B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
I though so too, but then I went to check my 1st account (I use a 2nd account to race my 1st account bob's) and they have not been used since i used them 12 hours ago. The problem still stands.

When you say 12 Hours ago..are you reading that from the GT website?
That log is often outdated..
Logout, and log in again to try and refresh it.
When you say 12 Hours ago..are you reading that from the GT website?
That log is highly likely NOT to be updated :P
Logout, and log in again to try and refresh it.

No, accessed my 1st account on the Playstation and I saw that the prize payout has not increased. Thanks for tip anyways! :). I'll try to move my 1st account in the "use randomly" and see if it'll be used there ;)
No, accessed my 1st account on the Playstation and I saw that the prize payout has not increased. Thanks for tip anyways! :). I'll try to move my 1st account in the "use randomly" and see if it'll be used there ;)

If you truly want's them to be used every time, i would just leave them ;)
..And double check that youre reading the correct data.

In general a "signout/signin" on PS3 and/or Website definitively has an effect when it comes to update data between server/frontend (credits, friends, drivers, shared, cars, A/B spec display level, etc etc, ) - this goes for grinder aswell!
Yeah but did you read what i said about the grinder logs?..
They will tell the truth, without any chance of being "cached"

Logged in once again the see the log as you suggested and now it shows my drivers have been used by my friends the last hour, so that explains it! Thanks alot squadjot 👍:dunce:
the login credentials you've provided are incorrect ..

Edit: Sorry =),... Maybe you've... provided incorrect.. credentials?

Hint: You either typed in wrong PSN username or password, mispelled it or something.

To Yonis. And please keep in mind that this is not for yonis waste time, beacuse he have "very possible" a life to live out in real world ;)

But it is possible to create our add in the widget the information here our bob's are run and on what place, something like this:
I just received a X2010 from B-Spec Grinding alone (very few manual online races to check some things).

Here are the details:

As you see game progress = 0%
I never opened A or B spec races, no special events, no license, no seasonal events on this account.

Your drivers evolve like this (one from yesterday):


No career evolution, so they never run tired!

P.S.: Difficult to avoid the High Roller and Sky-High Roller trophies.


My "always use list" is used (although I have the impression some nights some users are missed).
Enable Yahoo Widgets Debug Mode
CTRL+SHIFT + RIGHTCLICK systemtray icon of Yahoo Widgets. Now "Debug Mode" is visible as an option in the menu, enable it!

In The debug window you can set the race event value, by typing following in the input field:
preferences.preferredRace.value = xxxxxx (then press enter)

Replace xxxxxx with a code that corresponds to the country you have chosen in grinder settings.
Find the country codes here

Good luck

Im on a mac and i enabled the debug mode but i cant find the spot to put in the code for La sarthe.

Can anyone tell me what to do?
Nevermind people solution found!
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Hi Thanks for this amazing widget. Can we have an option in the future when you are managing your drivers, Ive got about 70 so its hard to move drivers from always use, to never to column. Maybe in the futre you can make it so you can right click and put them in always use or never use row?

Enable Yahoo Widgets Debug Mode
CTRL+SHIFT + RIGHTCLICK systemtray icon of Yahoo Widgets. Now "Debug Mode" is visible as an option in the menu, enable it!

In The debug window you can set the race event value, by typing following in the input field:
preferences.preferredRace.value = xxxxxx (then press enter)

Replace xxxxxx with a code that corresponds to the country you have chosen in grinder settings.
Find the country codes here

Good luck

Am I missing something from the country codes, it's just that I don't see the codes for the US events :dunce:.
has anyone figured out why some of the friends on my list have a "?" in place of their driver count? one of my friends that has had his 5 bobs online for a while all of the sudden has a "?" and my widget won't race him.
Ok, so am I missing something or is the widget not really choosing other drivers at random, instead just going from the top and seeing what's open.

I tried to limit this to have it basically only pick one driver from each person, but that still only gets me through half my list of people.

