B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis

Still have "04/13/11 10:49:39.214: Server sent bad data. Retrying. (Attempt 3)" error since I installed the widget, worked few times yesterday.
Tried with eu, us & www zones.

What can I do ? :)
Is it possible to have more than 1 of your drivers racing. I've setup a dummy account to use the widget and it works, but when I'm using it, it will select both drivers from the dummy account, but only one of mine?
Is it possible to have more than 1 of your drivers racing. I've setup a dummy account to use the widget and it works, but when I'm using it, it will select both drivers from the dummy account, but only one of mine?

The host of the race may only use 1 driver. If you want to use more of your own drivers, host the race on your dummy account. 👍
I was able to get the widget to log in with the Singapore server. I haven't checked, but I assume this means the rest of the Asian PSN region should also be available.
Thanks for making this widget! I just found out about it this morning, and just not started using it.

Its finishing up the first race now, and I'll leave it running all afternoon. We'll see how it goes!

EDIT: Actually, right after the race ended, my tv screen went back to the remote server screen, the widget says "Temporary Server Issue". WTF?

EDIT 2: Looks like that issue was on PSN's side, the widget kept trying and eventually another race started. I'll leave it up and see how things go.
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So I found some interesting things as I was digging around on the gran-turismo.com servers for track logos.

Their server has the directory listing disabled for the place where all the course logos are stored, so I had to find a different way to get them all.

Is there also a logo or code for the GT4 Chamonix circuit?

By GT4 Chamonix I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ijenvKOGf4

Other than that, GREAT FIND! I wonder if those images could really mean a new update of new tracks!

EDIT: Since you found the code for the GT3 track Super Speedway, could there also be codes for Special Stage Route 11 and Complex String? No pressure, just wondering if they could be there.
Yonis... I have two friends in my "Always Use" section. Unfortunately, one of these friends isn't "always used". What can I do to fix that?
Hi yonis, first of all: Thank you so much for making this widget, it is so cool :)
There is something I do not completely understand though, I know the last few days there were connection issues to the PSN, and I use a HongKong account for grinding. So when I use my password and email for that account and use the HongKong Country selection, it doesn't connect. However using USA as a country it works. So my question is: Is the country you select not really relevant or should it be the one you use with the account? Thanks
Yonis (or Ricky Romero?), this is a fantastic tool. Thanks for putting it together.

I would like to ask you to consider for future updates the following:
Request: a race counter, where you could select the number of races you'd like to run, then stop until you trigger it to race another set of runs.

Why? To refresh the slots in the UCD on the account hosting the races. After hosting 5 online racing events, all 30 slots in the UCD of that account are replaced with new cars and you can try to get the car you've been wanting.

Long explanation: a GT5 car collector can use several means to get cash and buy cars. After buying and trading all those models which are allowed, to reach those last models you still don't have in your garage, you resort to:
(a) birthday tickets
(b) level tickets
(c) the dreaded Ticket 1000 which is just awful when trying to get 10 out of 1000 cars available
(d) the Used Car Dealership

I'm in this phase, with only 8 cars to reach the full garage. Some multi-million cars are not covered by a year nor a level ticket, so the UCD is the best option (other than trying the Ticket 1000 for hundreds of times to get the few selections I need).

The UCD inventory is cyclical (if my investigations were correct, and checking with several accounts in parallel which showed the same UCD options for each event completed). If you missed a car that was on sale now, you'll have to wait 160+ events for it to become again.

Right now I set races to run automatically, and try to stop after the 5th one so I can exit, check the UCD for any of the few cars I have left to buy, then run races again. But sometimes I miss the mark and more than 5 events go by. So, having a counter that stops the automatic online races after a set number of events would help my case (and others in the same boat) tremendously.

Sorry for the long post. Again, congratulations and many thanks for such a nice tool.

Is there also a logo or code for the GT4 Chamonix circuit?

By GT4 Chamonix I mean this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ijenvKOGf4

Other than that, GREAT FIND! I wonder if those images could really mean a new update of new tracks!

EDIT: Since you found the code for the GT3 track Super Speedway, could there also be codes for Special Stage Route 11 and Complex String? No pressure, just wondering if they could be there.
Since the code for the Chamonix logo is "nursnow," it might be possible that it's actually the logo for GT4. They reused the logo for GT5, which is why I think I omitted it from my list — I thought "nursnow" was just the code for that track in GT5.

As for other codes, there are almost certainly others I've missed... I've been just testing codes based on names found in older Gran Turismo game discs, as well as random codes. The code for SSR5 and SSR7 is "route5" and "route7", for example, so I tried "route11". But that returns a 404. I also tried "ssr11" and that didn't work either. Nor did "complex_string" or "complex".

