Atmosphere in Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter alex511
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The forza fanboys gang?
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The forza fanboys gang?
What a turd of a post. For how much you actually bring up Forza one could almost imagine that you're the only fanboy for it. I'm not stupid enough to pretend that I can only get enjoyment out of one thing, nor am I willing to limit myself to such a degree and then go around pretending like a game I prefer is the holy grail of gaming in general. Some of you act as if you're married to the game, and it's crazy see how willingly irrational you choose to be.

I find it very easy to enjoy and like all games on the market, but apparently to some, that's an extremely hard task at hand if the game doesn't have a certain title over it. Literally no one was even talking bad about GT in this instance either, so what a stupid hill some choose to die on.
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Again the difference in suspension behaviour is massive, if you can't notice that the only one that is blind here is yourself...
I have this belief you and emula haven't even played Forza 7 if that is your conclusion, because there is indeed lots of suspension travel you may refuse to believe.
apart the physics GT Sport has also the best online system on console which other games haven't and the best car models around,you were saying that GT focus only in atmosphere and glossy menus which is a totally false statment.
Because that is what the point of this topic was to begin with: having a better menu/interface that reflected on having a better atmosphere than other games. My opinion was PD should focus on more important things than just the menu, like making the next game fun than GTS.
My opinion was PD should focus on more important things than just the menu
Which was enough for emula to head straight for his "GT beats Forza animated GIFs and images" collection, as usual. Those jumping images are just silly, the GT ones are in slow-motion whilst the Forza ones are full speed for a start. But even if they were equal, it's still hilarous how much he can't stand to see his game even mildly criticised.
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Which was enough for emula to head straight for his "GT beats Forza animated GIFs and images" collection, as usual. Those jumping images are just silly, the GT ones are in slow-motion whilst the Forza ones are full speed for a start. But even if they were equal, it's still hilarous how much he can't stand to see his game even mildly criticised.
Indeed. 😅

Maybe I shouldn't have included that in my post two pages back, then maybe he wouldn't have gotten this triggered over a small opinion he could have easily disagreed with (I don't like using the word "triggered", but that's what seem had happened to emula since we're this far into the thread haha).
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I have this belief you and emula haven't even played Forza 7 if that is your conclusion, because there is indeed lots of suspension travel you may refuse to believe.
I have played forza 7 with my T300rs on pc and honestly was horrible, i don't understand how can someone say they are on par when it comes to physics.

Because that is what the point of this topic was to begin with: having a better menu/interface that reflected on having a better atmosphere than other games. My opinion was PD should focus on more important things than just the menu, like making the next game fun than GTS.
Again it is not true that PD focuses only on menu,that's ********.As we saw there are pleanty of areas other than menus that GT does better than other games.
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I have played forza 7 with my T300rs on pc and honestly is horrible, i don't understand how can someone say they are on par when it comes to physics.
Because some just aren't deciding to put rose-tinted glasses on and can look at all games objectively instead of acting like the game is our lover. Forza is far from having the best physics, but really, so is GT. That's perfectly fine too, because they found a sweet spot between realism and accessibility. Had they chose differently, we likely wouldn't have a game to appreciate as much as you or anyone else does. If we were that worried about physics first and foremost, than we're all playing the wrong game as these two really aren't it, so it's dumb to even try to force that point.

I think they are necessary and their placement on the market is a good thing to drive some idea's into the games that tend to focus on simulation only.
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Which was enough for emula to head straight for his "GT beats Forza animated GIFs and images" collection, as usual. Those jumping images are just silly, the GT ones are in slow-motion whilst the Forza ones are full speed for a start. But even if they were equal, it's still hilarous how much he can't stand to see his game even mildly criticised.
In slow motion is even worst


Indeed. 😅

Maybe I shouldn't have included that in my post two pages back, then maybe he wouldn't have gotten this triggered over a small opinion he could have easily disagreed with (I don't like using the word "triggered", but that's what seem had happened to emula since we're this far into the thread haha).
You and your friends are the only extremely "triggered", just read all the hate against me in the last pages just because I have posted a couple of videos and gifs of the two games
You and your friends are the only extremely "triggered", just read all the hate against me in the last pages just because I have posted a couple of videos and gifs of the two games
Weird way to play the victim, again. You introduced this subject to the conversation. People replying to you and calling it what it is is not hate. If you think so, you should report the post because if that was actually true, than the post would have been moderated. As you can tell though, that isn't exactly true. You just like to cry wolf all the time.

Literally the only reason you posted those videos is because you got upset about the fact that someone might have liked Forza, after you bringing it up. I don't understand how you don't see the irony.
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You and your friends are the only extremely "triggered", just read all the hate against me in the last pages just because I have posted a couple of videos and gifs of the two games
Nobody is triggered, it's more hilarious how you do that constantly. I mean seriously, do you actually have a dedicated video of these comparisons just ready to go at any moment? "Ohh someone said physics are comparable, can't have that. That calls for the jumping GIFs I think". Then another day someone says some sort of graphic quality is similar or better and Forza, and hey presto, there you are with comparison screens to try and show us they're not.

It's just funny. It's practically all you do.
Indeed there seems to be something quite strange going on here...
Yes, forum users who think it's okay to insult other forum users.

It isn't, and this thread - which started off odd, but not particularly badly - is now a searing fire inside a medical waste bin. And I'm putting it out.
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