B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
Did you try to log in to gran-turismo.com, log straight back out, and log back in, to see if they'll show up there. Once they show up there, then you can force re-authentication.

Ive been on the website log in many times since adding everyone. All of my friends show up, but on the ones that have "?" marks I cannot view there profile. Looks like Ill have to ask them to log on the website and log back off.
Ive been on the website log in many times since adding everyone. All of my friends show up, but on the ones that have "?" marks I cannot view there profile. Looks like Ill have to ask them to log on the website and log back off.

Well, if you can't view their profile on gran-turismo.com, you won't be able to use them in the widget. Try to get them to start GT5, and use one of the community features, maybe that'll update the servers.
hey, just discovered this app a few days ago, absolutely freakin' awesome. apart from im having one problem...

when i open the manage drivers window it tells me that my friends (the two i use the widget with anyway) both have 6 drivers set to online. however, it only ever puts my driver in with 6 others... I can go manually (on the console) and start an event with all 13 drivers, and i can do it via gran-turismo.com, but the widget wont use them.

I have tried putting the drivers in the 'always use' list with 'leave 0 drivers free'
i've tried putting the drivers in the 'use randomly' list with 'leave 0 drivers free'
i've tried setting up the race via a console using all drivers and then setting it to 'enter server mode after race' and that still doesnt work (although for the first race the widget recognizes that there's 13 on track.

And i have just tried using a different server (was using UK, now using US)

I'm just completely stumped... The widget is a fantastic idea and, other than this issue it seems to work great, just this is really annoying me and pretty much halving the money im making from it...:ill:

EDIT: Just been monitoring some races, it would appear it'll put all 6 drivers from one friend in a race, then in the next race put all 6 friends from the other friend... just wasting available spots in the race lol
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Set up the Widget first time last night.

Absolutely fantastic, should have had this going a lot sooner. Widget is well laid out and looks great! The logs are great to read too, I was able to see that my router had dropped out this morning from it!

Only thing I'd love now would be an app version for android and iphone :)
My widget has not been working for near enough a month now.

It gets stuck two fifths of the way along the bar when it says "logging in"
Any ideas anyone, will the 2.0 update have cause any issues?
My widget has not been working for near enough a month now.

It gets stuck two fifths of the way along the bar when it says "logging in"
Any ideas anyone, will the 2.0 update have cause any issues?
Updates to GT5 rarely effect the widget if you have network login problems before a patch to GT5 you will have them after the patch as you are login to A web site server not GT5. The Web site has not done any changes since the security updates of the cookie data.
So in fact it will now be even more harder to login than before as there is more security now in the new cookies but other users had no problems .
You need to go though all the Fixing "Yahoo widget system" ideas on here.

first off: Thanks for your work at this plugin. I found this plugin today and tried to set it up with a german account. A friend of mine shared his only b-spec driver and so does i. After i put my PS3 into server standby and started the widget it loads all data correctly. But it didn't start a race.

"12/17/11 19:11:44.246: There's nobody to race!"

It just put's my b-spec driver into the lobby but not the b-spec driver of my friend. The friendlist says "1 driver" beside the name of my friend. Can anybody help me?

Also, feel free to add me at PSN: SoTD91


the widget works now, but how do i fill the lobby with all drivers of myself and my friends? I created 5 B-Spec drivers and put them online but the widget always just picks one of mine b-spec drivers. "1/5 drivers in use". I also got the same problem with my friend's drivers. I put 3 friends unter "always use". The 3 friends got an amount of 10 drivers in total but the widget only uses about 3 drivers each run.


the widget works now, but how do i fill the lobby with all drivers of myself and my friends? I created 5 B-Spec drivers and put them online but the widget always just picks one of mine b-spec drivers. "1/5 drivers in use". I also got the same problem with my friend's drivers. I put 3 friends unter "always use". The 3 friends got an amount of 10 drivers in total but the widget only uses about 3 drivers each run.

The host, "YOU" can only run 1 of your Drivers, the widget only duplicates the web site.
Each grid is made up of 1 host driver and 15 friends drivers.
To have all 6 of your drivers active requires "FRIENDS" to run races.

To select more drivers from your friends list you need to increase the "DELAY" and decrease the number of "threads" used to select drivers. Hammering the site with multi connections does not result in more drivers it results in time out from the server
Why does it take forever for my races to start?
It just sits there at the Finding players screen or whatever.
Any solutions?
Sounds like the widget is failing to connect.
GT5 web site is region free.
Pick US server to connect to. NO MATTER where your PSN ID is from. If you have not done so allready.
Remember to reforce the login after Server Shut downs and Restart GT5 remote race manualy on PS3. So the widget can take over after the race ends..
How to make the widget always select Cape Ring... I tried it many times with the "syntax" mentionned in the first post but it doesn't work at all...

