Was NOT working fine this morning until I manually started a race via Gran-Turismo.com. I also logged into the ps store from the same machine, which may also have shaken it loose.
Before that the widget tried repeatedly to start up a race, and it failed every time.
It keeps cycling between "Loading race events", "starting race", and within less than 30 seconds it goes "Race Ended" and starts over.
What on earth is happening?
I had this happened once before as well. Running one race manually from gran-turismo.com seemed to have fixed the issue for me.
It worked first time I installed it but now trying today and it keeps telling me my Login Credentials are incorrect. They are not.
Are you using v.1.1.3 ? This particular issue was fixed.
No I wasn't, I just downloaded it and it then logged in ok but then got stuck at connecting to PS3 for ages then asked me to reconnect and it's just stuck on 'Reconnecting...' now.
All I can suggest is to try 'reload' (if you have the debug window running) or quit and restart it.
This version is almost always connecting and running OK, but the main problem people seem to be experiencing is the 'Temporary Server Issue' when a new race is due to start.
I've tried closing and reopening but every time all I get is what I've already posted and this in the Debug:
03/11/11 12:08:13.204: RAW STATUS: PS3 is disconnected.
Your GT5 is definitely in 'server mode' ?
If so I'm guessing it's a Sony network issue as the widget clearly cannot connect to your PS3/GT5.
You could try a PS3 reboot.
This widget has stopped working in the UK since the 1.08 update. GT have changed the online B-spec races so that there are 20 min only races (removing the 5 and 10 mins).
For those of you who are having problems with this Widget, is your PS3 connected to the Internet via a weak Wi-Fi connection? That may very well explain the problems you're having...