Attack on magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
Free speech is a great thing; particularly if you live in an homogeneous society, you can get away with a lot.

But once you've thrown open your gates to millions of grieving refugees from your wars and interventions in lands of deeply differing belief systems, it's only rational and prudent to curtail some of your most provocative excesses.
It's only rational and prudent if it's still your decision.
Can you stop repeating this banter? "our" wars belong just as much to the USA as it does to Europe.
Very true! How clever of anyone to notice. The wars are surely more our doing than yours, but you get to bear a very real burden.
That's basically 10% of all cars in Paris.

Yeah but maybe, just maybe someone was bright enough to get the license plate.

They said that the terrorists didn't try to hide themselves while swapping cars, saying that Allah is with them.

Very true! How clever of anyone to notice. The wars are surely more our doing than yours, but you get to bear a very real burden.

I just drank a large cup of coffee. :P

But you guys are a bit more protected, by 6000km of ocean. All we have is the Mediterranean.
It's entirely possible if there is housing within a five block radius from the building. I can't look at where the building is located in Google maps, so I can't tell you with a bit more certainty. It would take about three minutes to see the tweet, another three to arm up, and five minutes to get to the scene.
Looks like I was wrong. The Blaze has reported that the gunmen shouted, "The Prophet is avenged" as they shot at police. This has the indication that the attack was planned for at least two years since that is when the magazine published the cartoon with the prophet Mohammed.

Outside of the two police officers that were killed in the line of duty, Charle Hebdo's editor and political cartoonist who go under the pen names Charb and Cabu, as well as at least one bodyguard was killed. The bodyguard was on duty serving as protection for the man (men?) since the Mohammed cartoon was published and received death threats for doing so.
This has to be an ISIS job. Make fun of Baghdadi and this attack occurs.
Not possible given the time crunch. The cartoon was posted on Twitter only 11 minutes before the attack. A well executed terror attack takes months to prepare and train for. Take the Boston Marathon bombers for example. Tamerlan spent six months in Russia(Chechnya) in 2012 before the attacks. Virtually no one in the US kept tabs on him and his brother as they planned the attack for over 9 months. Is it possible that Tamerlan was in the planning for even longer than that while he was in Russia? The answer is an emphatic yes.

The anger came from another cartoon that the magazine published over two years ago that "insulted" the prophet Mohammed.
I felt a little sick after watching the news just now... Seeing a wounded police officer getting executed in the street...

I'm not someone who's quickly going to ask for revenge, but... I hope they find these guys and give them a slow, excruciating punishment.
I doubt FN will do better, sadly. :(
How come? Haven't they already done fine 'grass roots' work, like returning pork to school menus in towns where they're a leading party? OK, that doesn't even closely compare to ending the minorities' hostile attitudes nationwide, but out of all parties in France, I'd trust FN to be the one to do the job. They might even be the only party that ultimately has the balls to liberate the various no-go zones dominated by 3rd world "refugees". It tells a lot about Manuel Valls that even though he's currently PM, and has said he'd take the streets back, he hasn't dared do 🤬 about it yet.

Oh well, he comes from the Socialist Party after all, so I shouldn't expect anything from him...
Great, because more anti-Muslim hatred* is just what we needed. :banghead::ill::nervous::rolleyes::scared:

If you can't cope with the fact that someone disagrees with or just simply challenges (even if they actually agree with you and merely want to play devil's advocate) your viewpoint on a matter (without performing any actions in those regards that actually affect you; the terrorists had every right to not purchase and/or read Charlie Hedbo) to the extent that you feel it is acceptable to resort to violence, then you are a miserable failure of the human being. End of.

I'm not going to necessarily defend what Charlie Hedbo have published, as I'm not personally familiar with it. Perhaps it could legitimately be seen as offensive even from an infidel's perspective, but that is not the point. The point is that one should not only be prepared to have their world view challenged, but also be aware that taking on new perspectives, even if ultimately one still disagrees with them, can vastly enhance one's ability to enjoy their life. Also, killing people is wrong.

Anyway, my thoughts are with the families, friends, and fans of all those killed in the attacks, any other victims who were not mortally wounded and their family and friends, and, of course, all of the Muslims (both those who subscribe to Islam and those who merely come from such a background), who aren't in any way evil but will still be treated as such even more so than they usually are by intolerant bigots in the days following these attacks.

*Terminology is important here. Anti-Islam hatred can (hypothetically) be justified as it is a hatred directed against an opinion or belief which a person chooses to hold rather than a hatred directed against an inherent part of a person which cannot be changed; while anti-Muslim hatred would refer to hatred directed against Muslims as an ethnic group rather than hatred of those who follow Islam as their religion. Sadly those coming from other groups, particularly Sikhs, whom are often confused with Muslims by the ignorant people who tend to be categoric racists, will also likely be targets of such bigotry.

