Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Sunset Peninsula (fictional track from Forza Motorsport 4) is available for Assetto Corsa for many years now. Unfortunately it is just a freeroam track:

Well... this is one big POS. (I originally downloaded this back in 2021 it seems)
It would need EXTENSIVE UV remaping and a ton of 3d work to even be presentable

Don't even need FM2023 for that one, FM4 would suffice. And there's plenty of tool to extract the tracks (xDelta, XISO, Forza Studios...)

I gave those FM3-4 tracks to rmi last year, maybe something will come out of it, maybe not !
Well, I still have the archive extracted in my dev folder. I could try again to have a look but if I recall the tracks did not look viable to produce anything of quality.
Kunming Competitors Kartclub(昆明竞速卡丁车俱乐部)
A real kart track in Kunming, Yunnan province, China(中国云南省昆明市).
Made by me.
Grassfx, rainfx and lights added, csp 1.79 or higher needed.
1 layout, 1 camera.




Download link:
The track address: No. 8-1, Luolong Road, Chenggong District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province(云南省昆明市呈贡区洛龙路8-1号).
Welcome to our kart club.


Kunming SK1 Kartclub(昆明SK1卡丁车俱乐部)
A real kart track in Kunming, Yunnan province, China(中国云南省昆明市).
The track has been closed on October 2024 because of legal issues of land use, really a pity.
Made by me.
Grassfx, rainfx and lights added, csp 1.79 or higher needed.
1 layout, 2 camera.


Download link:
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Piranema Winter Test Track v1.3

View attachment 1228889
Fictional circuit in Brazil.
Conversion from Grand Prix 4.

-CSP recommended
-32 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Original Track by Gildoorf Rozencrantz, Ruboy, PrBlanco, Ricardo Lampert
-Thank you for gave me permission (Gildoorf)

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN
.lua and font base by @gunnar333
ext_config by @slider666
logo.png by @Fanapryde
Crowds texture by Kniker97
some objects and textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Fanapryde , @slider666 , @Breathe , @Mike08, @twobegreen, @Masscot

v1.01 changelog;

-Added new church building.
(Thanks for the report by @twobegreen .)
-Smoothed edges of road surface and kerb.
-Fixed floating buildings.
(Thanks for the report by @Masscot .)
-The AI line was broken, so it was re-created.
-Other minor fixes.

v1.1 changelog;
-Extended pit lane entrance. (Thanks to Meatfraiche for the report.)
-Some textures were upscaled with AI.
-Fixed tree wall mapping.
-Changed background.
3D mountains from Chuck_CG's Landscape pack.
-Added Summer Mountain Skin.
-Updated preview.

v1.2 changelog;
New AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN. (Thanks!)
Changed crowd textures by Kniker97. (Thanks)
Added garage doors that open and close.
Added grid and s/f line meshes.
Updated billboard mapping and textures.
Updated ext_config.ini.

v1.3 changelog;
Added white lines to pit lane. (Thanks Perico Lospa for the suggestion.)
Updated kerb texture.
Updated ext_config.ini.
Other minor fixes.

Piranema Winter Test Track v1.3
The link is in the quote.

v1.3 changelog;
Added white lines to pit lane. (Thanks Perico Lospa for the suggestion.)
Updated kerb texture.
Updated ext_config.ini.
Other minor fixes.

That does kind of help to deconstruct things. I think.
From this text...
; Shadow cascades for interior cameras. unfortunately, with only three splits,
; not much can be done, so if you want to increase quality or distance for shadows
; outside, you can go full Gran Turismo and set it to something like 25, 75, 200
; (that game has incredibly bad interior shadows, but with dark interiors, it’s not
; really noticeable). Also, if needed, original Kunos values are 1.3, 80, 250.
INTERIOR_SPLIT=1.3, 40, 200 ; Distances for interior; text; hidden with AUTOMATIC_SPLITS
... it seems that the first value was the distance in metres that the highest-quality shadow would be rendered (then cascading down to the second mid-quality split then the third lowest-quality split), which Kunos had at 1.3m but Polyphony Digital set at 25m.
So, with a beefy PC you should be able to set the first split distance quite high and get (probably totally unnecessarily) cockpit-quality shadows off into the environment at whatever distance you set. But this only seems to work if you have Custom Shadow Matrices ticked, and even then results aren't great, and cockpit shadows flicker. Seems I also need to have shadow resolution set to 4096x4096 in AC video settings to avoid reduce shadow banding in the environment.
During my long drawn out relationship with custom shadow tweaking, the conclusion about increased resolution was the most revelatory. I have ended up on 4096 but have had trips into the two (not recommended) resolutions with good results.

