Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
a bit off topic but is there a Venturi mod somewhere?
Not that I'm aware of. Sorry.

Damn, so much quality tracks and not enough time :D

I did a quick count and I have 67 tracks now, all of them decent or good.
I'm embarrassed to admit how many tracks I've installed. I really need to clean up my tracks & cars folders. I have several tracks & cars that aren't such good quality. I just checked the number of folders in each I really feel bad. :grumpy:

Totally agree, very good recommendation this track as a feeling of reality that is amazing, not sure why but the immersion is excellent, in VR anyway, it makes you wish we could set traffic mode for the AI.
Oh man...I hope a traffic mode is incorporated into a future Kunos Simulazioni sim. I doubt it will ever appear in this iteration of Assetto Corsa.
Not yet.

As far as I know it was almost ready, but something must have happened. I check from time to time.

I think one of the ex-members of this community was beta testing it.
BrownNinja97 was involved in a project building the GT-One TS020. I have asked him a few times over the last 12 months or so if we could expect to see that car any time soon. Unfortunately, there have been several issues preventing them from being able to release the car to the public. I've really been looking forward to driving this car. 1100+ HP? How couldn't you not want to give that a go? :D Anyway, Brownninja was been banned from GT Planet a couple of months back. He is still active on RD & the Official Forums. I'm sure if the status in the project changes we will hear about it right away.

Supposedly, Kunos has been planing on releasing the Toyota TS040 Hybrid for quite some time. I think I've been hearing about that car since I started playing AC in Oct 2015. Who knows why it hasn't happened yet? The TS040 was one of my favorite cars in Gran Turismo 6.
BrownNinja97 was involved in a project building the GT-One TS020. I have asked him a few times over the last 12 months or so if we could expect to see that car any time soon. Unfortunately, there have been several issues preventing them from being able to release the car to the public. I've really been looking forward to driving this car. 1100+ HP? How couldn't you not want to give that a go? :D Anyway, Brownninja was been banned from GT Planet a couple of months back. He is still active on RD & the Official Forums. I'm sure if the status in the project changes we will hear about it right away.

Supposedly, Kunos has been planing on releasing the Toyota TS040 Hybrid for quite some time. I think I've been hearing about that car since I started playing AC in Oct 2015. Who knows why it hasn't happened yet? The TS040 was one of my favorite cars in Gran Turismo 6.

He's back, just as another account now. I forget his user name.
I finally got around to installing a few mods for AC, people weren't lying about how easy it is to add mods to this game...

Super easy, until you get tripped up by one that has an errant folder structure. :lol: Even then it's really only one or two extra double-clicks, but it will make you scratch your head for a minute when the mod doesn't appear in game.
I finally got around to installing a few mods for AC, people weren't lying about how easy it is to add mods to this game...
If you don't mind me asking, what have you installed thus far? And are you looking for anything in particular that you haven't found yet?
If you don't mind me asking, what have you installed thus far? And are you looking for anything in particular that you haven't found yet?
So far, the only things that I've installed are Mount Akina 2017 and Mount Panorama. I'm looking for more racetracks, but if you have any recommendations for cars, that would be appreciated. 👍
So far, the only things that I've installed are Mount Akina 2017 and Mount Panorama. I'm looking for more racetracks, but if you have any recommendations for cars, that would be appreciated. 👍
@Cote Dazur speaks the truth. Download Content Manager ASAP. It works as a replacement launcher, but it is so much more than that. It organizes all of your content amazingly well and it automates or greatly improves common tasks within Assetto Corsa. The software is free for the Lite version, however, I really recommend you slip a donation to the author to receive your product code via email which unlocks the rest of Content Manager. The developer is an amazing guy with a passion for his project. He is constantly updating and adding new features (plus any decent suggestions users give him for features) and he does this in such a short amount of time usually. There is no minimum amount to unlock the full version. I only gave $5, but it seriously is the best $5 I've ever spent on my computer.

@WarriusZero is also right on the money with the free mod called Good And Bad Weathers. The only way to use it, however, is with Content Manager, but you need that anyway. :D The ~8 different weather settings Kunos supplies are okay, but GBW is a pretty hefty improvement over the Kunos weathers. There are a ton of different weathers to choose from. The clouds are so beautiful in GBW compared to the Kunos clouds, in my opinion.

