Auto Racing "Not A Sport"

Have you been told Auto Racing "Isn't A Sport"?

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Maybe it's not viewed as a sport since it's not very accessible. But there's no other sport that requires the finesse and creativity of a classical musician together with the aggression of a Monday morning boxer and the courage of down-hill skier. Most people are socially good at some sport, but very few are socially good at driving because of the spectrum of skills required. The inaccessibility also attracts only those that really want to do it and will therefore be good at it.

And then there's the nightmare of setting a car up to whatever is required, which takes years and years to understand, if at all. And that's not mentioning tyres or aerodynamics either.
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I really don't care if people think it's a sport or not, but in any event, motor racing is hardly on the cutting in regards to the question: "is it a sport?" That would be reserved for things like video gaming, chess, and spelling bees.

If people believe that chess is not a sport, is speed chess a sport? If speed chess is a sport (where standard chess is not), at what minimum speed must it be played at to be considered sport?

At a certain point it devolves to an argument not unlike trying to segment music into categories. What is heavy metal? Is it a sound, or a spirit? I can find Aphex Twin songs that sound way heavier than some Iron Maiden songs. Maiden generally being considered quintessentially metal. Aphex Twin, certainly not. So maybe to a certain extent it does come down to the spirit of it, and perhaps we sometimes take issue because that realm truly means something to us. We take ownership and invest ourselves, so questioning our realm as we know it, or muddying the waters with foreign additions grinds our gears, so to speak.

It's kind of stupid for it to matter as a technicality, but kind of beautiful for it to matter in the sense of what us frail humans cling to. We think we're getting upset because someone has an idiotic opinion, but we're really getting upset because it hurts our sense of self, and belonging.
According to the Indian government, Formula 1 is not a sport - it's entertainment.

Mind you, under Indian law, the government would be able to tax the teams for any revenue they received, which they would not be able to do if Formula 1 was classified as a sport; read into that what you will.

It's what killed the Indian Grand Prix (at least for now).
The poll question is, "Have you been told Auto Racing 'Isn't A Sport'?"

Yes, I've been told that several times. I'm wager most if not all of us have as well.

Do I agree with what they're saying to me?

That's a whole 'nother question, but it seems that's how people are answering the poll.

For the record, I've also been told that Auto Racing is indeed a sport, by a number of people in fact.
Most of the people I know that insist Auto Racing is not a sport say so because it doesn't require any above average levels of fitness or physical training, even though it does. By that logic, archery, rifle shooting and darts aren't sports either.
I usually respond with "do you consider the Olympics sports?" "Then....Dressage? Equestrian? Shooting?"
Most people try and argue Golf isn't a sport either. Quite quickly it becomes obvious that no one really thinks about what they are saying.
Then there's always the "but its just going round in circles" type argument whereby people describe something in simple terms to demonstrate how simple it is. By this argument anything is simple because everything can be simplified.
"Holding your breath underwater for 4 minutes is simple, you just hold your breath".

I've yet to come across an actual decent reason why "Auto racing", "Motorsport", etc whatever you want to call it is not a sport.

I would consider anything that is determined by voting e.g. Diving, Equestrian not to be a sport. If the result is subjective, then I'm not sure its anything more than a party game.
But motorsport, golf, shooting, whatever..while having some sense of independent review are at least determined by an objective and clear scoring method.
This is a common assertion heard in this neck of the woods whenever it is pointed out that NASCAR is pretty close to as popular as football, and I have to say that it isn't one that I particularly disagree with. Far too much element of chance in comparison. Also why I argued against it being included in the Olympics in that other thread.
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NASCAR is about a quarter as popular as the NFL is now.
You can probably find somewhat similar comparisons from F1 vs FIFA