Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Anyway, I *think* I've cracked it, chaps. For those who have resolution scaling issues with CM (ie all the CM text goes uber-small and the layout/formatting is broken after returning from a VR race), then try this:
  1. Right click your CM desktop shortcut
  2. Select 'Properties'
  3. Select 'Compatibility' tab
  4. Tick 'Override high DPI scaling behaviour'
  5. Select 'Scaling performed by *Application*'

This has DEFINITELY worked for me. Did some more testing today and there was not a single problem with the CM UI scaling. Woo hoooo!
Yes for the menu it works!! No tiny letters anymore. 👍

But then: If you start AC in VR everything is ok until you hit ALT-TAB to make a print screen and go back to the game -->The exit button left under is gone and the menu has moved to the right of the VR screen and is half readable and only two options available. Does anyone recognize this and hopefully has a solution? See below printscreens:

exit button gone.jpg
menu half.jpg
Yes for the menu it works!! No tiny letters anymore. 👍

But then: If you start AC in VR everything is ok until you hit ALT-TAB to make a print screen and go back to the game -->The exit button left under is gone and the menu has moved to the right of the VR screen and is half readable and only two options available. Does anyone recognize this and hopefully has a solution? See below printscreens:

View attachment 696263 View attachment 696264
I used to get exactly this all of the time when alt-tabbing out of the Kunos launcher to route audio between my Rift and my amp (so that Crew Chief comes through the Rift headphones and main game audio comes through the amp). It's so annoying I stopped routing my audio and stopped alt-tabbing during the game. One advantage of CM is that the task bar is always visible (whereas it isn't in the Kunos launcher) so alt-tabbing isn't needed as much.

It'd be good if somebody could come up with a solution. One workaround is to increase the game rendering resolution above 1080p so the AC menus (not the CM menus, but the on-track ones) are smaller. They still shift to the side but at least you can see everything because they are smaller. It's not a good solution though. Best thing to do is avoid any alt-tabbing whatsoever in AC.
I'm loving the Peter Utecht Pitone Lexus LFA from last March, but does anyone have a link to the GT1 version that somebody subsequently did? I can't find it anywhere.
Thanks, I tried that one a few days ago but I just seem to get stuck in a loop of spam and spyware when trying to download it?

Ah, that’s to bad. I didn’t try downloading that one myself, just came across that site while searching for LFA mods.
BTW, the DTM Experience 2017 R3E rip for AC is really rather good, isn't it?
I haven't seen that anywhere along my usual stops. Do you have a link that can be shared?

I've been going out of my mind. I have a couple of friends who like to hop on my computer and drive in Assetto Corsa when we hang out. For some reason I'm missing a track that my friend loved to drive. Ugh...This is why mods suck. You end up with so many, it's almost impossible to remember what you do/don't have. I know the track he's talking about...I can visualize it in my head. It's a loop - not point to point like a hillclimb - part of the track you climb up a hill and then of course you come back down the hill before getting to this flat part which is the remainder of the track. On the hill climb portion of the track, there is a tractor trailer or two pulled to the side of the road that you need to avoid. I have spent hours looking for this g'd thing...I don't have a clue what the name is, what country it's from... This isn't the first time this has happened to me. :banghead:

Ah, many thanks, much appreciated. I'm a member of that group so I've no idea how I missed it!
Turns out that LFA GT1 is a huge disappointment - the Peter Utecht Pitone versions are better in every single way. I like the liveries and the body mods on the GT1 version but that's about it. I need to find some racing liveries for the Pitone versions then.

I haven't seen that anywhere along my usual stops. Do you have a link that can be shared?

I *think* they turned out to be reskinned/modded versions of the URD DTM cars so the DL link was quickly (and rightly) removed.
It's a loop - not point to point like a hillclimb - part of the track you climb up a hill and then of course you come back down the hill before getting to this flat part which is the remainder of the track.

Sounds like Targa Florio. (Just kidding)

@Masscot BTW, the DTM Experience 2017 R3E rip for AC is really rather good, isn't it?
I haven't seen that anywhere along my usual stops. Do you have a link that can be shared?

I've been going out of my mind. I have a couple of friends who like to hop on my computer and drive in Assetto Corsa when we hang out. For some reason I'm missing a track that my friend loved to drive. Ugh...This is why mods suck. You end up with so many, it's almost impossible to remember what you do/don't have. I know the track he's talking about...I can visualize it in my head. It's a loop - not point to point like a hillclimb - part of the track you climb up a hill and then of course you come back down the hill before getting to this flat part which is the remainder of the track. On the hill climb portion of the track, there is a tractor trailer or two pulled to the side of the road that you need to avoid. I have spent hours looking for this g'd thing...I don't have a clue what the name is, what country it's from... This isn't the first time this has happened to me. :banghead:
The description could be Bathurst or Laguna Seca but i guess you would remember that tracks
Could it be Bikernieki in Latvia or Mas du Clos in France?
The track is in a woodland area or in a more plains/desert one?
I was lamenting the lack of Super GT content in modern sims recently, but found this the other day for Assetto Corsa:


No idea if it's any good yet..! Edit: IT IS!!TFIglYgQ!1WegRVwgUpZ_95J2ZlU3zU3hDVOIu8EXoq1DOdNZtMo

and some fixes:

