Goddamnit. Another series cut short. Guess GTR2 just isn't that cut out for B-Spec unless your PC is up to snuff.
Currently working with @Suzumiya to investigate moving to rFactor if that erases issues. The mods we'd need to transfer over are scattered all over the internet, but they DO exist and we CAN merge them together. A lot of the balancing work for the GT500 and GT300 cars are already done too, so the only real issue is going to be seeing whether or not a platform switch helps. That and balancing the Shiden and RX-7 again.Gonna look into this a bit more actually.
I'm going to abuse you more often if it works this successfully
You need to add my team tooStill alive, test stream Saturday sometime soon with the actual race for Fuji sometime after. New internet means better quality by far.