One thing I do know is that these codes always consist of lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. So that helps limit the possibilities somewhat.
Yonis... I have two friends in my "Always Use" section. Unfortunately, one of these friends isn't "always used". What can I do to fix that?
This is a problem that lots of people are having and I am taking a closer look at. Make sure that you're set to leave 0 drivers free in your "always use" section if you're sure those friends are not running remote races. Otherwise, the Always Use section takes as many drivers as it can, excluding drivers used by other people as well as the number of drivers you've set to leave free. It takes them in order, too. If you have 4 people in your Always Use list with 6 drivers apiece, and you have it set to leave 1 driver free for each friend, assuming they're all free, that leaves you with 20 drivers to choose from. But as there are 15 slots, the last person in that list will not have any drivers selected since you've filled your roster up with 5 drivers from 3 friends apiece.

Now that you understand how that works, what are the statistics for each section? For example:
Always Use: 3 Friends, 18 Drivers Total, set to leave 1 driver free
Random/Reciprocate: 5 Friends, 26 Drivers Total, set to leave 2 drivers free
Hi yonis, first of all: Thank you so much for making this widget, it is so cool :)
There is something I do not completely understand though, I know the last few days there were connection issues to the PSN, and I use a HongKong account for grinding. So when I use my password and email for that account and use the HongKong Country selection, it doesn't connect. However using USA as a country it works. So my question is: Is the country you select not really relevant or should it be the one you use with the account? Thanks
Your account is agnostic and can be used with any country. For speed reasons, I recommend you log into the same country as the one you live in as the server may be physically located closer to you and thus should run faster. But if you're having trouble connecting to that server, any of them will work.
What does the blue neon ring that wraps around the race length meter signify? Is it your current and "soon to be" B-Spec XP meter?
Your account is agnostic and can be used with any country. For speed reasons, I recommend you log into the same country as the one you live in as the server may be physically located closer to you and thus should run faster. But if you're having trouble connecting to that server, any of them will work.

Thanks a lot :)
Trying this widget out for the first time today, decided not to play on the PS3 today so figure I might as well earn some credits in the meantime. Works great so far, am hosting the race from one of my secondary accounts, using all 6 drivers from my main account and making up the numbers from other accounts I created specifically for this purpose. Got full races of 16 drivers, all mine so I suppose I win no matter what. :)
How safe is this widget to use?

Im a little sceptical with the whole giving login\passdetails to a random app.

As a total 3rd part, and having looked at the script behind the widget, i can assure you the login credentials are ONLY used to log you in to Gran-turismo site.
This is a problem that lots of people are having and I am taking a closer look at. Make sure that you're set to leave 0 drivers free in your "always use" section if you're sure those friends are not running remote races. Otherwise, the Always Use section takes as many drivers as it can, excluding drivers used by other people as well as the number of drivers you've set to leave free. It takes them in order, too. If you have 4 people in your Always Use list with 6 drivers apiece, and you have it set to leave 1 driver free for each friend, assuming they're all free, that leaves you with 20 drivers to choose from. But as there are 15 slots, the last person in that list will not have any drivers selected since you've filled your roster up with 5 drivers from 3 friends apiece.

Now that you understand how that works, what are the statistics for each section? For example:
Always Use: 3 Friends, 18 Drivers Total, set to leave 1 driver free
Random/Reciprocate: 5 Friends, 26 Drivers Total, set to leave 2 drivers free

Always Use: 2 Friends, 12 Drivers Total, set to Leave 0 Driver Free (the two account are my accounts.)
Random/Recriprocate: 9 Friends, 54 Drivers Total, set to Leave 1 Driver Free
I don't know what it means by "Failed to connect to Sonys Servers" then it lists some websites under.
I don't get it

Log into each of those sites so that your your browser will recognize them. Sign out of your PS3, then back in. make sure PS3 is in server stand by mode. Resart Grinder.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't really find it in the op. How do you open the debug window on OSX? (If it's possible in this version)

Also, great app. Makes earning cash much easier.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't really find it in the op. How do you open the debug window on OSX? (If it's possible in this version)

Also, great app. Makes earning cash much easier.

Look at one page back on this threat, there is a link on how-to enable debug mode.
Hey guys just a quick question, is there any way I can use or download the widget for my ipad2..? Please let me know thanks :-)

At this time, you can't run the widget from your ipad unless Yonis makes it an official app.

You can however VNC to your mac from your ipad and control it that way.