Or am I retarded?
Anybody else not able to access store.playstation.com? Haven't been able to get the grinder to connect since this afternoon....
Anybody else not able to access store.playstation.com? Haven't been able to get the grinder to connect since this afternoon....

My grinder is working fine. It had a hiccup about an hour ago, and I had to restart the PS3, but that appeared to be a local server issue (again!).

Has anyone had any problems getting the reciprocate to work? I have mine set to reciprocate, but it doesn't seem to be doing it. I've resorted to putting those that use my drivers a lot into the always use and then set the leave drivers free to 3 or 4. That has been working better.
still will not use "always use list"... i had to go back to the old way... pick myself! :(

Weird, my always use is working fine, but the reciprocate doesn't seem to be working. I went back through several days worth of race logs and have seen a couple people not using my drivers making my races. I guess it could be due to amount of drivers in use. I'll try using reciprocate again.
I have two "friends" in my Friends list that are listed in the "Always Use" section of the grinder... however... sometimes, the Widget don't one of those accounts... at all!

It doesn't select my main account which is kind of frustrating!

How do I fix this?
I wish I found out about this widget thing sooner! Great job with this 👍
It would've saved me so much time instead of using the gran-turismo.com site or the game itself to start my remote races.
I have two "friends" in my Friends list that are listed in the "Always Use" section of the grinder... however... sometimes, the Widget don't one of those accounts... at all!

It doesn't select my main account which is kind of frustrating!

How do I fix this?

What data are reading, to conclude that your have not raced the friend you wanted?
Did you enable the Grinder to save logs of each race you host?, these data will be true.

Are you 100% sure that the the drivers you are trying to host, are not driving elsewhere?
What data are reading, to conclude that your have not raced the friend you wanted?
Did you enable the Grinder to save logs of each race you host?, these data will be true.

Are you 100% sure that the the drivers you are trying to host, are not driving elsewhere?

Debug mode is always on, so I know for sure that my bobs from my main account aren't used. So yes, that's 100% sure.
Debug mode is always on, so I know for sure that my bobs from my main account aren't used. So yes, that's 100% sure.

Well, it SHOULD be easy to find out why.. the only obstacle is that the servers often shows you "old" data when using a browser.
But you know you can check you friends logs aswell, and even see THEIR live races.. I usually log in 3/4 times totally when checking the GT5 website..

1 first i check my own online log.. hmm seeems outdated..signout/sign in ..fixed..
2. then i want to check another friend... you'd assume that this would be fixed from above signout/in.. altho that doesnet always seems so.. very weird tho.. so..sign/out/in until it refreshes.

Also, really, concider that; if you friend is having other friends.. and he is using a single account, he got 6 bobs.. 1 bob he might be sing himself, secondly, if you have set "leave 1 free", then he will only have to have 4 busy bobs, before grinder will decide not to use him.. right?

Edit: Afaik the debug/log only tells you if Grinder tried to reserve a friend that was not free afterall.. it does specifically tell which drivers it did not pick (simply because they were not free in the first place)
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reciprocating just fine for me.

I just went and checked some of the drivers it is selecting for me. My guess is that the reciprocate feature only looks at if a driver has been used in the last few races, but not the date. I had a few people on my friend list that hadn't run remote races since mid march. They kept getting put in races, why...I'm guessing because the widget saw the last race they ran had several of my drivers in it.

Don't know this for a fact, but looking at what is going on it seems quite likely.

It looks like if I just go in and trim off some dead weight it will work fine.
I just went and checked some of the drivers it is selecting for me. My guess is that the reciprocate feature only looks at if a driver has been used in the last few races, but not the date. I had a few people on my friend list that hadn't run remote races since mid march. They kept getting put in races, why...I'm guessing because the widget saw the last race they ran had several of my drivers in it.

Don't know this for a fact, but looking at what is going on it seems quite likely.

It looks like if I just go in and trim off some dead weight it will work fine.

1. Grinder reprocication is actaully based on the 100 lines log from the website
2. on a busy night of grinding , my online log goes back only 5 hours.
3. If grinder has done it's reprocication (and no preferred drivers are free), it will pick random drivers to fill the grid.