For a less contextual example imagine how Anti-Christian hatred could still be directed towards me, despite my position as an agnostic atheist, on the grounds that I come from a typically "Christian" background (white, western European, went to a state school as a child, etc.), even though both of my parents are non-believers; however, it would be impossible to direct anti-Christianity hatred towards me as I do not subscribe to the belief system of Christianity. One could, however, direct anti-Atheism hatred towards me and hypothetically justify themselves and not be a bigot, provided they can find a way of justifying their hatred of atheism as a viewpoint.

TL;DR: One can hypothetically justifiably hate a belief or opinion without being a bigot, but they cannot be a racist without being an intolerant bigot.
The issue is that all muslims put Mohammed on a pedestal to some degree not atypical to how some Christian sects put Mary on a pedestal. The contention that anything having to do with Mohammed is insulting the Muslims is a bit of an overreaction, even if the thing in question happens to promote him in a positive light. That goes back to the religion's founding.

The main reason for the overreaction is that they think of Mohammed as a role model on how to live their lives, so anything that "tarnishes" that image, you can guess the reaction.
That's why they do it. To get that kind of response from the idiots in the West - which they hope in turn gets the Islamic countries to work together against a common enemy. Us.
Exactly, it will only escalate as those radicals are too widespread already and it's so damn difficult to stop their attacks (luckily the secret services manage to prevent a lot already despite that fact). But they are surely getting closer to their goal of provoking a war between the west and the muslim world.

What's important now is that us westerners keep our heads cool, and normal muslim people reject the radicals from their communities. Sadly i don't see that happening as you need a smart majority in both worlds for that to happen.
"Probably trained in Syria" was stated by the news just a few minutes ago.

How the it possible that this kind can get a foot on french soil.

Also the ones that leave to fight for IS or an islamic extreme cause should never be able to return like I stated a few times before. Gone french passeport, bye bye. The things that happen now is exactly what I have warned of several times.

Just disgusting!
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What information do we actually have to suggest they were trained in Syria?

Even if they were trained in Syria, what information do we have to show they entered the Schengen Area legally?
French authorities have identified the 3 terrorists.

No names are given but their ages: 18,32 and 34 years old. 2 are brothers and supposedly of French nationality.

The French edition of Metro reports this.

More reports are coming out that 2 of them went to Syria this summer. The police also raided a house in the northeast of Paris, Pantin, without any arrests made.

3000 officers are searching for them.
Good thing that they have been identified, should make the search a bit easier, especially when they are made public.
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That video of the man pleading for his life and being shot in the head is pretty cold, they do it like its nothing.

Since the rise of ISIS and the like we've seen these terrorist incidents surface more frequently, we all have reason to be concerned. R.I.P to the victims of this incident.
French authorities have identified the 3 terrorists.

No names are given but their ages: 18,32 and 34 years old. 2 are brothers and supposedly of French nationality.

The French edition of Metro reports this.

More reports are coming out that 2 of them went to Syria this summer. The police also raided a house in the northeast of Paris, Pantin, without any arrests made.

3000 officers are searching for them.
Good thing that they have been identified, should make the search a bit easier, especially when they are made public.
Il s'agirait de trois hommes âgés de 18 ans, 32 ans, 34 ans. Les deux trentenaires, de nationalité française, sont des frères nés dans le 10e arrondissement de Paris. Ils se prénomment Saïd et Chérif K.. La nationalité du plus jeune, Hamyd M., SDF, n'était pas connue.

Brothers are Cherif and Said K. and the youngest is called Hamyd M.
Already known by french police and actively involved in recruiting jihadists for the iraq conflict around 2005. Hamyd M. is a recent arrival.
Such an act of violence and still no full names. Lives are at stake here.

Names and photos. Pronto.


My french isn't as rusty as I thought, I can read that without problem. :lol:
I've seen an article that names the two main suspects as brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi.

The former appears to be mentioned in an article in Le Monde from 2008 about Iraqi jihadists in Paris, but it might not refer to the same individual.

It probably is him, however - another article said Cherif was 25 in 2008, which would make him 32 now.,4675,FranceapossHolyWarriors,00.html
Brothers are Cherif and Said K. and the youngest is called Hamyd M.
Already known by french police and actively involved in recruiting jihadists for the iraq conflict around 2005. Hamyd M. is a recent arrival.

That alone should have put that thing in jail, but then people would call you Assad for locking him up.

I'd call these smear's on the underpants of society animals, but that would be an insult to animals. I hope they are caught before they get any ideas about spending time with a room full of virgins.
I'm sorry. How and why has this video of a police officer being murdered been released to the public?

Strikes me as letting the terrorists win.

What @Dennisch said and it will only make you feel less guilty the next time a drone strike hits a busy market place in the Middle East killing many innocent people because a few people at that market could be high ranking isis officials.
That video isn't particularily graphic, just violent and of a shocking nature. There is much worse regarding graphic/gory content on the Internet and it isn't hard to find it, the middle eastern ones in particular are pretty horrific. As stated, it is very easy to film and upload something nowadays, things get passed around quite quickly during such a media frenzy and as a result end up all over the Internet almost immediately.