Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
you have any suggestions for a track to compare multiple cars? But please not the Topgear track.
The track shouldn´t be too long.
Magione has ben my test track for years. The track is short but has a long straight, bumpy section, slow and med speed corners. I don't drive hyper / LMP and F1 cars that may need longer straight and faster corners / chicanes.
Odd -- just checked Breathe's list and am seeing v1.0 as the current version:
I have just checked what I have in CM and it says v1.0, also grabbed the one linked on the list and that is v0.99. Scrolling through my JDownloader list (I don't delete my history so I know if I have already grabbed something) and this is the link for the v1.0 -, where it was posted it was listed as "Bilster Berg Drive Resort 2022 v1.0"
I see. The link on the spreadsheet is indeed 0.99. Cheers for the new link, and I'll have a look.

Perhaps Breathe can switch the link to this one you've supplied.
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Hello again! How is everyone? I would like to know if there is a standard script for Chameleon paintings. So far I haven't been able to learn how to create these paintings. Thanks.

* I discovered a tutorial and will try to do it. Then i'll come back and give my feedback. *
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New Update for the Nissan 300zx JTGC (Version 10)


Download Patreon
Great Nissan!
One question, does your mod include the Real life skins? From IMSA, JGTC and Le Mans?
Is this a question for me?
if yes, yes the mod has now the real-life JGTC, not 100% but it is close enough, I didn't manage to find one sponsor, and as the real one changes the sponsor often I stick with this one, as the LeMans is the same as the JGTC with some changes nothing special
About the IMSA someone else has made good skins for this one and I think you can find them here.
The original was made by Fat-Alfie and was built with LiDAR data. While it never quite got to 1.0, I am sure it is of substantially higher quality than anything ACTK will put out.

The reason it was pulled from RaceDepartment and scrubbed from the internet was that the actual owner of the Bilster Berg himself went on a litigation rampage once he figured out people were making versions of the track that weren't using his license, which if I recall correctly cost thousands of dollars. He threatened to sue, and that was that, obviously - despite the LiDAR data being very much legally obtained. This is my recollection - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in some small details.

From what I understand, only RaceRoom has this licensed version of Bilster Berg, and word is that Fat-Alfie's is superior even to that one.

There are a few small CSP issues with the track, but it's brilliant in slower tin-tops and open wheelers. I'm not sure it's possible to find it out "in the wild" anymore.

EDIT: Check the Breathe spreadsheet. You may or may not find a copy. ;)
My recollection of events differ, but may be incorrect.
The owner contacted Fat Alfie to purchase his version of Bilster Berg, to use as a training tool to be available for track days and such. The owner did not, however, want the track to be freely available. Fat Alfie agreed upon the terms, and subsequently removed the track from Race Department. The last publicly available version before it was removed was the 0.99, with further development being exclusive to the aforementioned owner of said track.
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2016 Ferrari 488 GTE Pack !

Free release !

Another new Ferrari 488 GTE pack (I know haha), but this car is the first version of the 488 GTE ! The 2016 one, also in this pack you have all skins from 2016 to 2019 (WEC, Le Mans and ELMS) and two spec for this car (Endurance and Sprint version) !

Have fun on the track !View attachment 1298829
Free release today !

You can download car here !
Making "BoP" adjustments for a few more cars. Now the first achievements for the 24 Hours of Le Mans 1972.Ligier JS2-Masetai and Alfa Romeo 33TT3. The next ones this year Lola T280, Matra 670/670C/660, Ford Capri
Ligier JS2-Maserati ( Laffite/Maublanc )

Alfa Romeo 33TT3 ( Galli/Stommelen )

Alfa looks great! Please publish soon!
Fliegerhorst Wunstorf v1.0

View attachment 1298413
Between 1964 and 1998, a temporary motor racing circuit was laid out on the Wunstorf airbase. Races at the circuit were included in the German Touring Car Championship between 1984 and 1993, one of several temporary airfield tracks on the DTM calendar at the time. (Wikipedia)
Conversion from GTR2.

-CSP recommended
-32 pit/start
-2 layouts (1993/1997)
-AI, cam

NOTE; If you are using Sol and the track screen is dark, rename ext_config_for_sol.ini to ext_config.ini in the extension folder.

