[B-Spec] 2016 World Sportscar Championship

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lol yeah, it started when the racer timer hit zero on twitch.tv/alphicah. Its finished now, the recording is up on my twitch channel.

Um, I saw the little 4 minute snippet, I'd really like to know where the last 20 or so minutes are :P
Um, I saw the little 4 minute snippet, I'd really like to know where the last 20 or so minutes are :P

Well, unfortunately my internet dropped for the last 30 minutes. Didnt notice it until I closed the stream and saw I had no wifi bars. The stream is set up to reconnect automatically if the internet drops, but this problem required me to reset the modem to fix it. Fortunately nothing really important happens in the last 30 minutes

OK so the McLaren MP4-12Cs are getting hit hard. 11KGs of extra weight and 1.5% more drag. Thats the only Balance of Performance for now

Full Race Results and Points Table







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Tatsuya Kataoka, #43 driver: "The car was completely fine at the start, and I was making really good progress in the beginning of my stint. After the #44 retired to the pits with an engine problem, I began to worry about the quality of the engine. I wondered if the Ravenwest cars were to suffer from the same issue, and one of the cars did, but this was due to an accident! So I wasn't sure if the car would make it! After handing the car over to Nanami for the next stint, when she tried to refire the car, it stalled and would not start up again. We had no idea what was up, and it took a while until the team could get the car rolling again, only for the engine to completely give up in the outlap, losing power."

Miku Hatsune, #44 driver: "I was up first for this race and I was really really excited! Then the car started making these really weird noises and it started to smell really bad! I would push the pedal as much as I could and the car simply would not go as fast as it did before. It wasn't until I got to the other side of the track that the car would just give up! It was seriously embarrassing to be the one stuck in the car forever, because the marshals got to me ten minutes later..."

Ukyo Katayama: "We'll have to see what's up our engine supplier, as incidents like this are inexcusable. All of the engines that we ordered for this event faltered the same exact way, losing power dramatically. We hope that nothing like this ever happens again, and it's much more disappointing that it's here at Fuji, because we would have loved to give the fans something to cheer for."
Stefano di Fiorano, team director: "Unfortunately, that was well below our expectations. Data from the previous race suggested we not take any upgrades, which came to bite us in today's event. At least we didn't get swept with failures like the others did, but this is a very disappointing result regardless."

Rena Hayami, #76 driver: I did say our performance last round was a miracle, but I didn't exactly mean that literally! At least we finished, but another result like this is going to hurt our ranking a lot."

Jack Acid, #77 driver: "We had plenty of speed down the home straight as qualifying revealed to us, but absolute jack 🤬 for cornering. Frank and Stefano need to look into upgrading these things, pronto."

Frank Monterrey, #78 driver: "While my son Scott was lookin' over the telemetry, I was just cruisin' along, and then, BAM! 'Whoa, someone blew an engine! Oh 🤬, it's me!' That about sums up my weekend in a nutshell."
Well, we got all three cars in the top 10, and my 85 finished fifth...BUT...I'm not too pleased. These results are OK, and maybe it's because I just drove a car for 6 hours at speed, but with the way these cars work some things happened both to our benefit and detriment. We made an adjustment to the setup pre-race, and by the fact we weren't leaving the Astons or Toyotas as we should have is a failure on my end for trying to get greedy with the speeds. Just proves I'm still as inept with setups as ever. We have to get better as a team if we are gonna compete, and I especially have to get better at running the team and seting up cars. In short, until we lock out the podium in a walk, I will not be happy.
..I had to say something, didn't I?

Not one LMGT Aston made it to the end.

Oh well, at least one of them seemingly went out guns blazing going full Burnout-mode on one of the McLarens :lol:
Alan Webb #35: We won, holy s:censored:t WE WON! Oh this is unreal, there's no way I can say thank you enough to the team and Cliff. He gave us this chance, all of us, me, Tim, Steve, Renz, my driving partners Andrew and Peter, and the 34 guys, Sylvain, Rob, and Bruno. I can't believe this came together, I mean we didn't qualify terrible, but the guys didn't know what to do really so they stuck us on the Daytona setup for practice and qualifying. They worked so hard last night making sure they put the perfect setup under us for the race, and look, they did it! I have to thank Andrew and Peter for letting me be anchor today, it was just awesome. Andrew did an awesome job getting us to the front, he made a really sneaky pass when the 81 was being lapped by a prototype. After that Peter and I just had to run what the car was capable of, and here we are, top step of the podium in the second race for a new team. This is just awesome!

Sylvain Tremblay #34: Today was a great day for the team mostly, we had a good car and we came home on the podium. Bruno had quite the battle with one of the RAM cars in the second hour, but we got past and just tried to chase down the Friz car that got pole. We had a solid race, came home 3rd and got the team some money to replace the wrecked car. I don't know what that Aston driver was thinking, it's a Tilke track, you have a whole parking lot behind you to safely get going again but he just went straight to the racing line and took out Renz. It was just stupid.

