Has anyone managed to download from ACF's new website for his latest track? All I got is "Server Not Found"

I don't know why these people always try to reinvent the wheel when mega/MF/sharemods works just fine.
IMO, if you close this thread and make a separate subforum for AC mods, my prediction is everything will be neat and tidy for a week....and then each individual thread will devolve into its own convoluted mess again

AC modding is super fluid, even from one initial mod people will try to modify it, improve the physics, improve textures, add CSP support, etcetera et al. I do not think it's feasible to police 100s of little threads all trying to go in different tangents with each mod, unless you want GTP to be an exclusive mod hosting site like RD.
Yes, this thread is intimidating for beginners, but we always have helpful people pointing out what are the most high yield sites/creators. The new member can then go off and discover them on their own. Many people have tried to make a database of the mods on this thread but failed. It's just moving too fast and a lot of the older mod links are just not active anymore. The usefulness of this thread is as a stepping stone to all the great mod sources out there, not as an "end all be all" repository. If we were at page 100 then it might be possible to restructure, but it's too late for that now I think. Everyone who frequents this thread already knows how the place works and is comfortable with how things are.
Just my humble 2 cents, from a follower of this thread since it was double digits in page number
Oh, and because I only drop in weekly, an early congrats to everyone here for making it to
one millennium of pages

Thanks to everybody for their efforts, whether it is creator, livery maker, troubleshooter, reviewer... I know it can get a bit crazy sometimes but we all share the same passion for automobiles, driving and racing and I believe the best in simracing and modding is yet to come if we keep our heads level and get along

Keep tinkering folks!