Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
by tweaking a bit the values you can reduce the spawn of the grass on the sandy-grass parts of the terrain in order to increase the realism of the grass-life evolution ;)
Lookin good btw :)
I did mess with the grassfx values but I settled on what I have because I don't want the late spring\early summer skin to have bare spots. I want it to have burnt looking grass, but still have grass spawn. So what I'm fooling with is the amount of opacity on the brown spots for the base grass texture for the late summer skin. More opacity seems to make less grass spawn without having to fool with my gassfx values.

It has cooled down enough for me to jump in my rig and test the 3D legacy grass. It's blended perfectly now imo.
Thanks for the check. Glad you like it. I could make it a transparent texture and the legacy 3d grass won't even show if you think that's a better idea.
Nice one, that fixed it.

Sheesh what the heck. Is that a 'thing' with CM? No "_V.." in the folder name?

FWIW, no problem here either with SF90.
Not exactly, I had a hunch since it was the sound that wasn't working that whoever uploaded the car just added the "_V0.8" or whatever onto the end of the folder name. If the GUIDS in the sfx folder don't match up with the folder structure of the car then it can't load the sound and won't load the car in game.
Cote Dazur Where is this found? I looked in the car's files and found nothing about blurred objects definitions.

NYC I get no error code. Manually installed.

Rusty Where did you find that. I see no V# in the folder name.
Perhaps try deleting the folder and re-installing the mod. Did you also install the "Max Payne" driver that was included in the download? If all of that works and it's still not working, does the "Assetto Fiorano" version have the same issues?
Very much in its infancy.... but its a functioning brisca F1 car. The holy grail. (if your odd like me)

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I did mess with the grassfx values but I settled on what I have because I don't want the late spring\early summer skin to have bare spots. I want it to have burnt looking grass, but still have grass spawn. So what I'm fooling with is the amount of opacity on the brown spots for the base grass texture for the late summer skin. More opacity seems to make less grass spawn without having to fool with my gassfx values.

Thanks for the check. Glad you like it. I could make it a transparent texture and the legacy 3d grass won't even show if you think that's a better idea.
I'd say keep the grass, just for the three or four people that still don't use CM / CSP. New people are coming to AC all the time, but haven't fallen all the way into the rabbit hole yet.

Version 2.0 - 2020.04.21
Renault Sport Clio V6 Phase 2 (2003)

  • spcy for conversion
  • RealAKP for support, tips and testing



  • new 3D model converted by spcy (thanks a lot!)
  • added Renault symbol on rims caps
  • corrected UV mapping of exterior objects by RealAKP
  • completely redone shaders and materials
  • adjusted tyres and brakes disk dimension
  • added front license plate
  • added normals for screws
  • adjusted 3D driver model and position by RealAKP
  • new optimized VAO patches by RealAKP (CSP only)
  • corrected graphics offset and pitch rotation

  • added dashboard lights functionality
  • tweaked digital instruments

Other changes
  • regenerated LOD kn5 files
  • adjusted colliders position
  • tweaked onboard cameras
  • corrected flames position
  • updated ambient shadows

Does anyone have this one with working wipers?
Jesus really?
Wow very cool, any pics from that time? Would love to see some.
No photos, I'm afraid. I still have my trophies and medals packed away in a box somewhere though.
I was only a teenager at the time, and my racing career ended when I discovered pubs and women.
But prior to that, I remember my manager / mechanic / biggest fan / dad (same person, multiple roles) driving me out to various circuits in the Midlands every Wednesday or Thursday night with the stock car on the back of his flatbed truck.
That's actually a New Zealand Tri Rail superstock minus the rear wheel guards
UK Stock Cars didn't have a uniform shape (this was part of the fun), so the above could easily pass as the UK version once it has been finished.
Whether it has been ripped from your model or not... Well I'll leave that for you guys to sort out.35687044_10156648559518487_765806722009792512_n.jpg
Hi, just after a bit of advice if anyone could help, I keep hearing more and more about PURE and I'm currently running SOL, is pure going to replace sol and should I be running it rather then sol? Also do people recommend running pure now and what actually does it do and where can I get it from, does it affect the fps as well much

Thanks for any help
Hi, just after a bit of advice if anyone could help, I keep hearing more and more about PURE and I'm currently running SOL, is pure going to replace sol and should I be running it rather then sol? Also do people recommend running pure now and what actually does it do and where can I get it from, does it affect the fps as well much

Thanks for any help
It is the successor to Sol, currently in development and you can get it via Peter Boese's Patreon if you want early access. I think Pure is more FPS friendly than Sol but I haven't checked really.
That's actually a New Zealand Tri Rail superstock minus the rear wheel guards, and that particular model has been ripped directly from our rfactor mod without permission.

Below is a picture of said chassis with same bonnet, wing etc just with a different body from our mod.

View attachment 1183572
Do i need to ask permission to use parts of mods, for currently personal use unfinished
If you wade into this thread you'll see its not really made up of scratch built stuff.
I was going to reach out to the modders if i decided to share the tracks I've converted and the oval cars I'm working on.
To be clear this is like JK Rowling getting mad because i photo copied one of her books so i could read it at the beach.
Unless I photo copy thousands and go sell them, where is the issue, how could she or anyone care?
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Cool, may i ask what changen in the 1.2 v. ?
Just some visual stuff like the internal driver plate and the AMG front plate, nothing really big. Physics arent changed so in MP even the v1.1x would work. :)

And the right door plate in the template of the AMG was positioned wrong, which I fixed too.
New Track by CrisT86 & @pugsang

Levels Raceway - Timaru (New Zealand)

!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!:
- Requires CSP 1.77 or higher in order to have all the features working properly

Changelog v1.0:

  • 2 layouts (Long & Short)
  • Full CSP Features

Changelog v1.01:

  • Updated sidelines, thanks to @El Locho for them.
  • Replaced all gazebos and cars
  • Changed the bush wall texture
  • Made some pit roads physical
  • Added camera facing crowd and removed the old ones
  • Added 16 flagman by @Masscot
  • New flagman skin by @CrisT86

Changelog v1.02:

  • Replaced gazebos in the paddock area with tents
  • Replaced trucks
  • Changed trees naming scheme
  • Added defined DRS Zones for both layouts

  • Flagmen Resource v1.0 compiled by @Masscot, August 2022.
  • Original flag animations by doublezero, used under permission.
  • New flag skins by Masscot, originals by doublezero.
  • Valuable help from @gunnar333, @norms, and others unnamed.

Free use, but not for paymods.


View attachment 1173629View attachment 1173630View attachment 1173631View attachment 1173632View attachment 1173633View attachment 1173634View attachment 1173635View attachment 1173636
Timaru UPDATED to v1.02 (see the changelog for the changes)

Hi, I tried to search, but I don't think it was discussed here. Anyone can point me to a tutorial on how to animate door opening with piston like the P1 as mentioned in the pipeline? I was using look at to model the rotation and sliding but 3ds max said these are not compatible with fbx and I probably did not do it right with the objects hierarchy as well. Would greatly appreciate if anyone can help. Thanks.

last time i finally learned how to fix a blurry windshield with the object inspector and the cars extension.

Can someone tell me how make a too dark windshield brighter please ? Is it possible with just some extension commands?
Alemannenring DTM Germany - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.

That's all I can do to update the track a little bit


    3.6 MB · Views: 43
Hi there, did someone any update on this track?

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