FWIW, which is very little when it comes to the dark arts of CSP shadows, the splits I have settled on (for now) are 1.3, 90, 250. Fourth cascade active and set to 2500m.
During my long drawn out relationship with custom shadow tweaking, the conclusion about increased resolution was the most revelatory. I have ended up on 4096 but have had trips into the two (not recommended) resolutions with good results.

FWIW, which is very little when it comes to the dark arts of CSP shadows, the splits I have settled on (for now) are 1.3, 90, 250. Fourth cascade active and set to 2500m.
Thanks, I'll try those.
At 4096 or higher?
Also, are all other Smart Shadow tick boxes at defaults?

These shadows have been driving me mad for a few days now. I can get them to a good place EXCEPT for striped shadow banding immediately in front of the car from cockpit view.
I was even starting to get decent results with automatic splits, apart from this one issue.

Edit: those stripes in front of the car are still there with 8k shadows... they're just thinner lines, closer packed. But still very visible.

Here's what I mean. Looks worse in action in the Reverb G2 HMD, and hard to see in a static image.
Seems to get worse the lower the sun angle.
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Thanks, I'll try those.
At 4096 or higher?
Also, are all other Smart Shadow tick boxes at defaults?

These shadows have been driving me mad for a few days now. I can get them to a good place EXCEPT for striped shadow banding immediately in front of the car from cockpit view.
I was even starting to get decent results with automatic splits, apart from this one issue.

Edit: those stripes in front of the car are still there with 8k shadows... they're just thinner lines, closer packed. But still very visible.

Here's what I mean. Looks worse in action in the Reverb G2 HMD, and hard to see in a static image.
Seems to get worse the lower the sun angle
I have been having the same issues. Apart from rolling back to the last csp build i have found another setting that improves it for me. It kinda goes the opposite way with shadow res. I reduced the overhang multiplier to minimum 50%. Seems to soften the shadow and smooth things up for me. Lets put it this way, it is not so obvious to me since i did this. Oh and look direction = do not use in VR is helping i feel
CSP 0.2.6 resp. 0.2.7p1 (with rainfx) are available.