Credits & Thanks;
RACE07 Original Track by 091071
GTR2 Conversion by FRM
-Thank you for giving me permission (FRM)

AC Converted by @shin956
logo.png by @Fanapryde
Crowds texture by @Kniker97
some objects and textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe , @macko68 , @Masscot

Download (mediafire)


wauw , this is stunning! Thanks so much!
I urge anyone to try this magnificent track, (preferably at dawn, with a car with open roof or no roof at all).

For the parked balloon mesh inside was not being rendered, add to ext_config.ini to fix:

MESHES = group019005.001

Also some of the buildings are 'flickering' in the distance... I don't know yet how to fix that.
Would be great to have that fixed, as it also brakes immersion (only be in VR I presume).
My recollection of events differ, but may be incorrect.
The owner contacted Fat Alfie to purchase his version of Bilster Berg, to use as a training tool to be available for track days and such. The owner did not, however, want the track to be freely available. Fat Alfie agreed upon the terms, and subsequently removed the track from Race Department. The last publicly available version before it was removed was the 0.99, with further development being exclusive to the aforementioned owner of said track.
Exactly. and the 1.0 version contains an update from nobody afaik.


It even came through CM as an update recently when already 0.99 was installed.
you have any suggestions for a track to compare multiple cars? But please not the Topgear track.
The track shouldn´t be too long.
If you want real tracks, Jarama or Vallelunga. Then you have Toban converted from Rfactor, or fictional like Silver Coin circuit or Acopone Raceway. Thats what i use when i want to test on "small" tracks. But i always end on the Nords
hi , great mod!
would you consider adding a rearview mirror? :)
the oil pressure and temp values on the digital are floating in front of the display...
(something to note down and fix for the next update: please put all Z values to -0.001 instead of -0.012 or -0.002) :cheers:
AMS Renault Test Track v1.1
conversion from GTR2.
Fictional circuit in France.

View attachment 1117921
-CSP recommended
-35 pit/start
-AI, cam

NOTE; If you are using Sol and the track screen is dark, rename ext_config_for_sol.ini to ext_config.ini in the extension folder.

Credits & Thanks;
Gildoorf Rozencrantz, Ruboy, PrBlanco and Lo2k, the author of the GP4 original version and Thank you for gave me permission (Gildoorf)
Rickylix, conversion to rFactor
6ecko, conversion to GTR2

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
AI and camtool by @Viola_seven
Test and Feedback by @Masscot , @Breathe , @KevinK2, @RMi_wood
RainFX by @KevinK2
cam and ext_config parts by @CrisT86
background by kunos

The readme for GP4, rF, GTR2, and AC can be found in the _readme folder.

v1.01 changelog;
Updated ext_config.
Updated grass material.
Deleted unnecessary objects.
Spectator now supports camera_facing.
Added cam by CrisT86.
Added camtool by Viola_seven.

v1.1 changelog;
Added 3D terrain.
Added Alternative Billboard Skin by Mascot. (Thanks)
Updated rock texture.
Updated skidmarks.
Updated ext_config.
Fixed road mapping.
Changed crowd textures by Kniker97. (Thanks)
The camera tractor was replaced by a kunos one.
Some minor fixes were made.

AMS Renault Test Track v1.1
The link is in the quote.

v1.1 changelog;
Added 3D terrain.
Added Alternative Billboard Skin by @Masscot . (Thanks)
Updated rock texture.
Updated skidmarks.
Updated ext_config.
Fixed road mapping.
Changed crowd textures by @Kniker97 . (Thanks)
The camera tractor was replaced by a kunos one.
Some minor fixes were made.
wauw , this is stunning! Thanks so much!
I urge anyone to try this magnificent track, (preferably at dawn, with a car with open roof or no roof at all).

For the parked balloon mesh inside was not being rendered, add to ext_config.ini to fix:

MESHES = group019005.001

Also some of the buildings are 'flickering' in the distance... I don't know yet how to fix that.
Would be great to have that fixed, as it also brakes immersion (only be in VR I presume).
Thank you for the report.
I do not have VR so I could not check the flickering of the building.
Can you tell me which building is the problem?
A question for the experts. For me only CSP 218 works, with all subsequent versions I can not load tracks. Is there a function that I have to disable?

anyone tried this ? seems pretty well made.. also did a run through CM and it seems it has scratch made physics.

anyone tried this ? seems pretty well made.. also did a run through CM and it seems it has scratch made physics.
do you have problems with the mirrors? mine are all bugged, can´t see a thing
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