Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Evening guys,

So today was supposed to be the release day for the 488 mod. This was something we agreed on with DJDialga who is in charge of sound/physics stuff.
Unfortunately, I don't have any news from him since last friday... I'm hoping he's doing well !

If I don't have any news from him before friday, then, at this time, I'll release the car in its current state. Friday night.
The car would be labelled as v0.95 as it'll lack sound and physics improvements and will be updated ASAP.

A little tease for the wait. What would you choose ? :)
Does anyone know what the difference is between the Ferrari 2004 by ASR and the one from Kunos?

They are both insanely fast, They both look great, the Kunos car looks a little better, The ASR SFX is insanely loud, as in stupid loud, but a lot of sound modders think louder is better, I don't.
To me the Kunos car sound better and if you want louder, you can always increase the sound.

I personaly prefer the way the Kunos car drive, but I am in no position to tell which drives more like a F1, it is a very moot point any way as without the insane acceleration g,s, insane cornering g's and insane braking force g's it is in no way close to what a F1 monster from 2004 or other wise is like to drive.

IRL, I cannot even sit in one, let alone drive one as I am too big to fit in there.

Bottom line is both are great in VR, drive the one you prefer.:D
Elio - are you with ASR?
I'm wondering if its even worth trying the rev mod on RD for the 492A 1.0
Modder says his source is his 2012 Ferrari. ok :ouch:

I think the modder meant his source is the Ferrari-book from year 2012. I suppose he's got the revs right. Don't know about the mod, I did it manually.

Do you know if there is any mod of the Ford Escort MKII and MKIII standart?


But yes, U can.
Just move cars you know you don't need the given time to the cars-off folder.

Thanks. I know I can do that, but after spending the last two weeks bug hunting and just getting everything nicely sorted, it's far more satisfying to just turn my rig off completely, then walk about muttering an endless stream of swear words. :D
Elio - are you with ASR?

he said he's not:
I’m not a part of ASR so I’m not in some secret deal or in charge of the marketing aspect.
Anyway and It’s my opinion, I prefer some "solid" changes not like some skinners/painters who, each day and without any exageration still continue to post some "minor changes" invisible for us but visible... for their visibility !
This last attitude makes me nervous but also much more tired, I admit it.

Cheers ! :cheers: ;)
Hello guys I ask your kind help to find cars belonging to the Japanese GT 500 championship.
At the moment I only found the HONDA NSX GT500
Thanks for the kind help
Does anyone know if the cars are scratch made?

They are. The cars on his site aren't finished and have some big issues, they're still WIPs. One comes to mind, right side tires just missing from the car, or the fronts, cant remember :P

But he had a bunch of awesome progress shots of all new models, and it sounded like it was days away from being finished, then nothing.
That was months ago.
Broken link

Deja vu.
Has anything been done to the model though that you noticed? Shaders? I would welcome graphical improvements.

The link isn't missing. It's still on my drive. It's up over on facebook too.
Giulietta Spider Bop'd to run with TC Legends and not float on a cloud.

Doesn't seem to contain the fix that keeps the car from weaving side-to-side on the straights.
Do you guys think that one day someone will make the non-Hybrid LMP1 cars for AC? It would be so nice to drive for example the ByKolles or the Ginetta in AC. Because so far we only have the SimDream Rebellion R13 which also isn't more than a Oreca 07 with a different engine and cruel sound. As far as I am concerned there already is a good model for the ByKolles.View attachment 904346

Have you tried this one?!aDYXSSyB!-2yevMP0iv3FNfv6SuiyMludbZDi_F_awFxmNYZRXF0

I made some new track limits for Termas de Rio Hondo, previous ones were way too spiky for my taste. Maybe someone will find them useful :)
Thanks, can always use updates to track limits and AI.

Doesn't seem to contain the fix that keeps the car from weaving side-to-side on the straights.

