- 408
- United Kingdom
- ZedNinetySix &
All that's missing is that one guy to come out of nowhere and claim that we should all bin GT Sport in favour of iRacing
iRacing is great and all, especially the physics, but no matter the wheel I've used on it, my god the force-feedback is so weak. And if you've ever driven in a real racing car, especially the Formula cars on full slicks for real, they try to rip your arms off. Even with a direct-drive wheel, me and my friends have not been able to find a way to turn up the force-feedback to anything more than pansy. But anyway thats just my experience.
I can sense I've rustled quite a few jimmies in saying this. Oh well.
But anyway...
In reguards to 2010 Super-GT500 being slower than former years, the answer to that would be the drastic reduction in downforce generated under the car, as there was a big rulebook change between 2009-2010.
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