Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
go to steam and verify the game files, maybe this mod removed or changed some important stuff.

RACEDEPARTMENT is basically unusable at this point. a complete mess what they did.
If current RD was a corner

He figured it out - was a setting in CM that was disabled.

As for RD - I've got used to it now..but that doesn't mean I like it lol. Your video looks like the same guy that designed that ICAR track that was fixed here a couple of days back
You know its on VK and assettoland and few facebook pages also right?

Anything posted here is subject to immediate re posting which is a problem if the mod is not released specifically in BETA development status before it's finished. Lot's of different versions all over the place that may or may not get posted again at their final version.
Excellent....Your LODS are such good quality. Thank you

@__EASY__ ,seems like you could be the man I'm looking for with help on this car. Do you think I could ask you to take a look at this car and see whats wrong with it?

Not sure where this one came from but its a great little car. I have one IRL.

This suffers from a few graphical issues, but primarily it has a failed front end when the AI use it.

Anyone mind having a look and see whats going on with it?!3SIgFaxK!fwAqq9iNx1cawae1NSLepcZcm4n8zi3YJWdRkBiNvjU
View attachment 891519
They moved the top bar to the left... that's basically it.
Sure, Mister i only like scratch made stuff, i literally got stupid ads now that had a download button in it that looked like the sites download button.

And they also messed up the whole content site, old RD you didnt have to serch the screen for the download, like or review buttons.

My next 3 skins will not be on RD anyway, but for another mod release.
It does seem that people for the most part do acknowledge when a modder specifically asks for their mod not to be shared or modified. Doing so may reduce the chances of it happening moving forward.
That's reasonable but I question if the newbie in question is aware of that courtesy.
Sure, Mister i only like scratch made stuff, i literally got stupid ads now that had a download button in it that looked like the sites download button.
And they also messed up the whole content site, old RD you didnt have to serch the screen for the download, like or review buttons.
My next 3 skins will not be on RD anyway, but for another mod release.
I use UBlock Origin to disable ads and I modified my Stylus script to this
.p-body-inner {
    max-width: inherit;
.p-body-main--withSidebar.p-body-main--withSideNav .p-body-content,
.p-body-main--withSidebar .p-body-content {
    max-width: inherit;
.p-body-sidebar {
    display: none;
ins.adsbygoogle {
    display: none;
.p-footer-copyrightRow {
    display: none;
.node-body .node-main {
    width: inherit;
.node-extra {
    margin-right: 20px;
Now it looks like this:
You know its on VK and assettoland and few facebook pages also right?
And the model isn't yours is it IIRC?

sorry for double post.
I'm OK with it being elsewhere and I asked Assettoland to put it up on their site. I want others to enjoy it. The original model isn't mine and before I made any changes I asked the members on this forum and Assettoland if they knew the original author so I could obtain their permission.
It's not the sharing I mind it's the lack of courtesy of not bothering to communicate with me via the forum before changing and posting even though I had just posted it days earlier. The top members here follow a certain protocol and I like the example they set.
I hope you're using the compression feature under content-tools in Content Manager to compress your mods. It reduces their size by a third--it really does work, and the files will actually load faster on newer CPUs (smaller file transfers from hard drive, CPU un-compresses it for rendering engine).

Do that, if you haven't already, and you'll have more room for more mods!

Damn, didn't knew CM had that feature ...
A well, I just did the same thing but on the whole assettocorsa folder with CompactGUI using XPRESS16K. Saved about 50% of diskspace 👍

I just exported my both Stylus scripts for RD and GTP.
I made GTP just a bit wider. If you want it without margins left and right just change this in Stylus to 100% or whatever else you want. Originally it´s a fixed 1260px wide.
.pageWidth, .gtp-pageWidth {
    max-width: 90%;


    719 bytes · Views: 18
Damn, didn't knew CM had that feature ...
A well, I just did the same thing but on the whole assettocorsa folder with CompactGUI using XPRESS16K. Saved about 50% of diskspace 👍

