this thread needs less bickering and more list making.
I think that cars should be limited to what they are in real life like Jedi said, If a car in real life is Auto then you can only buy it with Auto and vice versa for anything else. You shouldnt be able to change the transmission in the game untill you buy a Full racing Transmission.
Also Auto transmissions would be more realistic if they would make them shift like autos. I can get most cars to shift like an auto in real life and its just right. GTs autos go to redline no matter what, real autos shift based on throttle and some other things. If they fixed how the auto shifted then this would be fixed. Enthusia got it almost dead on. And yes this does matter to me because its a really simple thing to fix and does add to the realism factor.
I should be on the Polyphony development team, i know i could figure out alot of things that needs to be fixed in the GT series that would please pretty much everyone and i would bring a ton of awesome ideas to the table that they arent even thinking about.