Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
This 911 RSR 2018 is very wide, more than the 911 GT3 R so no need to increase a lot the polar inertia. She have exactly the same physic than the kunos one, the wet tires in addition. The front wing is very forward, the real center of front downforce is not as far forward. Try it on nordschleife this track reveals many defaults (when my cars handle well on nordschleife I'm happy).

In French : La 911 rsr est très large, plus que la GT3 R donc pas besoin d'augmenter beaucoup l'inertie polaire. Elle a exactement la même physique que celle de kunos (2016) les pneus pluies en plus, la "wing" de devant est très avancé, le centre réel de l'appui aéro à l'avant n'est pas autant avancé (c'est pas réaliste).

I think again we miss each other :)

I should not use URD 911 as example as I did not explain about him correctly.

I try to simplify.

GTP Mod Teams cars (who are ripped from ACC) does NOT handle like the cars/game they were ripped from (ACC).

Many complain (here / RD) that GTP Mod Team ACC cars, are more understeer and not as grippy as the ACC versions they were ripped from.

Many have to drive slower and entry to corner slower etc (in GTP mod Team cars) when compared directly to ACC version it was ripped from.

I agree.

How to fix?
Could GTP Mod Team could tune their cars / tyres etc to handle more similar to URD 911 2018?


Because URD 911 2018 handles more like the ACC GT3 cars, than the GTP Mod Team GT3 cars does.

GTP Mod Team Cars (with update handle like URD 911 2018) equals, behave more like cars in ACC.

In ACC NSX I attack corners, lots of grip, throw over kerbs and bumps and race on edge.

In AC NSX (ripped from ACC) same track / same corners / car just slips off track, have to slow down to get round corners, can’t throw it into corners like I can in ACC (also reddit thread about this).

So solution could be, make the ACC conversion cars handle more like the URD 911 2018 car.. because THAT car (in AC) handles more like a GT3 car from ACC.

Hope that makes sense :)
Hi all, I saw a little update for our beloved Fujimi Kaido 2020
By: Black Velvet Tzenamo

New replay cameras (184 in total) for the amazing Fujimi Kaido for the Full layout - Old Uphill layout and the Old Downhill layout.
New config with a few more shader fixes for the bushes/plants and road barriers.

-road barriers shaders fix
-New set of replay cams
-bushes/plants lighting

Link (Update):
In case you don't already have, Track link:

Why not reconfigure the GTP NSX to handle more like its counter part. Remos makes some good points, not just in that above example.
Personally, just to me, it feels 'heavy' and 'floaty'. A little more responsiveness wouldn't hurt.
Just my 2 nickles.
View attachment 891625

This is the BMW with "steering" problem.

The STEER_LOCK value needs tuning down........

That but, mostly this, WBCAR_STEER=0.39, -0.127, -0.12 change this last number to 0.0 and it will move the steering rack forward so that at full lock the angle of the steering rod does not go past the Kingpin which is what causes the wheels to go over centre and flop like that.
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I think again we miss each other ...
I have understand all since your first post, but my previous post need precisions and corrections.

Thursday I have say:
Almost all AC cars have :

- no drag on the front and on the rear, only at the center, the steeper the turn the worse the behavior
- no drag at all on the sides, also the steeper the turn the worse the behavior
- no more downforce on the exterior side when car lean in a turn
- too much polar inertia, with real polar inertia cars understeer because of this over simplified aero
For example : 458 gt2 polar inaertia is : 1.75 , 1.05 , 3.81 real inertia is : 1.65 , 0.9 , 3.8 (given by mclarenf1papa from IER Simulation)

The 911 RSR 2018 is very wide (large) so Kunos no need to increase the polar inertia as much as for less wide cars, so the RSR can more easily have good behavior (because the polar inertia is closer to the real than AC GT3).

The center of front wing is almost at the start of splitter, it must be closer to the front track, this help for not understeer but it's not realist.

In addition GTE have different tires and suspensions than GT3 and more downforce, this RSR should be better than GT3 in ACC (but without ABS).

