B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
1. Grinder reprocication is actaully based on the 100 lines log from the website
2. on a busy night of grinding , my online log goes back only 5 hours.
3. If grinder has done it's reprocication (and no preferred drivers are free), it will pick random drivers to fill the grid.

What's weird is I had one account with 6 drivers free that ran several races in the last 2 hours and that account(with no other friends mind you) got passed over for someone who hasn't raced a driver for me since March 15. Put in 2 of their drivers last time. Most recent race it did it again, though this person hadn't raced me since March 30.

I'll just put it down to electrons having a mind of their own! lol
1. Grinder reprocication is actaully based on the 100 lines log from the website
2. on a busy night of grinding , my online log goes back only 5 hours.
3. If grinder has done it's reprocication (and no preferred drivers are free), it will pick random drivers to fill the grid.

It that the site log or PS3 log?

Because on my absolute busiest day (my Bob's were raced 259 times collectively and I was widgeting) I could still view approximately 30 hours worth on the PS3 log.
It that the site log or PS3 log?

Site log, and that's what grinder bases it's reprocication on.

Edit: But true, for checking if races/friends has been run, PS3 log is best choice i guess.
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Hello Yonis.

If I change the "Leave af Least ..." I can not use the "Cancel" or "Save" buttons the program freezes.
Unable to log on atm

Edit: Thread-lock proximity alarm !!


Remember: Aslong as you cannot log into GT5 official site, grinder will not work either..
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Hello Everyone,

I'm sorry if this has been asked before. I just found out about this widget about 10 minutes ago and I followed the exact instructions in the video. For some reason I am getting an error message and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no prevail. It said to report the message to these forums so I'm just following instructions and also in hope of getting some help with resolving this issue.

When it tries to login, the bar reaches half way and then an error box pops up that states: "!!!!! PLEASE REPORT THIS ERROR ON THE GTP FORUMS.!!!!! The server redirected the widget to a hostname outside of its security sandbox. The full URL it was told to go to is:


Please report where the Widget was told to go, and which stage it was at in the process. After you close this message, you will be notified of a security violation."

Then the other message come up which states: "SECURITY ALERT: This Widget has attempted to perform an unauthorized action and will be closed"

Thanks in advance for helping with this problem.
I used to have a list of people that i always race..was saved a week or two ago
some reason when i checked managed driver today it's all gone and everyone's back on the reciprocating list. Anyone have similar issues?
Looks like PSN is refusing your Widget Signature now.

Dumping object...
active: true
autoReconnect: false
confirmedServers: 2
connected: false
connectionTest: [object Timer]
credits: 0
delay: 11
driverOrder: [object Object]
experience: 0
levels: 0,500,1140,2599,5926,13511,30805,70235,160136,365110,832451,1897988,4327413,9866502,22495625,51290025,116941257,266626066,607907430,1386028940,3160145983,7205132841,16427702877,37455162560,85397770637,194706917052,443931770879,1012164437604,2307734917737,5261635612440,11996529196363,27352086567708,62362757374374,142187086813573,324186557934946,739145352091677,1685251402769024,3842373198313375,8760610892154495,19974192834112250,45541159661775920
offset1: 272
offset2: 0
paths: [object Object]
PSN: null
raceRequestSent: false
raceStartErrors: 0
radioSilence: 0
requestQueue: [object Object]
restartTimer: [object Timer]
safetyNetTimer: [object Timer]
server: https://us.gran-turismo.com/us
serverChecks: 2
SSO: https://store.playstation.com/external/login.action
userAgent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0)
uncaught exception: URL.fetchAsync(): Access denied: HTTP - Host Request.
See people talking about a reciprocating feature? Is this simply the "always use list" under managing drivers or is there something additonal?
See people talking about a reciprocating feature? Is this simply the "always use list" under managing drivers or is there something additonal?

No, it's in the next list down. You can choose "random" or "reciprocate.
Hey... I just received a message saying to report it on here.


I was redirected to: /us/signin/psn_error.html

This was during the login process at approximately 23:30 ZULU (GMT) Saturday.

I'm assuming this has to do with the PSN being down. But it said report... so I'm reporting.
Hey... I just received a message saying to report it on here.


I was redirected to: /us/signin/psn_error.html

This was during the login process at approximately 23:30 ZULU (GMT) Saturday.

I'm assuming this has to do with the PSN being down. But it said report... so I'm reporting.

Yeah, and this thread will probably be closed again soon because the servers are down (again), despite the widget telling us to report it here.
hmm, got the same error as last few posters have, but when I go to the GT web site with Firefox, I'm able to start a remote race. Though, so far the widget has not picked up on it. Think PD finally started blocking the widget?:nervous:

Here is the error:
userAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_4; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.19.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.3 Safari/533.19.4
uncaught exception: URL.fetchAsync(): Access denied: HTTP - Host Request.
hmm, got the same error as last few posters have, but when I go to the GT web site with Firefox, I'm able to start a remote race. Though, so far the widget has not picked up on it. Think PD finally started blocking the widget?:nervous:

Here is the error:

Doubtful. It's a login issue. Earlier I couldn't even log in to the playstation website, but now I can. Also around the time this issue appeared, I could still run remote races from the GT web, but as soon as I logged out, I could log in anymore. However I still can't log in at GT web. So running manual remote races atm.
Doubtful. It's a login issue. Earlier I couldn't even log in to the playstation website, but now I can. Also around the time this issue appeared, I could still run remote races from the GT web, but as soon as I logged out, I could log in anymore. However I still can't log in at GT web. So running manual remote races atm.

alrighty then, back to manual remote racing it is...
It would be nice if it just kept trying to connect when it gets these errors, then it would just magically work again when the PSN login works again...
It would be nice if it just kept trying to connect when it gets these errors, then it would just magically work again when the PSN login works again...

The reason it doesn't do that I imagine is because if it ever got to the point where it was trying to connect to a malicious address, that would be a problem. In this case, it's inconvenient... I think yonis has it set up correctly and securely.
Yep, just so you know, I'm aware of this problem. This is a new login state that I need to take care of in an update to the Widget. Nothing I can do if the browser won't log in (which it won't at this time).

Sorry, this is the life of an online service... You can't expect 100% uptime unless you have massive engineering resources behind it like Google does.
All the Asian servers still appear to be unavailable. I didn't try Japan, for obvious reasons, but Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea are still displaying the log in error.
All the Asian servers still appear to be unavailable. I didn't try Japan, for obvious reasons, but Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea are still displaying the log in error.

Same here. Singapore is still no go. Switched to Australia for now, and the widget is running again! :)