View attachment 891781
You’ll save a lot more space using LZX algorithm. When you get time decompress and redo it, you’ll be surprised at the extra space you gain.
Take a short weekend holiday and a poster unknown to me who joined the forum 3 days earlier with 3 previous posts just decides to...
So I guess based on many past postings I've read this is something I should look forward to now. Folks just randomly changing and uploading your mod without bothering to look for, communicate or ask the original uploader who worked on it for many hours. Oh joy...
This guy just removed the antenna from the car, something I asked for.
Does anyone know why Paintshop in Custom Showroom does not work with some cars? I try to paint one car and it does nothing, but only some cars, with others it works perfectly. Is there a workaround for this?
Hello to all,
I hope someone can help me:
after a long time I go back to playing in Macau but this effect makes me very annoying, with flashing lights and red track, excluded in the shadow areas.
I use CM and I have the csp.
I deleted the ini file in the extension / config / tracks / loaded folder but nothing changes.
On CM the track version is the most recent.
How can I solve it?
Thank you very much

Has anyone figured this out yet--red track surface with transparent sections with the track mod for Macau? I'm pretty good at troubleshooting and fixing things, but this one has me stumped. I've re-downloaded the track, checked CM for the latest track config ini file, looked for others that might conflict with it... it seems the only fix (right now, for me) is to load the wet track skin, and with that, it looks good looking forward, but the track is orange in some sections in the mirrors.
@norms @imported_ApexVGear This compression thing in CM - I presume it doesn't affect things like skin dds files? I'm probably being paranoid but I'd hate to mess up all my 4k skins lol
If your dds files aren't already compressed CM will compress them. I've never had a problem and not many people report problems either. It's just pretty standard file compression very similar to Windows own built in, very mature and reliable. Saying that, I did see on FB the other day that someone is blaming the compression for messing all of their skins up :confused:. Even a system power cut during the compression process shouldn't mess all skins up in all cars *shrug*. Like anything important though, back up the skins you can't get back and give it a shot. Seriously like other people have said, if you haven't yet tried it you will be surprised at how much space you will save. Vital if you have all of your cars and tracks on an SSD imo.
RD layout hitting my system particularly bad. I've seen other user's screenshots, and they look better than mine:
Just wrote them to see if they can find a solution (retractable columns maybe?)
If your dds files aren't already compressed CM will compress them. I've never had a problem and not many people report problems either. It's just pretty standard file compression very similar to Windows own built in, very mature and reliable. Saying that, I did see on FB the other day that someone is blaming the compression for messing all of their skins up :confused:. Even a system power cut during the compression process shouldn't mess all skins up in all cars *shrug*. Like anything important though, back up the skins you can't get back and give it a shot. Seriously like other people have said, if you haven't yet tried it you will be surprised at how much space you will save. Vital if you have all of your cars and tracks on an SSD imo.

Cheers dude...Sounds like it's a no brainer in that case. I'll do it tomorrow as knowing my luck it'll take 4 hours or so and it'll finish at 4am :D
I just read a couple of posts about it and the common feeling is it's worth doing and shouldn't mess anything up. Haven't got an SSD (Slow to upgrade my pc lol) and I did read if you're doing it on a HDD to defrag after so I'll do that too.
I saw @Blamer say something about creating skins uncompressed then doing the compression thing after which also makes sense.
Cheers dude...Sounds like it's a no brainer in that case. I'll do it tomorrow as knowing my luck it'll take 4 hours or so and it'll finish at 4am :D
I just read a couple of posts about it and the common feeling is it's worth doing and shouldn't mess anything up. Haven't got an SSD (Slow to upgrade my pc lol) and I did read if you're doing it on a HDD to defrag after so I'll do that too.
I saw @Blamer say something about creating skins uncompressed then doing the compression thing after which also makes sense.

Yeah set plenty of time aside even more so if your collection is large! Although it shouldn't take too long really. What @Blamer is suggesting makes perfect sense, the LZX algorithm is great for compressing uncompressed DDS files. The skins folder can look quite large doing this though and I've seen a few people complaining :lol: If you then run CM compression and re-check how much space the skins are actually taking, it is magnitudes less.

For example; Dan Bucsa's 993 RWB skins folder:

Screenshot (66).png
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