Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
PS: I hate Windows 11. It's absolute trash.
That makes two of us. I concluded long ago that Windows was one of the first 'evil works' done by Damien, the devil child, in 'The Omen'.

See the meance in his eyes. Just like Bill Gates!

Screenshot 2024-12-04 at 3.09.22 pm.jpg

Out foul beast! Out! (Insert projectile stream of pea green vomit here. 🤮)
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Hello gtp...I need some assistance please.I am working on some skins for Team WSC Legends Chevron gt mod.It has some interior lighting issues.
I fixed the lighting on the dashboard with an ext_config in the skins folder.(the light was being blocked by the inner glass casting a shadow)The lighting on the steering wheel has me stumped.
It should look just like the dash,they both reference the same texture.In the pic you can see the light on my gloves so I know it is in sunlight.
MESHES = Object166
SHADER = ksPerPixel
PROP_0 = ksAmbient, 0.5
PROP_1 = ksDiffuse, 0.5
but it did nothing.The car is encrypted but the dash was fixable so........
Please help,thank you.
View attachment 1410197
Are you sure that the steering wheel has a simple ksPerpixel shader?there are obvious normals in the original steering wheel mesh, hence the lighting behavior.
Anyone tried the GUERILLA GT4 mod?
Are the ai broken as they just cant stop the car, i tested 3 tracks monza turn 1,
Spa last turn and suzuka, they brake way too late and cant stop.

1. Download the RAR package and extract the contents to /steamapps/common/assettocorsa/

so that the folder F1_early_90s_Leaderboard is directly in that python folder. Make sure you don't accidentally create /steamapps/common/assettocorsa/python/F1_late_80s_Leaderboard/F1_late_80s_Leaderboard double folders.

2. Install the Futura Md BT Bold Italic font. There is that font in the leaderboard package.

Make sure that font is also in the /assettocorsa/content/fonts folder. It should be if you extracted the package to your /assettocorsa folder.

2. Go to Content Manager - Content - Miscellanneous - Python Apps - And check F1_early_90s_Leaderboard active

3. Now when you start the game in practice, move your mouse pointer to the right corner to click the icon that shows all apps. Click the desired 90S Leaderboard app visible (three of them and HALO hud) and move them to desired areas on the screen with keeping the left mouse button pressed. Press F9 to get rid of the AC default leaderboard display.










Screenshots are from my Custom 1990 Championship season. If you want to try my 1990 Custom Championship with amazing RSS cars check out the download links in the video.

The season has sparks by my mate RMi Wood (who has helped me with modding a lot) and adjusted mandatory pitting (20-25 lap races). Tracks are hand picked 1988/1992 tracks and all layouts and schedules are 100% accurate.

These vintage F1 seasons in AC are my labour of love as I'm passionate/obsessed with classic F1. Trying to make them better and more realistic any way I can with my feeble modding skills.

I feel like there’s far too much information on screen for the time period, unless certain items can be turned on or off.

I place custom-made static images on my video timelines, for my effects, using the actual OSD from real footage as a placement template for the text(The helmet and portrait are pulled directly from the real TV footage).

I think that Helvetica Bold Oblique matches it much more closely.

The real font used was most likely from the Helvetica family in some form.
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I feel like there’s far too much information on screen for the time period, unless certain items can be turned on or off.

What do you mean? Of course you can turn anything off if you want. Fastest lap banner only appears for a few seconds when the lap happens. And if you don't like the driver comparison banner you can turn that off too. You can turn off either of the three displays.

It has all the exact same information that all leaderboards have. Of course I take screenshots of all the features.
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I ran three races in three different cars at three different tracks. Each time 10 laps. Each time the every AI car would pit at lap 7 or 8 so they must be on small fuel loads by default. It wasn't like that before the update. Also the AI seems a little bit quicker than before but I didn't notice anything in the audio.

Could you try to do a race at spa or monza to see did the ai work?
Balitmore update ,
a Update for Rainmakers Baltimore 2013 conversion ,
WARNING : this will overwrite the original folder - backup the original folder

The Other versions are still available , it adds in the newer version , selectable from the drop down list

new walls with 2013 advertising ,new chicane ,some new buildings, abit FPS heavy in a few spots , due to the buildings i think .all credit to the original makers of the track and to Rainmaker for the conversion to Assetto Corsa .

You have some file "phillip_island_2024a.kn5" in the archive, that I don't think belongs to it? Am I right?
Are you sure that the steering wheel has a simple ksPerpixel shader?there are obvious normals in the original steering wheel mesh, hence the lighting behavior.
Thank you,,I have no idea what it uses because the car is encrypted.I did try other types and tried just not having that line there at all.At first I thought it was just not getting any direct light or was just dark.It does react to shadow and light...just not correctly.
Ok the Porsche 993 is mine and the level it is at was only for private use. Why? Because there are objects used in this model from other modders and no permission has been sought for a public release, and as Speedstar 2000 said they can be improved. So I apologise for anyone who has identified any objects used. I made a 2000 FIA GT season set and was uploaded to our RMS group for feedback but it looks like people have modified it and shared it around without permission, which I am not happy about. I did do a Marcos in the set but I don't identify this one and mine didn't have the problems described.
I am sorry to hear that, I just found them searching for mods from various sites like I always do, and since I liked them so much I thought why not tell the others how awesome they are, especially the Porsche, so they can enjoy them too. You defenitely should make improvements like you mentioned, I strongly believe everyone will like them. I do apologise if I exposed your mods publicly, even though they were ment to be private, I just didn't know.
Released : Metalmoro MRX Duratec P3
3D Model Car :Riza
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: Riza
3d work: F302
Physics: Peugeot905
Light Options via ext_config.ini: Round Lights and LED
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.2.5-preview1
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager

