Le Mans 1967
Le Mans 1967 v1.02
This is my take on the le_grand_circuit_1967 track done by Terra21 and updated by WooChoo and Virtua_LM. All credit for the track goes to those guys. I simply added some CSP features and altered a few textures\meshes to give it a look I prefer. It is a standalone track so as not to mess with the original and will come up as Le Mans 1967 in your track list. If you have a preferred ai you use with the original track, just copy it over to this version if you decide to use this. I'm not sure which ai version the track currently has right now because I was swapping out different versions.
-- Seasonal changes.
-- Animated flags.
-- Animated CSP smoke in the fall and winter.
-- Added an alternate terrain folder that might be worth trying. It changes the look of the areas along Mulsanne Straight. Basically, it makes them a little darker and a little browner. Personally, I like it better because it doesn't look so bright. To try it, copy the contents of the Alternate_Terrain folder to the main track directory and overwrite when it asks. Might be smart to make a backup of the files that get replaced so you can revert back if you don't like the new look.
-- New pine trees texture. This one has some faults because the trunks don't quite line up with the uv mapping correctly. The original pine tree texture had slightly curved trunks. Mine doesn't so you can see some double trunks in spots if you are really looking for them. It doesn't bother me, but if it does for you, just enable the Original Trees track skin.
-- The Green Grass track skin does just what it says. Makes the grass look greener. Nice for a spring race.
-- The Misc track skin doesn't need to be enabled. It's a skin created by Instevs36 that I got from RD that I use at times. As mentioned.
-- If you find the ambient feel is a bit dark, you can go to the track's extension folder and rename the ext_config_lighter file to ext_config. It's not a drastic increase in brightness but enough to make a difference. It's actually the one I use.
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