I put : "preferences.preferredRace.value = 5934;" <<- Exactly this and it didn't work.

Am I doing something wrong?
Just an FYI..

I had an issue with only 2 out of 6 drivers showing up for a friend, so 3 total racers per race including my account, in addition to an infinite loop of trying to start a race, the race ending, drivers being selected and the race starting again except the race was never actually run after running 2 or 3 races with the 3 drivers mentioned previously. I had to completely uninstall Yahoo widgets and remove all reference to B-Spec Grinder like the widget itself and the widget database (I'm on OS X). Once I re-installed and added BSG widget, I prevented races from starting automatically and then cleared the system cache on the PS3 after a reboot. Then set to start automatically once in standby mode. I am now seeing all available drivers for the 2 friended PSN accounts and races have continued to start for the past hour or two.
How to make the widget always select Cape Ring... I tried it many times with the "syntax" mentionned in the first post but it doesn't work at all...

I put : "preferences.preferredRace.value = 5934;" <<- Exactly this and it didn't work.

Am I doing something wrong?
Login to US servers not Canada's are you...
Hello, I have this installed and workingbut only have 2 other friends with GT5 listed in the 'Manage Drivers' option. Do I need to add more friends to have more chance of it successfully starting a race and 'grinding'?

I get to 'STARTING RACE - 1/1 drivers selected' and it doesn't go any further.
Hello, I have this installed and workingbut only have 2 other friends with GT5 listed in the 'Manage Drivers' option. Do I need to add more friends to have more chance of it successfully starting a race and 'grinding'?

I get to 'STARTING RACE - 1/1 drivers selected' and it doesn't go any further.

Same problem. I made a new PSN so I could grind my own drivers and now it just goes in circles from race starting to race ended without actually racing. I had it working on my primary account earlier but want to grind my own drivers. I have added a few friends on it too help them too and fill the race but haven't accepted request yet so is that a problem?
Same problem. I made a new PSN so I could grind my own drivers and now it just goes in circles from race starting to race ended without actually racing. I had it working on my primary account earlier but want to grind my own drivers. I have added a few friends on it too help them too and fill the race but haven't accepted request yet so is that a problem?

the friends must be on your list to be able to start the race up.
Hope i helped.

Thank you for creating this application. It is a must have for GT5 money making and B-Spec grinding. I started playing GT5 using my son's gear and could only make it to his place once a month. I have all the necessary gear myself now (best Christmas ever) and set up the widget a few days after. It worked flawlessly so far as I can tell for the first week. Over the New Year's weekend it wouldn't run any races at all but I suspect that had more to do with the servers the widget hits and not the program itself. Just fired it back up to test and it seems to be queuing races as before. Set the threads/delay to 1/5 and it is chugging away on it's second race since 5:30.

Looking forward to helping out others with this app.
the friends must be on your list to be able to start the race up.
Hope i helped.
I already had my 6 drivers added from main account. And I figured it out eventually. But now the friends accepted my requests but won't show up on the widgets friend list? Anybody know where I'm gone wrong?
Do you get more money if there is more drivers? from what I can see I only got 8000 credits

Reserving first available driver with the least experience. Name: W.Schuhmacher Class: 33 Exp.: 17460 Credits: 14.990
Reserving a friend's driver. PSN: BrianMI Name: M.Huuskonen
2012.01.03 14:52:33.096: Race has started.
Updating credits display. Difference: 8,450
Reserving first available driver with the least experience. Name: W.Schuhmacher Class: 33 Exp.: 31220 Credits: 23.440
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The widget tells me to choose a PSN account region, what should I put if my PSN account region is not listed there? Just put USA, or any other?
Okay, sorry if there is a previous question. I read over 40 pages and couldn't find my answer.

I've been trying to use bspec grinder for last couple days and have not been able to log in. I can access gran-turismo remote racing but for some reason it will not login to the widget.

My problem is: after the widget is opened it verifies inet connection then half way through the login, the login progress bar stops and stays frozen mid-way for approximately 5-10 mins until it says: temporary server issue.

I've tried everything!! cleared cache, tried logging in using different regions, pretty much anything I've done doesn't help. PLEASE can someone help me!?!? I will return the favour and race your bob's for days on end just please help me? :grumpy:

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