I use SideKick too. The default apps that come with Assetto Corsa are good. I actually like them quite a bit. Unfortunately, they do take up a fair amount of screen space. Sidekick packs so much information into a small, easy to see interface:


If you decide to try it, you'll see how you can click on various items that you see above to change what appears in that location.

Those apps are essentials, in my mind. There are probably a few others, but I can't really think of them at the moment. @WarriusZero is correct - you will come across mods that are very poor quality, but if you stick to the mods that are available via Race Department, most of them tend to be at least decent quality all the way up to excellent quality. Other sites will offer so many more different cars & tracks, however, it is not always easy to tell which mods are completely awful and which ones are good. In most cases, if a particular mod is not available from Race Department that means that the car mod was probably made with ripped Forza models. And while I have several ripped Forza models that have a ton of work put into them and drive incredibly well and accurate to the real world car's performance, Race Department only allows scratch made mods that are uploaded by the developer. Of course, there are always exceptions to this. Also, there are times where I don't mind having a mod that doesn't drive well at all - I just have the AI drive those cars until I find a better quality mod of the same car.

I do think that it's better to drive Kunos cars because at least there is consistency in how their cars are developed in respect to each car's physics. Plus, they work hand in hand with car manufacturers very often, or at a minimum the car manufacturer will send Kunos data, telemetry from testing and stuff that most modders could never get their hands on to build their mod cars. It's probably better to get the actual data from a Porsche engineer than it is to just read some random website or magazine when trying to build a car's suspension or apply proper aerodynamics so things like downforce are realistic while on track.

There are a couple of track builders/converters that I would highly recommend. Here are links to their profile pages on Race Department. Just click the Downloads tab to see what mods they've contributed. If you're interested in a track, just click on the track name and it will bring you to that track's download page.

Lilski -

Tiago Lima -

If you like driving on roads in addition to race tracks, there are a couple of mods that really stand out. My favorite road available for Assetto Corsa is Transfagarasan. It's a long, fun drive! There are two layouts, hillclimb and downhill. Next is a huge area called Lake Louise. There are many different roads to drive that are interconnected allowing you to have some unique sessions on this cold Canadian tourist area. Unfortunately, Lake Louise isn't completely free. There is a free version that provides you with 23 kilometers of roadway to drive. For a small donation (no minimum) you will receive the entire 50 kilometer version.

Transfagarasan link -

Lake Louise link -

That should get you going for a while... :) 👍

EDIT: I forgot to recommend some mod cars. I'll try and think of some good ones and post those soon.
@TwinTurbo LM - I enjoy following tracks from Race Department. In no particular order. (I've downloaded more tracks, but I'm not in front of my PC.)

Bathurst, Circuit Le Sarthe, Donington, Luccaring, Thomson Road, Paul Ricard
EDIT: Yes, also Virginia track as mentioned above.

@ALB123 - How are the visuals for Transfagarasan and Lake Louise? I was looking for Lake Louise but was not impressed with the tree/background textures of version I found on assettocorsaclub. How does this version compare to, say, Thomson Road?
@ALB123 - How are the visuals for Transfagarasan and Lake Louise? I was looking for Lake Louise but was not impressed with the tree/background textures of version I found on assettocorsaclub. How does this version compare to, say, Thomson Road?

I was just telling my buddies this earlier today. I had never been super impressed with the graphics at Lake Louise, it looked good but not great. But I just got a new PC last weekend that lets me crank all the video settings to max and now it looks freaking gorgeous, I was stunned. You probably don't get the full impression from this, but here's a couple photos.

I tried Lake Louise (free) but deleted it shortly after.
Transfagarasan is getting extra time to prove itself.
One of my favourite mod tracks is Grobnik.
Virginia International is A+++ quality with so many different layouts you could drive that thing forever.

@TwinTurbo LM - I enjoy following tracks from Race Department. In no particular order. (I've downloaded more tracks, but I'm not in front of my PC.)

Bathurst, Circuit Le Sarthe, Donington, Luccaring, Thomson Road, Paul Ricard
EDIT: Yes, also Virginia track as mentioned above.