  • CSP audio, such as rain or wipers audio, fixed;
  • FFB on gamepads is fixed;
  • Missing audio files for Mumble client (used in new PTT mode) are included, distortion used in that mode adjusted;
  • Trajectory straightening option for AIs reworked and no longer marked as experimental;
  • Tilted drivers don’t mess up motion blur anymore;
  • Just in case, tilted drivers and new head shaking are optional and can be disabled in Graphics Adjustments;
  • Updated logic for drivers and seatbelts rendering, should fix various issues occuring in some edge cases;
  • Grass wind works in VR with Single Pass Stereo disabled;
  • TyresFX look with Single Pass Stereo enabled fixed;
  • HUD brightness in VR with LCS fixed;
  • New KN5 loader no longer messes up GT86 online;
  • Issue with invisible traffic fixed;
  • Cosmic suspension updated with some fixes;
  • MoTeC logger: wind direction takes into account track heading angle, invalid laps are no longer skipped, new channels added (signs of camber/toe, turbo boost, surface grip, and collider wear);
  • Cosmic suspension: virtual elements (e.g. coilovers) now add to FFB properly when attached to hub;
  • Alternative script for second chase camera now works;
  • New hotkey to toggle H-shifter live;
  • Skidmarks no longer fade on major in-game date change done in the first few seconds of AC launching, rubber marks won’t fade on date changes in-game at all;
  • Skidmarks keep track of winter season adjustments and wouldn’t load if saved version is from a notably different value (affecting dirt- and gravel-style marks);
  • Trees cast shadows in fourth cascade again, this time the shadows are semi-transparent;
  • Semi-transparent shadows (SEMITRANSPARENT_SHADOWS=1) produce darker shadows when overlapping;
  • Track meshes with “groove” or “tyre” in their material name and alpha blending rendering no longer skip G-buffer causing SSLR to glitch out;
  • Skidmarks occlude SSLR reflections properly as well;
  • Issue with lamp covers (and other occasions where textures get misassigned) on Shuto fixed;
  • Track light series are cached now, improving Shuto loading speed;
  • A small issue with car dirt stopping resets from working fixed;
  • Currently playing music readout fixed, in particular misassigned album covers;
  • Fireworks no longer activate in showroom mode, firework smoke emitters limit increased;
  • Car stereos update time when music is not playing, album covers are drawn saving aspect ratio;
  • Issue with AC crashing on pressing “Tab” button in chat fixed;
  • Graphics offsets set in “suspensions.ini” no longer count as default (that was a mistake);
  • Audio volume app: transmission volume linking fixed;
  • CUSTOM_MOTION option for online now applies by default to servers requiring CSP 3266 or newer;
  • DISABLE_SURFACE_SNAPPING_ONLINE (both in “car.ini” and extended server options) fixed;
  • VR Variable Rate Shading: gaze latching, hidden options and API function to adjust gaze direction;
  • ReflectionsFX: cubemap prefiltering stops if resolution is above 512×512, motion extrapolation improved;
  • Cars too far from the ground no longer have fake shadow glued to them;
  • TyresFX effects going out of sync with wheels rotation with animated suspensions fixed;
  • Fireworks no longer mess up sky with WeatherFX disabled;
  • Default WeatherFX style: blue nights reworked and disabled by default, YEBIS replacement got proper bloom implementation and an option for dirty lens (disabled by default), film grain intensity can be adjusted, planets are fixed and now visible despite light pollution;
  • Earth texture uses bicubic interpolation;
  • Saturn got rings;
  • Issue with reduced tyre wear fixed;
  • Couple of physics experiments (alternate multithreading and physics objects motion) are moved to complete, enabled and available everywhere;
  • Track fix activating double-sided shadows for everything now works for tracks saved incorrectly as well;
  • If server stops sending UDP packets (with other cars connected) for a few seconds, CSP shows a warning;
  • WeatherFX: scene render callback malfunctioning in VR without SPS fixed;
  • Cars with animated suspensions also get their initial wheel rotations randomized;
  • Firm collisions (happening on exceptional collision depth which is now computed differently) are not bouncy and better configured, main car never gets simplified contacts computation to ensure collisions will remain stable even in the strangest of cases;
  • Distant headlights glare is reworked and brought back (activates further away to hide the fact that a lot of cars don’t have lights aligned with emissives, now works with other car lights too, still disabled by default for now);
  • Tyre spikes leave marks on the ground even if there are no ksTyres meshes (which is still not recommended at all);
  • Issue with F5 camera occasionally glitching out into black screen fixed;
  • A safety check to ensure camera wouldn’t end up in non-finite coordinates;
  • Warning message if player’s car is found in non-finite coordinates;
  • Very experimental trick to select a specific slot for online (for servers with multiple cars of different skins), CM support is coming soon;
  • Ice physics: FFB adjusted;
  • AC shutdown process updated to speed things up and improve stability;
  • Configs:
    • New DISTANCE_CLIP for track lights stopping light at certain distance, for extra optimization and to simulate some basic shadows without using shadow maps;
    • New [EMISSIVE_...] NO_FALLBACK_WHILE_BLINKING=1 for car configs, stops fallback values from activating in “off” stage of blinking of main input;
    • Debug side nets offset using DEBUG_OVERRIDE changing final offset amount (within limits);
    • DistantEmissive material now supports normal maps (used by light covers on Shuto, for example);
    • New PROHIBIT_AC_RESET for wearable colliders entirely stopping AC from resetting collider wear on session resets;
    • Side nets (and, for example, antenna of BMW E30 using the same mechanism for tilting) take high-frequency part of G-forces for a tiny bit of extra offset for more natural look;
    • Track configs will look for files next to configs if file names are starting with “./” (to keep things compatible);
  • Lua:
    • ui.imageState() fixed;
    • Function setting MIP bias for UI now can force bicubic interpolation as well;
    • Some Lua functions, such as io. and os., have been rewritten, so the standard library is 15% smaller now, and some features are loading on-demand;
    • Marking drivers as friends should work now;
    • New os.setCurrentFolder() affecting file search, including standard Lua functions, doesn’t affect AC itself or other scripts;
    • web.socket() fixed (previously received data would often come back mangled);
    • Lua preprocessor fixed and no longer produces invalid code in ENUM..somethingElse case;
    • Lua shaders: option to hint compiler to compile certain values in (should solve all problems with YEBIS replacement setting changes causing a lag, now all the settings are not compile-time, but apply as compile-time after some time running);
    • Audio events loaded from files without loop parameter now report as invalid once they’re finished playing, since they do become invalid;
    • :resetSkin() no longer affects dynamic car textures;
    • New ac.setHShifterActive() for Lua apps;
    • Lua Debug app: time stamps for log messages;
    • ui.drawCarIcon() got a parameter for a hint;
    • physics.resetWearPlanks() is deprecated (copy of ac.resetColliderWears());
    • New ac.getSim().timeSinceLastUDPPacket just in case;
    • New way of passing C++ API functions now processes nil when string is expected as an empty string, similar to old way (in 0.2.5 mistakenly it would show up as 'nil', functions such as ac.setMessage() were affected).
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I guess you don't like the bright blue seat... :D

