Don't take things as Black and white. My beliefs are in the grey reigon. I'm not saying "Their is no God, case closed." I'm saying I don't believe there is a God, and I believe that I, nor anyone else, can prove it.
If there happens to be a God, I wouldn't worship him. I believe that a "God" is a person, or thing, that people follow because they believe that this thing or person is pretty much the best person/thing there is, so they do what he/it would do or what it wants. Theists say that this God is physically real. I believe that that is not possible, but is impossible to prove its existence/absence. (AKA, I don't think there is a God, but I could be wrong)
I don't do what some all-knowing being says is right, I follow what I think is right. With my definition of what a God is, that makes me my own God. I live by my own mantra: Do what makes me happy. I won't kill people because even if I did find that killing was fun, it would make others who believe killing is wrong (most theists) shun me. This would make me unhappy, so I will never kill. My decision not to kill is not based upon some old guy saying killing is wrong, so don't kill or you will be punished. This basic "Be happy" mantra ultimately is my deciding factor in major decisions about how I should live my life.
I want to die happy. I don't know what will happen after I die. There could be a Heaven or a Hell, and if there ends up being a God, I will probably go to Hell for not believing in it (from what I understand about Christianity, non-believers go to Hell). However, this is what I think about death: If you live a life full of hate and killing, once you die, the hate and killing is all you remember, so you essentially relive the hate and death once you die, which would be like Hell if the sub-conscious does lives on. If you die and lived a happy life, you sub-conscious (if it does continue on) will remain happy, and since we all like being happy, it is a Heavenly feeling! But, all science says that you basically just rot in the ground, and you won't know what the afterlife is.
I'll admit it, the most scary part about life is death. I really do get scared if I think about when I die. I have no idea what's going to happen... what fun is it to rot in darkness in the ground? I don't like thinking about it, so I try to get the most out of life and try to be happy by not pissing myself or others off.
And that, is pretty much my beliefs in a rather large nutshell.
Now, who here wouldn't trust me?