Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I just found out how it works. Apparently, just a logo.png need to be put in the ui folder of the track.
Like this:
View attachment 897239

Then it will show up in the loading screen. I've tried also for other tracks like Nürburgring, also working. :)

View attachment 897240 View attachment 897241

But I don't know, if it needs to be set something in the settings. :confused:
If you do this though, how will you be able to see which layout is which?
I'll just dump it then. I could have sworn I had another version in my track list but I can't find that one now lol

A late reply re: Mondello Park. I drove two laps of the new release when it went up on RD, at a maximum of 9fps and an average of 6fps! :lol: My rig is old and I was trying out some of the more taxing Sol/CSP features at the time (albeit with 'clear' weather) but even so...

I've since stumbled across another version of Mondello, by 'Tomcul' from May 2018. It's not five-star but seems pretty serviceable and hasn't been mentioned in this thread before. The link I found:!VuYxxYJK!XCTmLW4Q-Qp_ykGfNHJgHkWCcx-8dRTrJEYa6ZzsuVg.
If you do this though, how will you be able to see which layout is which?

If you have not seen the layout while choosing the track, you could show it like this (e.g.).
It's the Kemora track logo with the short layout on top of it. Can be done for all tracks with multiple layouts if needed.


Btw: @Fall Guy I made about 150 of these (still some 135 to go :crazy:) by now and I use 250 x 250. Looks good enough.
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Thanks for this but rather than acknowledging that it overwrites the original car, why not just release it as a new car? It's not hard and doesn't take long, and not only respects and preserves the original car but will also help to protect your work (and stop it getting overwritten) if the original car gets updated. I think there is also more chance of it being installed if it gets tagged as a new car. Some people just won't be bothered with changing it to a new car.
Apart from anything else, people might prefer the original car, or want to test it side-by-side with the new one to see what the differences are. If the modder does this once then it stops every else who downloads it from having to do exactly the same exercise.

Very useful instructions from @gladbecker82 about how to duplicate a car:
  1. copy the full car folder
  2. maybe paste it onto the desktop (so you can keep the old one)
  3. rename the folder
  4. copy the folder name!!!
  5. rename all KN5s with the old name with the new one.
  6. go into the data folder, LODS.ini and rename the car there
  7. go into the main SFX folder, rename the bank file and rename everything that you see with the old name in the GUID file
Edit: I did it with your car and it literally took two minutes, and that included manually renaming all the GUID refs (when there's probably a much quicker semi-automatic way of doing this).
Here you go:

(nice update, by the way. I keep reaching for a fifth gear though ;) )

Edit 2: the RHS wing mirror reflection is flipped which I guess was the same in the original car. It'll need flipping in the mirror config unless somebody wants to update the kn5 (above my pay grade, I'm afraid).
I just realised it's actually quicker than this. The longest process is step 7, renaming every one of the dozens of references in the GUID file. Don't bother with this - just do a CM audio swap from the original car when you're finished. D'oh! Obvious.
Duplicating a car can literally take less than a minute.
OK, before you start to laugh – I know I'm late to the party here. :D I've been playing ACC for an eternity now and just kept an eye on all the CM/CSP/SOL things without actually testing them out.
Just yesterday I re-installed AC + CM + CSP + SOL + the Inmersive Reshade filter (thanks @SimRacing604 for your recent video), fired up a track and....well....


The graphics are just insane compared to vanilla AC, wow!

That inmersive reshade filter though is eating frames like there's no tomorrow. I go from 160 to about 85 fps just by activating it through Reshade. But worth every single frame lost!
Now I just need to get rid of some of the jaggies. IIRC 4x MSAA + 4x Sparse Grid supersampling was the medicine, correct?
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Now I just need to get rid of some of the jaggies. IIRC 4x MSAA + 4x Sparse Grid supersampling was the medicine, correct?

I use 8x MSAA + 4x Sparse Grid, plus CMAA in CSP with 50% sharpening... but it's all a juggle. What you gain in one hand with FPS, you can easily give away in the other. It's all a matter of trial and error until you find the magic look that you're personally after. There's a lot of variation in cost with different PP filters too. Once again, trial and error is the only way to find out what's best for you and your system.

No matter what, AC+ all the extra goodies eats everything else for the best combo of looks, performance and an amazing range of mods that can keep you busy for a long long time. :)
Hello guys,I wanted to ask you a question if even you does not work the movement of the branches of the trees with the wind, with the version of Sol 1.5 alpha15 and with the custom shaders pach preview 0.1.46, or I forgot to activate something....Thank you !

Excellent post!

All, ran into an issue with the Acura DPi and the Mazda DPi. Acura - side mirrors are white (real mirrors) or blue (real mirrors off which I normally use). Mazda - rear lights and braking lights do not work.

Otherwise these DPi's are quick and grippy. Greatly improved over other versions. Being that I have other versions, if I switch the file from GTP versions to the other versions that have working mirrors and lights, will this work? Or is there a means to fix the mirrors and the rear brake lights? Thanks!
Reeeeeeally nice! :)
I mean, it's not photorealistic but it's certainly a step closer to photorealistic compared to just CSP+SOL.
No matter what, AC+ all the extra goodies eats everything else for the best combo of looks, performance and an amazing range of mods that can keep you busy for a long long time. :)
Certainly does.
ACC and modded AC is as close to sim racing heaven as I can get right now.
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Hi everyone I have a question. I often look at some of my cars and wish i could change the paint color. I don't mean create a skin with stickers and everything, just a plain paint color. For example i have a red car that doesn't have a white skin and I would like to have it white. I tried with CM's paintshop but it doen't do anything with many cars I've tested or it works but the color displayed is not the same on the car, like there is a background color underneath. So I was wondering if there's an easy way to change paint colors without having templates and everything, thank you

I would try to create new folders for each skin I would open the .dds of the skin of the car with paintnet and paint all the template of the color you want ... I think it would be the easiest way, although maybe in some you have problems because the skin has something else that the body
Just tried bz pista on nordschleife + csp 1.47...damn, smoke from exhaust and smoke coming from front brakes 'cause of excessive braking? Noice :D
+ I guess tyre smoke now looks quite nicer
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Well, no more ACF tracks for me. I installed that DC++, followed his tuto correctly (I think) but it can't get connected. What a good choice to share tracks... :yuck:
Also need to share at least 300MB of AC mods too, did you set up a share?
I just realised it's actually quicker than this. The longest process is step 7, renaming every one of the dozens of references in the GUID file. Don't bother with this - just do a CM audio swap from the original car when you're finished. D'oh! Obvious.
Duplicating a car can literally take less than a minute.

Either that or just use the replace function in notepad++ - a quick copy and paste of the old filename and a copy/paste of the new and job done. But yeah CM does make life easier these days lol
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