Did you happen to drive the original? That might help with where the base standard is drawn from. That thing had a mind of it's own.
I'll take another look at it but if I remember correctly, short of remapping the steering linkage, it was one of those "it is what it is" and let's make the best of it deals. If you can make it around the track in one piece, that's a win compared to the original. I'll see if I can tighten it up any more.
Question is, were you able to hang with the TC Legends TCL60 pack of cars?

Ferrari F92A T (1992) by ASR Formula - Version 1.0
Release: 31/03/2020

Installation notes:
Copy the content folder inside “AC Files” to your AC directory.
Please, be sure to install our custom driver inside “assettocorsa\content\driver”.

Ferrari F2004 (2004) by ASR Formula - Version 1.24
Release: 31/03/2020

- Update FFB
- Update Physics

Please delete all files of any previous versions of this mod !
Copy the content folder inside “AC Files” to your AC directory.
Please, be sure to install our custom driver inside “assettocorsa\content\driver”.

I'm not a part of ASR Formula and no responsible if you got some bandwith issues during downloading, thank you ! :)

Enjoy ! ;)
The team ASR are really great and their work is phenomenal. 👍

:bowdown:Thank you :bowdown:
I know it's a while since it was released, but damn I just had an epic race at Potrero against a field of GT3 cars. Fantastic track!! :drool:

Now, I would love to get some good WTCR or TCR cars. I found a WTCR 3.0 pack in this thread. Is that good? Couldn't find a link though. On there was a V2.
Some more skins and helmets, more precisely from the 1957 fictitious Lancia-Ferrari 801. They were made from Lotus 16, I renamed the necessary files so that when I go for a race or training, the name Lancia-Ferrari 801 will appear. skins from Hawnthorn ( British and German GP), Musso (Italian GP) and Collins (British GP). I received some good suggestions from friends "slider666" and "Eletroforce" ... they are being used well. These car skins and helmets are being good therapy.


  • Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_CollinsBritishGP.png
    Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_CollinsBritishGP.png
    37.2 KB · Views: 47
  • Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_MussoGpITA.png
    Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_MussoGpITA.png
    44.2 KB · Views: 41
  • Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_HawnthornBritishGP.png
    Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_HawnthornBritishGP.png
    38.6 KB · Views: 43
  • Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_HawnthornGermanGP.png
    Lancia-Ferrari 801_1957_HawnthornGermanGP.png
    47.7 KB · Views: 44
Audi 90 Quattro IMSA GTO (1989) v1.5

DRD-mods - Creator / Convertor
Peter Utecht - Visual Updates
Velo - Physics Updates
Jari Leppänen - Flames Updates
Marcassin - #3, #44, #8, A1, A2, A5, A6, Martini and Red Bull skins
Timo Laciny - Power and Engine Updates
Stephen Brown - Driver Animations Adjustments
Shaun Clarke - Steering Ratio Advice
RealAKP - Car VAO, AO Mapping and Baking Advice
Kuznetsov Anton - Hood, Boot, Wiper Animation and Brakes Advice
Dan Bucsa - The usual remaster...

The new version of Audi 90 Quattro IMSA GTO is available here :!qyxHGKRS!H1wjC7BIHcqK83-GLCy65rgke4hRO1Kbg1D8FyJfQAM

Do you know if there is any mod of the Ford Escort MKII and MKIII standart?


it exists mod for Ford Escort MKIII RS 1600i and turbo, but i dont know mod for mkII with motor and aspect standar...
Existe mod para el Ford Escort MKIII RS 1600i y también el turbo, sin embargo no conozco mod para el mkII con motorización y aspecto de fabrica...
it exists mod for Ford Escort MKIII RS 1600i and turbo, but i dont know mod for mkII with motor and aspect standar...
Existe mod para el Ford Escort MKIII RS 1600i y también el turbo, sin embargo no conozco mod para el mkII con motorización y aspecto de fabrica...

link friend?
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