But maybe look at the physic of this RSR can help, I just guive some precisions on the subject.
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That but, mostly this, WBCAR_STEER=0.39, -0.127, -0.12 change this last number to 0.0 and it will move the steering rack forward so that at full lock the angle of the steering rod does not go past the Kingpin which is what causes the wheels to go over centre and flop like that.
Nice thanks, I did not know this either. I knew my solution worked but this is probably a much more accurate way of doing it. As usual, you're a fountain of knowledge @GzeroD :cheers:
Guys I'd like to do a save of all my settings in Content Manager, just in case... What folders should I save to another location to completely save my actual settings, lap times, tags etc etc? Thanks.
Alternative physique for Honda NSX GT3 ACC
Update power.lut, setup.ini, drivetrain.ini, car.ini, brakes.ini, colliders.ini, engine.ini, tc.lut, suspensions.ini, tyres.ini
Replace data.acd :

Sorry if I created some confusion here about Oulton Park. ;)
I just wanted to mention, that a fixed version of Oulton Park was on the way, as someone asked for the newest version of Oulton Park. Next time I just wait first till I have something to publish.
ACTrackReboot Project (Jim Lloyd) was always one of the best sources for many tracks and I´ve many respect to his well made and optimized tracks. :bowdown:

But we all make errrors, me too. ;)
Iirc @Zwiss fixed a hole some months ago too and released it as v1.4. Imo he posted it here and/or, can´t remember correctly.
Maybe a week ago Jonah Hax from VAC discord channel "found" a invisible fallthrough hole on the left grass side of Clay Hill:

So I took Zwiss version 1.4 to verify if it was the same hole he fixed before, but unfortunately not. :(
I investigated the track a bit more and found some more falltrough holes. Obviously not on track itself, but on the track side and the sideways. ;)
Afaik I didn´t changed anything else then fixed these ones.
Oh and I put a new Grass FX section in the config @Blamer made before, besides slowed down the distortion of the flags. His config still works, as I only renamed some meshes to physical correct ones in a way they don´t interfere with config or the game itself in a bad way. I´ll send @Blamer my changes of the config and he can update his one afterwards. :)

Here the updated/fixed Oulton Park v1.44:

Some others asked me for the newest Autopolis Oita version I used for my reskin and afaik this one should be the newest Autopolis Oita v1.4.4:

If it exits a newer version, let know it please. :)

BTW. One guy mentioned he had probs with different grass colors in Autopolis. That should be only a problem for the ones who had my older skin installed before, sorry for this inconvenience. :(
To fix this disable the old skin with CM, delete the old Vivid3 skin folder and install the skin again from the new posted package, enable skin again in CM and different grass colors should be fixed. :)
Bugatti EB110 Super Sport (1973)
Version 3.0 - 2020.02.15

Thanks to s3r1u5 for the conversion, RealAKP for skins and various add-on!


- new aero (ACCR v2)
- new engine power/torque figure
- new suspensions setup
- tweaked turbo config
- tweaked differential config
- adjusted gear ratio to match mod tyre radius
- adjusted brake balance
- tweaked ABS
- corrected car total mass
- corrected fuel tank position
- tweaked shaders
- updated previews
- fixed headlights glass missing reflections
- fixed lights


Solid work here, thank you for updating that car.
Lots of old mods are suddenly getting uploaded on a few sites as if they are new mods. It's like that spam-happy Sharemods fool is back - very confusing and there's a danger of losing any tweaks and updates you might have done.

It's getting confusing for sure...If you use WINRAR and drag the files across from that it should give you an option screen with 3 choices. Choose the one that says "Let Me Decide For Each File" and then you can see which files are old or new.
Alternative physique for Honda NSX GT3 ACC
Update power.lut, setup.ini, drivetrain.ini, car.ini, brakes.ini, colliders.ini, engine.ini, tc.lut, suspensions.ini, tyres.ini
Replace data.acd :

So is it slower or faster?I like 1.3 version but IMO its too fast compered to kunos gt3 and brakes seems weak to me but if I put ballast to NSX to slower it it will brake even worse.So I would like to try yours update.Thanks
Other things are easy to adjust in setup (I added some front negative camber and toe to steer better...)
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Alternative physique for Honda NSX GT3 ACC
Update power.lut, setup.ini, drivetrain.ini, car.ini, brakes.ini, colliders.ini, engine.ini, tc.lut, suspensions.ini, tyres.ini
Replace data.acd :


