Australian GT, Season 1 finished, TheFlash is Champion,Finished 

  • Thread starter TDZdave
Esmè the Editing Echidna has edited this post.

Yep, I'm good so put me down Dave - car choice to follow asap mate.
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@swiftsmith James, I banned you personally at the Global Rally cross championship, Season 1, Round 1, at Daytona road course, I have several witnesses and as I did it via the text box it will also be on your ustream live stream saves if ustream has this function, your disruptive, agressive, and dirty driving skills will not be required here, no thank you,

@Heathenpride You are allowed to race as this is my series, and is only sponsored by Core, with the help of Core for designing all graphics on the OP, vehicle specifications etc, However disruptive thread posts will not be tolerated, I will overlook the previous 2 posts and expect them to be edited asap, We are here to race and have a good time, please remain professional in your future postings here,

And with that sorted, I would formally like to welcome the new sign ups to Australian GT, I look forward to racing with you all,
There is suppose to be a sign up sheet floating around here somewhere, however we shall start a new one shortly in my next post,

Please bare with me guys regarding the OP updates, I am currently on the other side of the country almost and my phone cannot seem to take on the idea of editing the thread,
It is important that the new guys catch a read of this, This has also been amended so for those who have read it please catch the additions,

With exactly 7 days to go until round 1 at Monza, We need the drivers briefing published, so here it is!

CIRCUIT: Monza (Full circuit with chicanes)
LAPS: 41 (Includes 2 pace laps)

Remember, This is a full damage event, Be careful not to take out other cars whilst over taking, running in closed quarters, etc
Pitlines in and out will be monitored heavily, Impeding other cars will be heavily monitored and offenders will be frowned upon and penalized accordingly,

Reminder, I haven't received any FR's from anyone regarding the event, I will shoot them later today, If you do not get one from me please get one to me by Tuesday evening, If you cannot please post here and I shall resend it,

Above all else have fun!

Finally, Can I get a sign up list for all planning to attend the event next week please,


Ascari curves, Upon entry to the Ascari curves which are Turns 9-11 on the circuit, You will be in violation of the corner cutting rule if you get a wheel on the grass, you can abuse the green paved/ Astro turf areas as much as you like through this section, as well as the paved run off on the exit of this corner complex, however, the corner cutting rule will be in place for the rest of the circuit, track limits are determined as painted white lines on the circuit, I also include kerbs as part of the racing circuit as I believe the painted white line is painted to the back of them, this is how it will be stewarded for everyone,


confirmed entry list with car here please,

1) TDZdave/ Audi R8 LMS Ultra
Confirm attendance with confirmed car here please, it is a first come first serve basis, be quick,

1) TDZdave/ Audi R8 LMS Ultra
2) CobraGT500/ Mercedes SLS GT3
3) Heathenpride/ TBA
Bugger it, I will take the Schultz mate. I do enjoy that car!
The Flash an i will be teaming up in the BMW Z4 under the name Bitter Rivals Racing or for short BRR thanks M8
Matterhorn Dristelen .jpg
this is great guys, cant wait,

just a random piece of information, there will be no teams championship, but I do encourage group testing where applicable, helping each other tuning etc, shows good sportsmanship, keep it up guys,
this is great guys, cant wait,

just a random piece of information, there will be no teams championship, but I do encourage group testing where applicable, helping each other tuning etc, shows good sportsmanship, keep it up guys,

it's all good M8 still in the Z4 but
Sorry just after some clarification on the start procedure? So after the last turn where we all slow to 60kph, does it then stay at 60kph until the green?

P.S FR sent
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Hello and welcome to the Australian GT3 championship,

This is open to anyone who can make the time slot,

Races will be held Wednesday evenings fortnightly and be held in a private lobby hosted by myself so you will need to organize to add my PSN account prior to the event,
My PSN ID Is, TDZ-4-12-14-88

These will be full damage events and traction control and ABS are the only aids allowed,

Event structure,

7:30PM ACST:
Lobby will be open,
7:50PM ACST: Spec check and Qualifying,
8:00PM ACST: Race will start, (race distance is approx 80 minutes)

