OK......so I've been testing out a bunch of different versions of CSP in CM. My old and trusty preview 49 seems to work in most everything. The newer versions like Preview 140 , 194 , 205 and the latest 0.1.36 ( don't know the preview#?? ) are making a lot of my tracks look like winter. Like all frosty on areas outside of the tracks. The visuals are incredible with the Ai and so forth......but it's like the season is stuck in winter? Is there s9omething I'm supposed to check or uncheck to make it look like spring / summer?
One other question.......To get an older track like Mills Metro V1.2 to work , I have to go back to Preview 49. It won't load on Preview 140 and above. What exactly is preventing this? Sorry for the dumb questions , but as of two days ago , I had stayed on Preview 49 for the longest time , because I don't understand how a lot of this works.
Side note : I got my IER P13c car to work , but had to jump all the way up to version 0.1.36 to get the car to load. Directions said Preview 205 was supposed to work , but didn't ( for me anyways ).