Fix :
This car and several others have reflection issues.Even with Reflection FX turned on,the road is reflecting on the interior.I tried a Kunos car and it was fine.I tried adding CAST_SHADOWS to the lower meshes of the car but it made zero difference.
I am on version 0.2.3 CSP.(I have seen this problem in previous versions too)
I would disable rendering of the glass bits but its all reflective surfaces that are affected.Enabling Local reflections helps some but I usually have them disabled for fps.
Please help,thank you.
Macau Guia-WSC60 Chevron GT.png
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Texas Motor Speedway by Legion. Nice track including road course, but there are couple of dark pillars reaching out to heavens:

View attachment 1409863

The weird thing is, I can't seem to identify the faulty mesh/material with 3DsimED. Those pillars are non-existent anywhere but in the race itself. Not related to ext.config, I've tried also without it.

Could someone hint me where to look for a solution next? I want those things gone.
Where did you download this mod?l think I can solve it but I have no this mod.
I am sorry to hear that, I just found them searching for mods from various sites like I always do, and since I liked them so much I thought why not tell the others how awesome they are, especially the Porsche, so they can enjoy them too. You defenitely should make improvements like you mentioned, I strongly believe everyone will like them. I do apologise if I exposed your mods publicly, even though they were ment to be private, I just didn't know.

I have no idea about this discussion (or mods) but it was about my dream Porsche... as I only play F1 and I have no idea about AC street cars mods but if I ever get money I'd buy a Porsche 993. That car is dream stuff. Why can't they make cars that look like this anymore? Did the car industry ever produced better ass than this? I don't think so.


Ferrari 355 gets close though. Tell me two cars that look better than these. :)

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I’m sure I used the one from our french friend

If it doesn’t work, I will upload my files :-)

I also added higher resolution carbon textures for the interior and made the the interior-material a lot darker.
Hi, Thanks for sharing the mod. I already had this specific one though.
Are you willing to share your modifications like you mentioned? I.e Hi-Res textures for interior, interior al lot darker (indeed, the original is very 'rough' and VERY VERY light grey.) Thank you in advance.
Does someone know what causes this black spots on trees in replay at Laguna Seca?...
Talking about black things that appear without reason, for some time now (I think it's happening since I updated CSP to 0.2.5-preview1 and reinstalled Sol after trying Pure), I have been getting these mysterious Z-shaped "spots" randomly, sometimes yes, sometimes no...



As I suppose they have nothing to do with the scar that Voldemort left on Harry's forehead (which is the first explanation I thought of), does anyone have any idea what could be the cause of those strange marks?
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Updated 3D model of Seat Ibiza 6K by Lucas Macedo.

Fixed flickering of front and rear number plates.
Smoothed door knob area.
Smoothed wheel arches.
Changed uv mapping and textures for material names: palstic and painel.
Updated rear window textures. (Reduced jaggies)
Updated ext_config.ini. (car shadow)
Updated ui.json. (brand name, country and class)


in game

only updated file

Thanks to Lucas Macedo (MacedoSTI) for creating the mod and for permission to post the updated files.
Updated 3D model of Seat Ibiza 6K by Lucas Macedo.

Fixed flickering of front and rear number plates.
Smoothed door knob area.
Smoothed wheel arches.
Changed uv mapping and textures for material names: palstic and painel.
Updated rear window textures. (Reduced jaggies)
Updated ext_config.ini. (car shadow)
Updated ui.json. (brand name, country and class)
View attachment 1410521
View attachment 1410522
in game
View attachment 1410523
only updated file
View attachment 1410517
Thanks to Lucas Macedo (MacedoSTI) for creating the mod and for permission to post the updated files.
Nice little car, and thanks for the updates. Still has quite a few issues (floating lettering in front of the speedo, lots of light leakage into the cockpit through 'solid' materials etc) but as a VR driver the lo-fi steering wheel boss needed a quick update.
Very rough attempt as a quick fix, but does the job.


(remove the .txt extension and globally replace the texture in CM Showroom, or add the DDS to the skin folders)


    682.8 KB · Views: 4
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This car and several others have reflection issues.Even with Reflection FX turned on,the road is reflecting on the interior.I tried a Kunos car and it was fine.I tried adding CAST_SHADOWS to the lower meshes of the car but it made zero difference.
I am on version 0.2.3 CSP.(I have seen this problem in previous versions too)
I would disable rendering of the glass bits but its all reflective surfaces that are affected.Enabling Local reflections helps some but I usually have them disabled for fps.
Please help,thank you.View attachment 1410422
Which car is that?
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