For ASR Team
Today I updated Williams FW14 1991. And also noticed problems with optimization. Despite the fact that the model has LODs - they are not effective.
The replacement values specified in lods.ini are too high. Perhaps for the most powerful processors it is not important, but for the "older" processors it is critical, and also I think in VR it should create problems with FPS.
I changed the values in lods.ini, and got some increase in fps.
In addition, I noticed that when lod is replaced, the tyres get wider - it looks strange.
With shaders, the same problem as McLaren and Tyrrel - a lot of white dots patch of light and it all flickers.
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I have also pointed out that by dashboard and gearbox it is not Williams FW14 1991, but Williams FW14B 1992. The fundamental difference between the two is that in 1991 the FW14 had a mechanical gearbox. And in 1992, the FW14B began to install a semi-automatic. This means that in 1991 we must control the clutch pedal at each gear shift.
The dashboard and the cocpit FW14 look different, like this.
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I don 't have a photo or video of a working indication, but I suppose it 's the same logger that was installed on the previous FW13B model. In any case, the location of scales and digital windows is the same. Just in the FW14 on the glass there is mask with holes.
The indication in action can be viewed in this video.
I want to note that there is a mistake in FW14B devices, which is very often found not only in custom mods, but even in official content - the indicator of gear is made incorrectly. In real, it is a seven-segment indicator that cannot show letters, but only digitals and point. Such an indicator cannot display the letters R and N for rear and neutral gear. Neutral is displayed as 0
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and rear gear is either H without top sticks. In addition, such an indicator cannot light completely, as it does in mod - only segments. In this video, you can see what a gear shift looks like.
Sorry if I 'm not very clear, poor knowledge of English. If such comments are interesting to ASR developers, I can give feedback on other machines as well.