But the real one is (partly) blue too, be it a bit on the darker side:

View attachment 1419237
all the pictures i seen it looked black

i promise it did!! 🤣

i even thought to myself after looking at a few pics "yep defo black no way is this a blue!

thats fair enough i had no idea some of it was actually blue

never research 10 mins before going to sleep :gtpflag:
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Thanks, I'll try those.
At 4096 or higher?
Also, are all other Smart Shadow tick boxes at defaults?

These shadows have been driving me mad for a few days now. I can get them to a good place EXCEPT for striped shadow banding immediately in front of the car from cockpit view.
I was even starting to get decent results with automatic splits, apart from this one issue.

Edit: those stripes in front of the car are still there with 8k shadows... they're just thinner lines, closer packed. But still very visible.

Here's what I mean. Looks worse in action in the Reverb G2 HMD, and hard to see in a static image.
Seems to get worse the lower the sun angle.
View attachment 1419318
Yes at 4096. Everything else enabled as default except for look direction which is set to don't use in VR.

Looking at your example though is not something I have suffered or overcome with shadow settings and I cannot think how a piece of track in full sun should have much shadow information for the settings to affect. The closest I have personally got to your pictured problem is when I have pushed sharpness settings too far or enabled sharpness via Radeon settings. I dunno, just thinking out loud.
I have been having the same issues. Apart from rolling back to the last csp build i have found another setting that improves it for me. It kinda goes the opposite way with shadow res. I reduced the overhang multiplier to minimum 50%. Seems to soften the shadow and smooth things up for me. Lets put it this way, it is not so obvious to me since i did this. Oh and look direction = do not use in VR is helping i feel
Thanks, will test and report back.
I used to have look direction = do not use in VR set too as it was causing shadow flickering in the cockpit, but that seems to have been resolved so I have it active now. Not even sure what it does to be honest. Like most CSP things you need a crystal ball, a Rosetta stone, a time machine and a degree in rocket surgery just to work out what a tickbox might do, maybe..

Edit: tested. No change. Thanks anyway.
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I know sod all about track edits, so sorry if this is a daft question, but is there a way to apply that to tracks with solid bales if those aren't mentioned in the surfaces.ini file?
Im my experience I have tried to play with making existing walls (1WALL_?) flexible, bouncy etc. It was possible to make these non-colideable via CSP config (actually extended track physics). Technically WALL is in a "global surfaces.ini" just like ROAD, GRASS and SAND. I think you would need to have a colideable mesh, in AC is any mesh named with a prefix numeral, not in any suface definition in order to change it. Likely it is preferable to have a non-collide mesh that can then be defined using extended track physics such as detailed here and here

I may or may not have understood or answered your question :)
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  • create a new folder named "data_override" inside "ac_legends_gtc_tvr_griffith_200\extension"
  • create a new text file with notepad and name it "lods.ini"
  • paste the following lines







You can follow a similar procedure for Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2.
You have to edit also "hide_plate.ini" in a similar way.
NOTE: this car for now doesn't work. It gives an encryption error.
It was worth trying, but as soon as I remove the pctm version, the ACL stops working...


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Spa Vintage Track Updates:

These are my updates to all three versions of the Spa Vintage tracks. They are all full stand alone tracks because it was suggested that I do it this way instead of config\track skin mods.

All versions now have a vao patch, animated flags, working clock tower and new grass and tree textures. They also have two additional track skins that get a progressively bluer tint and less saturation. The skins also have only the files I altered from the original so you can edit them to make a skin that fits your liking. There are also new ext_configs for each track that add seasonal changes, some shader adjustments and a few other things.

Explanation about each one so you know which one to download. They each represent a specific version of the track:

Spa-Francorchamps 1938:

Spa-Francorchamps 1938

-- Based on the Spa_Faux_Pre_War version. All credits for the track go to Legion.
-- Additions include all things listed above plus removal of floating flag poles that had no flags and scaling of flag poles that were floating off the ground. Plus I added collision physics to most of the haybales. Some I left without to help with AI behavior. All other things about the track are the same as the original.