Renz Apoong #36: I'm just so disappointed with what happened today, this is my family's home country and I wanted to do them proud. It was obvious we could have too, our teammates took 3rd and the win. I was just making my way through traffic carefully after the 16 took me out in turn 1, then as I came up the hill I couldn't see him but that idiot just pulled right back onto the racing line like he thought he was a keeper blocking a shot. I'm fine but obviously we need a new car after that, there's just no place for stupid things like that happening at this level. They sure were intent on living up to their violent name, RAMmers.

went out guns blazing going full Burnout-mode on one of the McLarens

I actually haven't watched the race so for all I know the situation could be the exact opposite of what I described.
"We managed to improve quite abit. Not anywhere near the Porsches obviously, but we've fond some additional pace and made some progress. Great effort from Eric and Alex in the car, they really were the stars today getting the cars up the positions from where we started in the 2 car. Its unfortunate we couldn't have both cars finish with the #1 losing an engine but we finally got a car to finish in the points and to make it even more great, we got a top ten out of it, which is far better then not finishing with a single car. Hopefully, we'll go one step further at Shanghai and get a actual finish for Mayland, Leight and Shimoda."
First Sportscar Victory for Team Pezzarinho

Porsche Sport Pezzarinho claimed emphatic victory in the Fuji 6 hours, their first in a sportscar class. The team recorded a 1-2 victory in the process with the #16 entry 27.5 seconds ahead of the #18, ineligible for championship points. The team look set to claim all 3 podium positions, until the #17 retired from the lead just after the halfway point with suspected suspension issues.

"We'll focus on the positives today of course, we were the best team and look set to challenge for the championships" claimed team principal Perry Brown. "We knew that Daytona would be a tricky race, so we set ourselves up to start on the back foot here in Fuji and make the difference up over the season. Results have gone our way today though, with that deficit already gone. I couldn't be happier thinking about our chances."

Bernhard, Dumas and Jani now share the championship lead with the #83 McGill Racing Toyota on 30 points. Porsche Sport Pezzarinho are 20 points behind the teams championship however, but would be leading if the #18 was eligible for points. This fact did not escape Brown.

"It is a nice problem to have in a way, our third car entry is scoring good results. They are our least experienced line up so I am just grateful at the moment that they are getting to the finish line and racking up the miles. They lead for a long time today as well so they have a lot to take from Fuji. Today I feel for Brendon (Hartley), Marc (Lieb) and Earl (Bamber) who lead for most of the race before events out of their hands snatched a result from them. It gets noticed though, and there is no chance we will be changing our lineups following 2 results."
...had that Prototype not spun me...

What prototype? I didn't see a prototype? Did YOU see a prototype? Ludicrous claims thread is about to get an awakening! Next you'll be saying it was a blue porsche with yellow highlights as well!...

(Should have moved your inferior car to the side to let the leaders through though, just saying!)
What prototype? I didn't see a prototype? Did YOU see a prototype? Ludicrous claims thread is about to get an awakening! Next you'll be saying it was a blue porsche with yellow highlights as well!...

(Should have moved your inferior car to the side to let the leaders through though, just saying!)

Hey, is it my fault someone let Richard Hammond drive the car that stint?
No, that blame belongs to the team owner. They hired the drivers. Now who would that be?... :confused:

Don't look at me, I'm just in charge of managing the finances.

And maintaining the cars.

And PR.

As you can clearly see, "owning the team" is not among my responsibilities :D
Juan Manuel Berta, Parrilla Racing Corse team director:

"It was a very interesting race. We had two good cars and very capable drivers but we sadly fell very short of getting into the top five due to a series of problems. It's still our first year in the circus and today was a massive improvement over Daytona. We still have to figure how to match the McLaren's top speed in some sectors. The boys did a great job, every mile counts towards our objetive this year, Le Mans."
"Not a good result for the home grand prix of McGill Racing manufacture partner Toyota. With the #82 and #83 being the back marker we do know the car is reliable and is fast in straights. The work that needs to be done now is making the car fast through turns and hopefuly getting the 3rd car ready for future races."

+ WSC has taken steps to fix the Aston Martin prototype fuel issues. Theres a stat for the cars that determines how aggressive the AI get with fuel mileage. This has been relaxed just a bit so maybe they pit a lap earlier but they shouldnt run out of fuel anymore.

+ As reported earlier the McLaren MP4-12C teams have gotten 11KGs of ballast added to the cars along with a 1.5% increase in drag. This is the only change in BOP Paul Ricard.

+ Fans at Fuji were upset only 28 cars were left running on track at the end of the race. The number of failures for the first 2 rounds has been slightly higher then expected, but with more teams upgrading the reliability of their cars the number of cars finishing a race should start to increase

+ The 6 Hours of Shanghai has been moved from Saturday January 30th to Sunday January 31st at 7AM New York City / 12PM London. The countdown clocks in the private conversations are correct.

+ Aggression settings of the AI will be slightly increased for Shanghai to encourage more contact
Meanwhile in the R.T. Corsa Garage...


Guys... weren't we supposed to be working on the car and NOT eating sandwiches?

(We will hopefully have a livery soon)
Meanwhile in the R.T. Corsa Garage...


Guys... weren't we supposed to be working on the car and NOT eating sandwiches?

Do you know how long it takes for off brand Chinese parts to arrive? We're on a budget here :P

There was a shipment from Chavrolat Raceng with a few engines and I heard that Miechelan Tiyres are on their way as well :lol:
Do you know how long it takes for off brand Chinese parts to arrive? We're on a budget here :P

There was a shipment from Chavrolat Raceng with a few engines and I heard that Miechelan Tiyres are on their way as well :lol:

Are the tires genuine rubber or the budget Chinese plastic that we ordered with the 5 cents that we had left? :P

(And this is what happens when you try to make a team on a $5 budget)