At 7:50PM spec check will commence and after that the lobby will be reset and qualifying will start once the room is refreshed, then immediately on to the race start,


nce the race is loaded and the countdown timer has completed the cars will commence the first pace lap at 100kph and roll around the circuit, at the end of that lap all cars will pit in and take fresh tires, We will then commence pace lap number two in which all cars will need to form back in order of qualifying position and form up two wide ready for the official start,

After the pitstop and all cars are in two wide rolling grid formation, the leader will maintain pace speed of 100kph until they reach the final corner where they will need to slow down to 60kph to ensure the field is bunched,
Then once the pole position winner is on the painted grid slot it is their choice when to start the race, once they accelerate the race is classified as green,
(If the lead car crosses the start line before accelerating that will also declare the race as green)​

Restarts will only be declared if a mass disconnection or 2 or more people genuinely disconnect, and the restart procedure will be exactly the same as the race start, Results will be viewed from both replays and penalties will be paid from both replays,

Aside from the initial pitstop in the pace lap, One pitstop during the race is mandatory, Bare in mid there is a penalty for exceeding the pit entry and exit lines,


ole Position, 1 Point,
1ST, 10 Points,
2ND, 8 Points,
3RD, 6 Points,
4TH, 5 Points,
5TH, 4 Points,
6TH, 3 Points,
7TH, 2 Points,
8TH, 1 Point,

All replays will be saved and penalties will be handed out in the form of a time penalty, The time will be added to your overall finishing time from the race,
You are entitled to appeal any penalties given to you but you must do it via PM to me TDZdave here on GTP,

it lane entry and exit lines, They will be monitored where applicable and crossing them will result in a penalty,
Excessive use of flashing lights, Whilst you are allowed to use them, excessive use is not sportsmanlike behavior and will meet with a penalty,
voidable contact, These are heavy damage races, unnecessary contact will result in a penalty
Corner cutting, This will also be monitored,
Malicious blocking, you are entitled to fight for your position, but malicious/ excessive blocking can be penalized,

alsifying a restart, If it is viewed on the replay you have disconnected on purpose you will be penalized,
General misconduct, If your behavior is considered to be unsporting, Hostile, Poor, or even just outright dangerous on circuit, you will be met with this penalty, If this behavior continues then you will be removed from the series,

To sign up just post your GTP name followed by your PSN ID followed by your desired vehicle,
Example: TDZdave/ TDZ-4-12-14-88/ BMW Z4 GT3
There is a limit of four cars per manufacture and a limit of two painted bodied cars,

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TDZdave/ TDZ-4-12-14-88/ Audi R8 LMS Ultra
Cobra_GT500/ Motocross_09 / Mercedes Benz SLS GT3
Racefan88/ Racefan88/ Mercedes Benz SLS GT3

I-was-ere/ I-was-ere
Ninners/ Nin-Chin/ Audi R8 Team Pheonix

hey Dave, do you have room for an expat Scot in Indonesia? If I can run the M3 GT2 base as a drop by that would be cool. Thanks
@TheFlash05 Correct mate, The pace speed will remain at 60kph until the leader has reached the painted grid slots, then it is his choice when to jump, when he jumps or crosses the start/ finish line the race is declared green. I will also clarify this via headset whilst on the warm up laps,
Also, any changes to any procedure due to the uniqueness of the circuit such as Ascari or the sheer size of the N24 layout will be detailed in the drivers briefing for that round,

@nosoks, Fire proof undergarments are required in motorsports, you will need to get some socks, glad to have you on board,
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Hey guys, I just remembered I have stocktake on Wednesday night, and will probably run past 10pm. Gutted as it is the only time my Wednesdays are booked once every 3-4 months. If it goes really smoothly, then I may be home in time but it would be a long shot.

At this stage I will see you all round 2! :(
Hey guys, I just remembered I have stocktake on Wednesday night, and will probably run past 10pm. Gutted as it is the only time my Wednesdays are booked once every 3-4 months. If it goes really smoothly, then I may be home in time but it would be a long shot.

At this stage I will see you all round 2! :(

No worries mate, If I have converted time right, the lobby will open at 11PM your time, so you will have until 11:20PM to try make it, that's if I have converted properly,

The OP has been updated, If your name is not on the OP or I have mixed up your car please let me know and I will alter it ASAP,
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Sorry I've been sick so I haven't payed much attention to the thread. Ill be there Wednesday! Anyone run any laps yet and have reference times?