't seem to know Fuzo ?
He's from the TMM (Trained Monkey Modding) group. They already brought us (among others)
  • Lausitzring
  • Pau
  • Oschersleben
  • Most
  • Sachsenring
  • Skoda 130rs (and several others)
  • Cupra Leon Competition
  • Renault Clio RS Cup
All great stuff... certainly worth having :)
I knew of TMM
I don't see these on their website.

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Yep, that did the trick. LCD works now. 👍
Hi. I don't claim to know much about these ext, but I was playing around and put Active 0 in these two and it works. No clue what's in here that is stopping it.

; For demonstration purposes let’s replace interior rear view mirror with a mirror with extra features:

; Hide original mirror mesh
MESHES = Extra_Mirror_SUB1
LAYER = 10

; Create a new mirror mesh
[INCLUDE: common/displays.ini]
MeshName = __mirror_display_mesh
ScreenScale = 256
ScreenAspectRatio = 0.5
MatrixType = TN
TreatTextureAsHDR = 1
P1 = -0.033037, 0.853015, 1.069863 ; four corners of new mirror
P2 = -0.109149, 0.844854, 1.013162 ; hold alt and click with objects inspector to get in-car coordinate
P3 = -0.109451, 0.773587, 1.023871 ; pro tip: with 0.1.76, hold Shift to get six digits after the delimiter
P4 = -0.033524, 0.781760, 1.080841

Every think else is as is.
The very quick question is, because google seems to conflict.
I am thinking of getting a gtx 1070 to pair with my i7 4790 on my desk computer which i use for work and modding, with this i want to then use my VR that sits there never being used, so i can stretch out with it use it for non driving VR games.
I'm using my old PC with Intel Core i7-4790K CPU, 16 GB DDR3-2400 RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 to play AC with my Oculus Rift CV1 since 2015 and it works very well. With optimized 3D settings in the NVIDIA control panel (with latest driver 527.37) and in the Content Manager (with CSP 0.1.79 + SOL 2.2.5) I can use grids up to 30 cars without a problem. To make it possible to play with very high graphics settings I use my Rift CV1 with the 45 Hz ASW mode and 1.5 super sampling (setup with Oculus Tray Tool).

To prevent sickness in VR while driving, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to activate "lock onboard camera to horizon" in the AC settings under "View & UI / Camera". This is similar to what the human in-ear does in real life, if you look to the horizon (e.g. look at the horizon to prevent sea sickness, if you're on a ship in stormy sea).

I can share my settings with you. Just send me a PM.
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Heads up there is a bunch of skodas knocking around by some guy called fuzo, don't let 'skoda' put you off, they are top draw IMO.
And who wouldn't be curious about a retro skoda group 5 car?

I think atck is adding them on his site as where I got them from I can't link to it as I'll get slapped wrists.
You can easily find these Skodas completely legit with a YT search, this group has an official YT channel, without doing the extra mile to our Russian friends.

I finally bought the VRC Touring cars and BOPed them with the other available cars with ballast and restrictor.
At Donington i got the whole grid whishin 1 sec. Silverstone within 2.2 seconds.
Maybe intesrresting for someone

Btw. I am using the nonCSP version cause i am running an older CSP version (and so far i can not complaion about the physics :confused:)
So what i have done was:

PM3 Nissan and Volvo got 130kg ballast
PM3 BMW - no ballast
The VRC cars: Honda, Ford, Vauxhall got 60kg ballast
The f302 cars: Renault, Alfa, Audi - no ballast
GTsupreame - Peugeot (grid filler) got 150kg

All cars except the BMW got addiitonally 3% restrictor.

I am happy with the result for now. It´s like a BOP Version 0.5 :D The cars are good mixed in results.
Upating Reynard Prototypes

LMP900 and LMP1's

Massive pack with nearly every Reynard-based LMP900 and LMP1

release Planned in mid to late January, after Lola B2k/10 Pack

Planned release in 2 or 3 parts


Protran RS06/H (Reynard) AER (previously Released another update, some model work)
Reynard 01Q Cosworth Nasamax Lemans (Near Complete)
Reynard 01Q Cosworth Nasamax ALMS (Not Started)
Reynard 01Q Ford Cosworth/Nicholson-McLaren (Mid Way through)
Nassamax DM139 (Reynard) Low Wing (Mid Way through)
Nassamax DM139 (Reynard) High Wing (Mid Way through)
Reynard 2KQ Chrysler (Near Complete)
Reynard 2KQ Judd (Near Complete)
Reynard 2KQ Lehmann HPT16 (Started)
Reynard 2KQ ALMS Maximum Downforce (Near Complete)

Here are the ones where the modeling is complete at least.

ikltuiylt7uiol.JPG hjndthmudytuj.JPG
srgyhtyrh.JPG ydjffgrt.JPG
Correct me if im wrong - but in regards to the balancing of the VRC touring cars and the p3dm cars, could you not just adjust the AI file in the data folder? Could you not just increase the [ULTRA_GRIP] value? This would make the AI have more cornering grip - surely? Then it would just be a matter of balancing the AI to your skill levels now that the AI are playing better with one another. I have also, as mentioned by other members altered the ride height of the p3dm cars, which does help alot. But would that be a quick and easy fix to speed up the VRC AI?
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