Spa-Francorchamps 1966:

Spa-Francorchamps 1966

-- Based on the Spa_1966 version. All credits for the track go to the Reboot Team.
-- Additions include all things listed above plus collision physics to most haybales. Some I left without to help with AI behavior. Also included the Spa 1966 AI done by Parri. The original AI is still included in the ai_original and data_original folders. Just rename them to ai and data to revert back to the original AI behavior. All other things about the track are the same as the original.

Spa-Francorchamps 1934 & 1966:

Spa-Francorchamps 1934 & 66

-- Based on the Spa_THR version. All credits for the track go to the Reboot Team and Waffles for the THR updates.
-- Additions include all things listed above plus a new AI line for the 1934 layout done by me. The original AI was unusable. It was my first attempt at an AI line so don't expect perfection. All other things about the track are the same as the original.

Please point out any and all mistakes. I'm sure there are a few. Was kind of hard managing three versions of the same track. I was never sure if I made the same changes on all three tracks.

View attachment 1216445
Updated just the Spa 1966 track to version 1.05. Use the link in the quote above to get the update. It's kind of a test version just to get some feedback.

It would be best to delete or backup your existing track folder. If you are using a custom ai file (i.e., parilla's version) make sure to keep a copy of the lines and hints file handy to put back in place once you update the track.

-- Added 3 new road physics files that correct (hopefully) all the road holes. The difference between them is how bumpy they are. The default one sits in the middle. If you want more road feel, rename the spa66_phy_bumpy_road.kn5 file to spa66_phy.kn5. If you want less bumps, rename the spa66_phy_no_road_noise.kn5 file to spa66_phy.kn5. I included the original file as well if you prefer the old feel. Just know that the holes will still be there with that one.
-- Altered the haybale physics. They are now pass through with a speed penalty for getting too deep into them, but at least your race won't end if you barely graze them. If you find the effect too extreme, open up the surfaces.ini file in the data folder. Go to the BALE heading section all the way at the bottom and lower the FRICTION and DAMPING values until you come up with something you prefer.
-- Added an additional replay cam from @Felix789

I will eventually do the haybales the same way on the other two versions, but not until I hear whether people like this new way of handling the bale physics. It's a pretty time consuming process and i'm not wasting the time until I know it's a better approach.
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Regarding AC Legends GTC 60s v1.2, does anyone know, if the Mercedes 300sl and Ferrari 250 GT SWB are for some reason significantly slower than other cars, although their power/weight ratio is approximately the same, is that how it should be?
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Regarding AC Legends GTC 60s v1.2, does anyone know, if the Mercedes 300sl and Ferrari 250 GT SWB are for some reason significantly slower than other cars, although their power/weight ratio is approximately the same, is that how it should be?

They're the two oldest cars in the pack so a lot of other parts aren't as good, especially brakes.
Maybe stupid question so pardon me but is the Kunos GT40 and the GT40 MK1 of the latest WSC pack the same car (I think about to delete either the kunos or the bazza one, for disc-space reason)?
Maybe stupid question so pardon me but is the Kunos GT40 and the GT40 MK1 of the latest WSC pack the same car (I think about to delete either the kunos or the bazza one, for disc-space reason)?
Why would you even delete an official Kunos-made car ? You've paid for it !
Maybe stupid question so pardon me but is the Kunos GT40 and the GT40 MK1 of the latest WSC pack the same car (I think about to delete either the kunos or the bazza one, for disc-space reason)?
It's a different model made by HSS, the Kunos is a late 60s Mk 1 which is different but both Historically important in their own way. I renamed them like this if any help;

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Between the CSP 2.5.1 and the 2.7.1 version noone took care of the grass on the tracks you didn't use, meaning that you have to update "LawnmowerFX" manually:


It happened on a few tracks with longer GrassFX, and the good thing is that you just need to reinstall the tracks thru CM.

On a "modding" note (i call myself a modder because i often play with sliders, sometimes with results), i made another NeckFX for some speed sense with the Alfa TZ2(gadu Boyz version) and it's pretty cool :

My neckfx listing is here :
The 300SL and the250 GT SWB are the previous gen of GT cars, even if they have the same ratio, IRL they were slower
The mod description states that "For racing/BoP purposes the 6 cylinder engine is swapped for the 300SLR straight 8 engine"

I watched several videos from Goodwood festivals where these cars were used quite aggressively, and there 250 GTSWB is approximately equal to 250 GTO (C1), i understand, that this is not an indicator, but i dont think the difference should be that big))
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