Country changing helps sometimes but this "Race ended" situation seems to happen more often lately. I wonder what could cause it?
What "Race Ended"-situation
Race quickly start and quickly end, but no blue light on helmet in status bar and I do not get money.
Ok, did you check the playstation?, if you go out of servermode, does it show you "Error: Invalid Event" in a message box? (or something like it)
maybe internet outtage.
Edit: if you enable debug mode in Grinder, it will most likely say something like: "something went wrong, command never came through)
noisiaturismo''Temporary server issue''. How do i fix this?
Wait until the announced maintenance-window ends👍
Is there any possibility for an app or website for Apple devices. I don't know about programming to sorry if there's a simple answer.
MikerobeDepends what kind of apple device? I grind on my Macbook because the Yahoo! widget's run on Mac's. If you mean iPad/Phone then no. That is unlikely for a number of reasons discussed at length earlier in this thread.
Mike 8={>
Just a few questions:
I've added a few new people last night but they still don't appear on the widget. Is there any way of making them appear?
Also sometimes my drivers appear to double in the my drivers section.
Is this not working anymore? Keeps getting stuck at "Verifying Internet Connection"
Is the widget dead? Mine is hung up at "connecting to PS3". Been like that for a while.