Piranema Winter Test Track v1.3
View attachment 1228889
Fictional circuit in Brazil.
Conversion from Grand Prix 4.
CSP recommended
-32 pit/start
-AI, cam
Credits & Thanks;
Original Track by Gildoorf Rozencrantz, Ruboy, PrBlanco, Ricardo Lampert
-Thank you for gave me permission (Gildoorf)
AC Converted by
@shi (shin956)
AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN
.lua and font base by
ext_config by
logo.png by
Crowds texture by Kniker97
some objects and textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by
@Fanapryde ,
@slider666 ,
@Breathe ,
v1.01 changelog;
-Added new church building.
(Thanks for the report by
@twobegreen .)
-Smoothed edges of road surface and kerb.
-Fixed floating buildings.
(Thanks for the report by
@Masscot .)
-The AI line was broken, so it was re-created.
-Other minor fixes.
v1.1 changelog;
-Extended pit lane entrance. (Thanks to Meatfraiche for the report.)
-Some textures were upscaled with AI.
-Fixed tree wall mapping.
-Changed background.
3D mountains from Chuck_CG's Landscape pack.
6 Terrains, 5 displacement maps(1k, 2k)4k PBR textures(color, roughness, normal)open with blender 3.3+Increase subdivision levels for more details.in the images below you can see the levels at 5 then at 0My Portfolio https://www.artstation.com/chuckcg
-Added Summer Mountain Skin.
-Updated preview.
v1.2 changelog;
New AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN. (Thanks!)
Changed crowd textures by Kniker97. (Thanks)
Added garage doors that open and close.
Added grid and s/f line meshes.
Updated billboard mapping and textures.
Updated ext_config.ini.
v1.3 changelog;
Added white lines to pit lane. (Thanks Perico Lospa for the suggestion.)
Updated kerb texture.
Updated ext_config.ini.
Other minor fixes.