Apparently there is a race events GT5
update happening sometime this week which would obviously mess up these race plans. Will wait and see when they will take effect and if things need changing then i'll update this post asap
Ok lads. My last effort was poorly thought out and organised, but even with that quite a few drivers enjoyed some racing. I've got a couple of Monday evenings free over the next few weeks (2nd and 16th March) and am looking forward to getting in some more racing. So i'd like to give it another chance to do the other night over and get it right. Will definately get some more elaborate races sorted for the 16th, but for this one i just want to try what we did the other night and do it properly.
Almost the same as the last lot of races, but with more time in between races and some tweaked car choices. Lets see if i can get it right this time eh :roll:
EVENT - Expert Class PP650 Fuji Speedway F / PRO / 10laps
DATE - 2nd March
TIME - 8:03pm start (GMT +10)
SYNCRONISED START TIMES - 8:03 / 8:33 / 9:03 / 9:33 / 10:03
- NO race tyres allowed!!!!!!!!!!! (S3 only)
- Drive cleanly *duh*
- Dont get discouraged if we encounter 'random' idiots on the servers (most randoms will be on Race Tyres anyways)
- Dont get discouraged if lag raises its ugly head (if its bad please try and keep a good gap between you and others)
- You may miss a scheduled race start time (dont stress, just take a break and join in next race start)
- Tune the car settings as you wish (unless otherwise stated).
- TCS (can be used for race starts only, unless otherwise stated)
- ABS optional
- Keep it civilised gents. Dont drive to win at all costs. Keep it competitive but most of all keep it clean and fun.
RACE 1 @ 8'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Audi R8
COMMENTS - S3 tyres only. Tune the car all the way up to 650PP and set her up the way you like.
RACE 2 @ 8'33pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Ferrari F430
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car all the way up to 650PP and set her up the way you like.
RACE 3 @ 9'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Open
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Tune the car all the way up to 650PP and set her up the way you like. Pick whatever car you like, it could be the Audi or Ferrari again, but i'd like to encourage guys to pick a car that they have a genuine interest in. It does not have to be the fastest, but as long as you have some fun in your ride of choice. Even if you know you car is a bag of ***** ... if you like it then choose it. Keep your car choice a secret and come out and have some fun
RACE 4 @ 9'33pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Mazda Rx8
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Do NOT adjust anything on the car. Keep it all stock standard. The only thing you need to do is turn OFF TCS, and make sure it has S3 tyres. Leave the rest alone, dont tune anything. DO NOT USE TCS AT START LINE EITHER. I wanna see some smoke baby!
RACE 5 @ 10'03pm (GMT +10)
CAR - Mazda Rx7
COMMENTS - S3 Tyres only. Do NOT adjust anything on the car. Keep it all stock standard. The only thing you need to do is turn OFF TCS, and make sure it has S3 tyres. Leave the rest alone, dont tune anything. DO NOT USE TCS AT STARTLINE EITHER. I wanna see some smoke baby!
Well, thats it. A bit of a re-hash from last mondays racing, but this time with improved time management and some change in car choices i hope to sqeeze some more fun out of the Fuji event before moving onto something new for march 16th.
Feel free to post comments, suggestions, or indeed interest :steer .
I'm really keen to keep it limited to Australian and New Zealand drivers. Limits lag and gives it a local flavour. So if you are an international driver from the GTP please try another race start time or event and give us Southern Hemisphere guys a chance to mingle.