My Condolences to One And All,
I am nether a second ammendment appologist nor a knee jerk liberal, I am merely a citizen of a world that has become an increasingly dangerous place in which to dwell. Ever since the first being to walk upright, discovered that a bone left over from the previous meal could be used to inflict blunt force trauma, mankind has been doing so with great verve. One could argue that the abundance of fire arms in this country is the root cause. I think not. I believe that the lack of civility, the acceptance of violence as an acceptable means to an end is the true villain.
We are an advanced species, yet we are the only species that kills for sport, or passion. We are inundated daily with reports of murder and mayhem, and as a result we have become somewhat numb to all of it. In the comming days, the horror of this will become less and less fresh, until another news story of similar magnitude comes along to replace it. History bears this out.
This type of senseless violence has been going on since the sixties.
How many people remember the shootings in Texas in the sixties, the Luby's Cafeteria masacre, Columbine, and the more recent murders of the Amish children?
Until we collectively as a society take to heart the pain, the agony, the shock, that these horrendous assaults to our greater community cause, then this behavior will go on unchecked, unabated.
When there are those to punish, then do so with an unholy wrath that would be a true deterent. When there are none to punish, we feel a sense of impotence. From that place we need to all come together, to mourn, to rant, and ultimately heal. We are indeed our brothers keeper, and we need to treat that role with the gravity it so deserves.
Leave us treat one another with respect and dignity, let us bring civility back into our daily existence.