Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
lol, I've seen the CM setting for the Delorean, but I never thought to look for the actual car. Chivas's site had it of course:

[EDIT] wait... now I can't find the Delorean setting in CM. Did he remove it from later versions of CSP?

The DeLorean setting is located under settings > apps > Sol Weather App called BACK2FUT. :cheers:
Please let me know if it works for you, I didn't notice anything changing on my end whenever I tried it in the past. :confused:
Hi guys. I've downloaded this: but I'm having an issue. When I create a Custon Preview, it is divided (like in the picture). How can i solve it? Thanks!

I wonder if that is a 'new' encryption behavior? Like the crystalized cars? I have now idea, sorry.

I'm exploring about various how to make track lately.
If you have time, would you like to try driving test track
(but maybe it is not interesting because there are not building etc..)

test data
circuit that exist in america (road only)
Road and around the road is from high resolution lidar data.
Distant background is low resolution.

I'll take a few laps on it tonight.

Hi Teddie, I dont seem to have this track for Assetto Corsa, Must have been in one of my Rfactor games, but I do remember going through the Monaco section of the F1Total Circuit.

No worries, man. Thanks for looking.

I don't normally ask if people know where I can find car mods, but as my 'fizzy bits' have been triggered, I'm going to make an exception here.

On the Facebook page linked below (which I can't log into for further investigation, as I'm not on Facebook), they've posted a new header photo in recent days. It's this... and I'm wondering if anyone knows where it may have come from?

View attachment 933672

Damn, that is beautiful. I see someone said it is private :( booooo

See, I personally don't get this. This is IMO a loss of time and waste of artists talent. Sure it looks cool, but I don't see anybody spending more than a single stint on this. Maybe two. It has no long-term value whatsoever. But it took time to build, a lot of time. Time that could be spent doing other more "long-life" projects, like finishing Diepholz or London Street circuit, or a totally new project we don't have yet. This goes in the same bag as driving sofas, cars with gigantic wheels,... Who is still driving these?

I might be alone on this boat, and of course everyone can do what they want, but I believe there are far better projects unfinished or not yet attempted, that would bring a lot more enjoyment to us simracers. Just my 2c. Maybe I'm just too old and getting too stuck up to apriciate stuff like this. :lol:

Come on, old man :P People gotta do what makes them happy. ;) otherwise, it's just a job.

The DeLorean setting is located under settings > apps > Sol Weather App called BACK2FUT. :cheers:
Please let me know if it works for you, I didn't notice anything changing on my end whenever I tried it in the past. :confused:

Haha, I see it, thank you! [EDIT] I just tried it, but I don't see anything different after 88mph. What is the setting supposed to do exactly?

Check your \Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config folder and see if you have a duplicate of your graphics_adjustments.ini - that's usually why there's 2 showing in CM :D

That was it exactly. I had made a backup and it was picking it up. Thanks for your help.

Hi guys,

Sorry to ask again but does anyone have any idea how I can find all of the cars from here:

I've tried to type into the Discord widget at the side but that does not work. Where can I find their Discord server?

I'm having such a deja vu right now. Wish I could help you.
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I wonder if that is a 'new' encryption behavior? Like the crystalized cars? I have now idea, sorry.

I'll take a few laps on it tonight.

No worries, man. Thanks for looking.

Damn, that is beautiful. I see someone said it is private :( booooo

Come on, old man :P People gotta do what makes them happy. ;) otherwise, it's just a job.

Haha, I see it, thank you!

That was it exactly. I had made a backup and it was picking it up. Thanks for your help.

I'm having such a deja vu right now. Wish I could help you.

Sorry Teddie. I know, I mention Assetto Garage and Rallyworld a lot.
I don't understand the mentality behind that at all. Why does Assetto Garage / Rallyworld do that? Strange.
These are childhood trauma, I think ... Everyone must be jealous ... :)
I really like this track and it really deserves a little more attention...
Foremost, thought of placing all in a neat package - now we can move forward to further enhance this beauty.

Package now includes:
- 3 initial cams by @DaBaeda
- Grass config by @slider666
- 3 additional cams by racealot
- AI line (track & pits + ideal_line) by racealot
- VAO patch-file by racelot
- UI maps (outline and cropped) by racealot
- Screen background image by racealot

View attachment 933590

Attention needed in the following areas:
- track billboards (2005 era-skins)
- balloon & blimp package
- increase the PIT capacity

calling all types of talent on this thread, and anyone else that is up to it - no rush - thanks.

This is a GREAT looking track mod with these recent improvements.

But geesh, was it really THAT bumpy back then, with such sharp and abrupt "washboard" bumps. I know that an F1 race was cancelled after drivers protested, and F1 removed it from the series, and any videos you can find of in-cockpit laps in an F1 car do look bumpy. While the track was in fact bumpy, they're greatly exaggerated in an F1 car at higher speeds--and it was too bumpy and unsafe for F1 cars.

In VR, in lighter track and race cars with tight suspensions, it's practically un-driveable, as the car constantly loses contact with the pavement, and the view is so jarring, that it's disorienting, and you can't even "see" the track at higher speeds. I have driven a track-tuned car with a tight suspension on an aging track. Yes, it throws the car around at some sections, and you learn to avoid the worst of the bumps, but it's not like driving over a washboard, as you see on a frequently used dirt or gravel road.

It feels like the road mesh has a lot of raised individual vertices, contributing to the "abruptness" and "sharpness" of the bumps. With some slight smoothing and reducing the height of the bumps (maybe by half) it should be more realistic. Jacarepaguá was in poor condition, especially for F1, but it wasn't so bad that it needed to be condemned for all racing.
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Seems like ACF already uploaded an early version of that totalitarian F1-track to his Mega.

In the beta tracks folder:

If he is unable to fix those floating land peninsulas, that's going to be a 'no go' for me. Bad OCD trigger. Floating islands of land. I'm sure he'll fix it though, but it definitely will be a lot of work on his part.

Tou have to enable this:


Thanks, I do indeed have that setting checked, but I'm not really seeing or noticing anything. Is it a lighting effect like the flames under the tires in the movie by the clock-tower? I don't see or hear anything diff.
The reason is i was gonna make it as my first track as I live 60kms from it and know the guy that runs vw wtcc team. They test there a fair bit

An older, aging track, with a lot of "character," is about an hour away from me. I've been there several times, sometimes for 24-hour endurance races. I plan to eventually complete a virtual version of it, and several local drivers, clubs that use the track, my team, and other teams are very interested in having it available for training. I spent four hours walking the track once it was closed after a race. I have almost 500 detailed reference photos, and I've started the modeling. Fortunately it's in a coastal plains area, with very few trees. I really want to finish it for AC, but right now, too much "serious" work going on. Hopefully soon I can "relax" and return to it.

Circuit of the Americas, quite a different "experience" as a track altogether is about 2-1/2 hours away. The speed and "Gs" are very hard on tires, brakes, and suspension components. A lot of teams with "lower-end" track cars often experience mechanical failures after a few hours of racing. Fortunately, there's a pretty good version of it for AC. After spending hours driving the virtual track, it's almost like I'm really there. I know the real track like the back of my hand.
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