B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
I was having the "unable to connect" problem and I've noticed that sometimes when Windows loses its Internet connection, it will sometimes tell other apps that the site is down until the page is loaded in a browser. I loaded us.gran-turismo.com in Chrome and it was able to load after that.

Try loading http://www.gran-turismo.com/, http://us.gran-turismo.com/, http://eu.gran-turismo.com/, and http://store.playstation.com/ in your browser to try to get Windows to see that they're online.

If server is down the widget stops working and won't be able to work until you go home and sign back in to the ps3 and restart the server. I guess I found that out today.
My apologies if this has been answered already as there are A LOT of pages but i was wondering if someone could explain what the blue line circling the progress bar on the widget is, i figured the rest out. BEST WIDGET THANK YOU YONIS! :bowdown:👍
FYI - GT sites are under maintenance so can't grind until they come back up, would be great to have an auto-reconnect for situations like this, considering it's 2:41AM here. :)

Course I'm just changing my location to try to stay ahead of it, went from UK to US and now I live in Hong Kong. That seems to be working.... Until they take down all the servers that is.
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Leonidas 6676
My apologies if this has been answered already as there are A LOT of pages but i was wondering if someone could explain what the blue line circling the progress bar on the widget is, i figured the rest out. BEST WIDGET THANK YOU YONIS! :bowdown:👍

The brighter blue line is your current progress on whatever bspec level you are. The fainter blue line is the progress you will have made if you cash in all your remote race winnings.
Oh & yes it has been answered in the thread multiple times I believe :P
FYI - GT sites are under maintenance so can't grind until they come back up, would be great to have an auto-reconnect for situations like this, considering it's 2:41AM here. :)
If the Widget detects maintenance mode, it attempts to reconnect every 5 minutes.
how did i not find this sooner! lol too bad its maintenance and its 3 AM, i will try this out tomorrow but great job, looks like the best thing possible for B-spec
If the Widget detects maintenance mode, it attempts to reconnect every 5 minutes.

What about when it just says "can't connect" due to servers being down, and the window pops up saying there is no connection. Seems it won't try to reconnect until you click "ok", and then click on the widget for "try to reconnect". Seems it was disconnected for a couple of hours this morning and wouldn't reconnect until I told it to..
i'm running my first race, it starts up faster than i thought
let's keep it going flawlessly :)
thanks again for this amazing widget!
Been getting this message ever since I switched to my second account in the config page:
Welcome to Yahoo! Widgets 4.5.2 (build 10A50) on 03/02/11 11:12:42.630

Type '/help' for help.

Loaded Widget 'B-Spec Grinder' from C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Widgets\B-Spec Grinder.widget
03/02/11 11:12:46.912: RAW STATUS: Ready.
TypeError: CONFIG.currentEvent has no properties (Race.js: Line 219)

I finally got the widget to work again. I had to change the race to "any race length"

then I switched back to the race lenght I wanted and it worked.
I get a lot of the messages below and the gadget says "Temporary Server Issue".
I can go on and start a race manually via gran-turismo.com with no problems at all.

Any ideas?

03/04/11 15:37:41.083: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 1)
03/04/11 15:38:12.096: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 2)
03/04/11 15:38:43.109: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 3)
03/04/11 15:38:43.112: Connection keeps timing out! Will try reconnecting in 10 minutes.
03/04/11 15:38:43.131: Resetting state. Waiting for 10 minute(s). Will reauthenticate.
when it says "reserving drivers", could that mean they are all used by someone else?
I have a unique situation as I have a US Playstation3 and account but I reside in Hungary. The widget was working perfectly using the US server till today. Now if I leave it on the US server I receive this errror:

Documents\My Widgets\B-Spec Grinder.widget

"uncaught exception: fetchAsync: no URL specified. Either set one in the URL.location or pass as second parameter. "

If I change to another server like the UK or Austria I receive the:

"Failed to connect to Sony servers."

I can start a remote race from us.granturismo.com without a problem.
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I get a lot of the messages below and the gadget says "Temporary Server Issue".
I can go on and start a race manually via gran-turismo.com with no problems at all.

Any ideas?

03/04/11 15:37:41.083: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 1)
03/04/11 15:38:12.096: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 2)
03/04/11 15:38:43.109: Waited for 30 seconds and never received a server response. Retrying. (Attempt 3)
03/04/11 15:38:43.112: Connection keeps timing out! Will try reconnecting in 10 minutes.
03/04/11 15:38:43.131: Resetting state. Waiting for 10 minute(s). Will reauthenticate.

Quoting myself with an update. Switched back to 0.9.1, launched it, within seconds it started a race successfully.
Hi Yonis, thanks for the great widget!

The version 1.1 ssems to get stuck sometimes on 'reserving drivers' but not always. Sometimes it runs three of four races succesfully and after that it gets stuck.
The brighter blue line is your current progress on whatever bspec level you are. The fainter blue line is the progress you will have made if you cash in all your remote race winnings.
Oh & yes it has been answered in the thread multiple times I believe :P

Thank You Very Much
Hi Yonis, thanks for the great widget!

The version 1.1 ssems to get stuck sometimes on 'reserving drivers' but not always. Sometimes it runs three of four races succesfully and after that it gets stuck.
mine doesn't really get stuck
it just says "reserving drivers" for 5 - 15 min and then starts a new race, it happened only once
Still doesnt work at all for me. Just sits on loading race forever. Ill just go back to doing this manually. It would take less time than this widget does to try and get started.
Version 1.1 is working much faster and I think more stable now, as I can say after a few races.
I'm trying it out right now but am stuck while "reserving drivers".
Here's the log:

03/04/11 17:30:06.505: RAW STATUS: Ready.
TypeError: randomDriver has no properties (Race.js: Line 413)
TypeError: randomDriver has no properties (Race.js: Line 413)
TypeError: randomDriver has no properties (Race.js: Line 413)
TypeError: randomDriver has no properties (Race.js: Line 413)

I get it every time I reload the widget.
Was switching 1 of 3 widgets from Taiwan (worked best for me with yesterdays hiccups) to US and this is what happened.

I did not get the error with my other 2 widgets (same version, same process).

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