I try this update, it feels strange?
With this mod enable, the car turns to sharp like it has 360 rotation???? Lots of twitching, very unreal.
I prefer the GTP Mod Team Setup than this, only wish GTP Mod Team setup had more front grip to throw car into corner like you can with this car in ACC.
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RD updated their site and it looks crap now. I remember you guys talking about a way to increase the width of the most important bit...the middle bit where you type and read stuff lol, anyone care to enlighten me on how to do so.
I think it was when this site updated here :confused:

View attachment 891527

My main complaint is not be able to see which category each item is in each row.

Before there was a link below the mod name stating "AC Skin", "AC Cars", etc...

Other than that, it's definitely an improvement
Sorry if I created some confusion here about Oulton Park. ;)
I just wanted to mention, that a fixed version of Oulton Park was on the way, as someone asked for the newest version of Oulton Park. Next time I just wait first till I have something to publish.
ACTrackReboot Project (Jim Lloyd) was always one of the best sources for many tracks and I´ve many respect to his well made and optimized tracks. :bowdown:

But we all make errrors, me too. ;)
Iirc @Zwiss fixed a hole some months ago too and released it as v1.4. Imo he posted it here and/or, can´t remember correctly.
Maybe a week ago Jonah Hax from VAC discord channel "found" a invisible fallthrough hole on the left grass side of Clay Hill:
View attachment 891649

So I took Zwiss version 1.4 to verify if it was the same hole he fixed before, but unfortunately not. :(
I investigated the track a bit more and found some more falltrough holes. Obviously not on track itself, but on the track side and the sideways. ;)
Afaik I didn´t changed anything else then fixed these ones.
Oh and I put a new Grass FX section in the config @Blamer made before, besides slowed down the distortion of the flags. His config still works, as I only renamed some meshes to physical correct ones in a way they don´t interfere with config or the game itself in a bad way. I´ll send @Blamer my changes of the config and he can update his one afterwards. :)

Here the updated/fixed Oulton Park v1.44:

Some others asked me for the newest Autopolis Oita version I used for my reskin and afaik this one should be the newest Autopolis Oita v1.4.4:

If it exits a newer version, let know it please. :)

BTW. One guy mentioned he had probs with different grass colors in Autopolis. That should be only a problem for the ones who had my older skin installed before, sorry for this inconvenience. :(
To fix this disable the old skin with CM, delete the old Vivid3 skin folder and install the skin again from the new posted package, enable skin again in CM and different grass colors should be fixed. :)

Very good track for clio and foresters version great for close racing in mini, i like this and her other course very much.
Can user confirm that road is very white in this track in many parts, is this design of track or bug, can new road surface be updated to make track more darker?
I try this update, it feels strange?
With this mod enable, the car turns to sharp like it has 360 riotaton???? Lots of twitching, very unreal.
I prefer the GTP Mod Team Setup than this, only wish GTP Mod Team setup had more front grip to throw car into corner like you can with this car in ACC.

480 rotation, same GT3 kunos car
Lots of old mods are suddenly getting uploaded on a few sites as if they are new mods. It's like that spam-happy Sharemods fool is back - very confusing and there's a danger of losing any tweaks and updates you might have done.

Even worse, some of the supposed 'improvements' are significantly less than that, so you can't go by file dates alone; you have to try out each new tweak to determine if that makes things better...or not. Tedious.
480 rotation, same GT3 kunos car

Maybe rotation is wrong descriptor.

Here is clarify.
This mod when apply, car feels to turn to quick/sharp/twitchy like on/off when i turn wheel only minor amount. Feels like keyboard (digital) not wheel, feels nothing like ACC for steering, constant sawing, i dont like this for me, others may like.

GTP MOD Team steering feels EXACTLY like ACC in every way! GTP Mod Team turning and rotation feels same as ACC!

I just think his mod is not grippy enough when comprison to ACC, everything else perfect by GTP MOD Team.
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