Edit after several hours of play:
This GT500 pack is brilliant! I'm sure pedants and purists could pick holes in it but each of the four cars are a lot better than I ever hoped they'd be. Handling is solid and predictable, brakes are monstrous, FFB is communicative, audio is appropriately brutal, interior modelling is absolutely fine. There really isn't anything overtly wrong with any of them. Each car has half a dozen of the classic liveries so sitting on the grid surrounded by these beasts and looking around in VR gave me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings. If you've ever had any affection for old Gran Turismo titles then you'd have to be a soulless husk of a man not to get a buzz from this pack..!
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I was lamenting the lack of Super GT content in modern sims recently, but found this the other day for Assetto Corsa:


No idea if it's any good yet..!!TFIglYgQ!1WegRVwgUpZ_95J2ZlU3zU3hDVOIu8EXoq1DOdNZtMo

and some fixes:

Edit after several hours of play:
This GT500 pack is brilliant! I'm sure pedants and purists could pick holes in it but each of the four cars are a lot better than I ever hoped they'd be. Handling is solid and predictable, brakes are monstrous, FFB is communicative, audio is appropriately brutal, interior modelling is absolutely fine. There really isn't anything overtly wrong with any of them. Each car has half a dozen of the classic liveries so sitting on the grid surrounded by these beasts and looking around in VR gave me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings. If you've ever had any affection for old Gran Turismo titles then you'd have to be a soulless husk of a man not to get a buzz from this pack..!

The cars in the mega link are they fixed already?
PC chaps: Is there a way to disable the default low fuel indicator?

You can go to "steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\gui\fuelIndicator" and if you remove the two files in there it disables it. I just moved them to a new folder so I can restore them if I want to, but I guess you could just restore them through Steam as well.
Already have a couple of these Evo's and some of the older gen cars too, but this model looks higher quality so I'll be chucking this into my trackday AI list :).

That's if I ever get the chance. I haven't even had the time to scratch my arse since working 74 hour weeks, doing 12pm until 5am shifts. I hate Christmas.

I did get a couple of hours free last week and promptly tried the Winter/Autumn Nordschleife mod with all the other custom weather, SweetFX and PPfilters on, plus all 56 grid slots filled by my heavily custom modded track day cars and AI list. It actually ran at a decent enough frame rate (in the 40s at the worst of times), and everything worked just perfectly. I can't even describe the release and sheer enjoyment, the whole lot came together so amazingly, easily one of my favorite ever moments in all 30 of my gaming years. Oh my, the first time I came to complete a lap and saw the AI slowing and queueing for the gates, navigating the very narrow coned path and obeying speed limits, my jaw was hanging the whole time. It was so awesome!

This small, low budget team put together a fantastic base game and an incredible community have also worked hard on creating great mods. I cannot put into words how much appreciation I feel towards everyone involved in bringing this experience, where I am able to mold and tweak it myself so that I can play the very experience I have been waiting years for.

Sorry all for jabbering on, maybe I'm a little too tired and intoxicated right now, it's been a long ass day.
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@Masscot: Here is the Porsche 997 pack (GT2 RS & GT3 RS 4.0)

I'm sure most of you PC players are well aware of the C1 Shuto Freeway and Wangan mods -- those big highway tracks. People have been busting their butts to stitch 'em all together. This map is HUGE. They even created custom PP-Filters & weather to make it look a lot better (the 1 light limitation problem). Also, they created a great track map to go along with the roads. You know how big the C1 Loop track is, right? For reference, it's the orange part of this map and look how small it is in comparison to the rest of the layout:

@Masscot: Here is the Porsche 997 pack (GT2 RS & GT3 RS 4.0)

I'm sure most of you PC players are well aware of the C1 Shuto Freeway and Wangan mods -- those big highway tracks. People have been busting their butts to stitch 'em all together. This map is HUGE. They even created custom PP-Filters & weather to make it look a lot better (the 1 light limitation problem). Also, they created a great track map to go along with the roads. You know how big the C1 Loop track is, right? For reference, it's the orange part of this map and look how small it is in comparison to the rest of the layout:


I would not mind trying that one, can you help me with a download link?
I used to get exactly this all of the time when alt-tabbing out of the Kunos launcher to route audio between my Rift and my amp (so that Crew Chief comes through the Rift headphones and main game audio comes through the amp). It's so annoying I stopped routing my audio and stopped alt-tabbing during the game. One advantage of CM is that the task bar is always visible (whereas it isn't in the Kunos launcher) so alt-tabbing isn't needed as much.

It'd be good if somebody could come up with a solution. One workaround is to increase the game rendering resolution above 1080p so the AC menus (not the CM menus, but the on-track ones) are smaller. They still shift to the side but at least you can see everything because they are smaller. It's not a good solution though. Best thing to do is avoid any alt-tabbing whatsoever in AC.
Not sure if it is because of the most recent Nvidia driver (388.43) update or the CM update itself but for me all issues with ALT-TAB, CM menu micro letters, disappearing of the exit button and finally half visible menu in VR are solved!!! Don't know who to thank for this but if anyone feels addressed: THANK YOU you deserved a (virtual) ice cold one: :cheers:
I'm absolutely loving racing at a wide variety of venues with those GT500 cars I posted recently. The GT-R has the weakest modelling of the bunch and I think is a little too modern compared to the Supra, Lexus and NSX, but I've found an R34 Super GT that is a perfect replacement. The sound needs swapping out for something that revs to 8,500 (CM will help with this) but it's on tyre model 10 and drives pretty well.

You can download it here:


This shuto is about 100 km long and it's still WIP
It's meant to be used in the online server Assetto Corsa Pursuit so it doesnt have AI (you can only hotlap and practice in single player)
More complete versions will come

BTW the modder working on it is a guy who already received prizes for his modded tracks for rFactor
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