@ALB123 - How are the visuals for Transfagarasan and Lake Louise? I was looking for Lake Louise but was not impressed with the tree/background textures of version I found on assettocorsaclub. How does this version compare to, say, Thomson Road?
I get what you're saying about Lake Louise. It's an older track already - I'm sure it could probably use a lit bit of modernizing the textures & shaders. Also, it's an enormous map. He's faced these questions before he disappeared for a while and I think he updated some of the trees - the ones that line the roads or are closer to the road. He dropped out of the scene quite a while back, so chances are you already have the "updated" version. But yeah...the author has straight up said that due to limitations in the engine and trying to keep the track capable of running on middle of the road computer systems, sacrifices had to be made. To me, it's more of a track that I drive when I'm not in the mood to be driving at the limit lap after lap...Street cars only for me on Lake Louise. I often will drive like it's an actual road doing my best to stay in my own lane even while pushing the car very hard. I love driving my Alfa Romeo 4C, some of the Lotus's and my Shelby Cobra on these roads.

I tried Lake Louise (free) but deleted it shortly after.
Transfagarasan is getting extra time to prove itself.
One of my favourite mod tracks is Grobnik.
Grobnik is definitely a cool track.

Keep Transfagarasan on your system. It'll grow on you if you enjoy driving street cars. Again, I often drive this road trying to stay in my own lane until r
As far as I remember it didn't look pretty enough. I'll check it out again if you think I should.

Well, like I said, it appears to really depend on your hardware. On my old PC, which was still a pretty good machine, it looked good but not great and I still enjoyed it for cruising. On my new PC with all the bells and whistles turned to 11 it looks absolutely stunning, I was staggered at how dramatically improved it was. That was the moment I knew for sure that buying this new PC was a good decision :D But it's definitely more of a cruising track than a racing track (I don't think the AI even works on most of the layouts) so if you're not into cruising it probably wouldn't do much for you.

Looking at @ALB123's latest message, it looks like he veered off his lane while typing...[/QUOTE]

Seeing as how he just said this in a PM a little while ago, it's highly likely. :lol:

Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 11.39.47 AM.png
I see a lot of weather mods with some of them having a night time as well. What I also noticed is that there are NO STARS!!! Yes, I know AC doesn't do night well, but have you ever been driving on those full moon nights and are able to very easily see without headlights (remembering my high school party nights) and even see rather dark shadows on a moonlit night. I like to make my own mods, so of course I made a full moon and added stars to enhance the atmosphere of nigh time driving.

If anyone wants to try it, here ya go. The .zip comes with my version of full moon, but you can use anyone you like/have. The only exception, if you use your own night time is, the "cloud" section of weather.ini MUST be identical to the one for my full moon, otherwise the stars will not shine/blend correctly. The .zip also comes with an install batch for "full moon" (if you decide to use it) and also an install and remove stars batch to make quick/easy work of adding and removing stars. Don't worry, none of the batch files will overwrite data as it only move files to temp directories, then back when stars are removed.
I was just telling my buddies this earlier today. I had never been super impressed with the graphics at Lake Louise, it looked good but not great. But I just got a new PC last weekend that lets me crank all the video settings to max and now it looks freaking gorgeous, I was stunned. You probably don't get the full impression from this, but here's a couple photos.

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That's what I feared. I'm running minimum Recommended Spec (not Minimum Requirement) with GTX 970, 3gb video, and 12gb DDR. I'll stay away from Lake Louise for now.
I believe he is back and working on an update.
But this... I'm hoping.
That's what I feared. I'm running minimum Recommended Spec (not Minimum Requirement) with GTX 970, 3gb video, and 12gb DDR. I'll stay away from Lake Louise for now.

That's pretty much what my specs were before. I never thought it looked so bad I couldn't drive there though and I put in a lot of miles on it, still looked a lot better than a lot of mod tracks out there. I was just surprised how much better it looks on the new system.

But this... I'm hoping.

I think there's only so much he can do so don't expect too much other than some touch up and improved optimization.
I was just telling my buddies this earlier today. I had never been super impressed with the graphics at Lake Louise, it looked good but not great. But I just got a new PC last weekend that lets me crank all the video settings to max and now it looks freaking gorgeous, I was stunned. You probably don't get the full impression from this, but here's a couple photos.

View attachment 626844 View attachment 626845
The other impression I have is that I hate you. :sly: That setup... :drool:
Im sorta new to assetto on the pc , ive downloaded a few cars and tracks bur the problem im having is some of the cars ive got dont have any sound in the chase cam. Any ideas?
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