B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
I don't believe is the widget's fault. I never used it and today I couldn't log in for a normal remote race through the website. In Portugal

*edit* but today was the first day I tried remote racing away from home and I wasn't sure if it was my net at home's fault.
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Maybe someone dont want us to make money that easily anymore ;) or some "@/$@5?@*% pirate. Hate those:mad:

I've thought about this, and have come to this conclusion:

If Yonis' widget somehow manipulated the results (i.e. your driver automatically runs 1st if you host), then I could see how Sony would have a problem with it. Classic case of cheating.

However, the widget simply starts races, and nothing more. It's letting the users enjoy the system already in place, and by the rules (written and un-), and harms no one.

Doesn't seem like he's a big enough fish. It's not like Yonis told us how to jailbreak or anything.

As for the server break, let's hope they're updating the events and improving the process. I was able to remote race for over 9 hours last night/ this morning, until the server went down. Anonymous made their point, I doubt they'd be at it again today, especially since I haven't been constantly losing my connection to the PSN.
Tried going on granturismo's site and run a remote race though there. Why it allows me to select drivers, it won't let me start the race, and getting a lot of "cannot select driver."

I'm assuming it's not the widget, and something to do with the servers just being down thanks to "Anonymous" or even updates like someone else suggested. Just gotta wait it out for a bit.
Doesn't seem like he's a big enough fish. It's not like Yonis told us how to jailbreak or anything.
The actions of Anonymous will probably, in the eye of the general public, give Sony justification for any legal actions they take now, or in the future. Unfortunately people like Yonis might end up getting painted with the same brush.

I'm no lawyer, but the PSN terms of service appears to me to be able to pretty much apply to anything Sony decides they don't like. The DMCA is ridiculously broad. Reverse engineering web pages and javascript, lawyers could probably easily have a field day with that.
I've thought about this, and have come to this conclusion:

If Yonis' widget somehow manipulated the results (i.e. your driver automatically runs 1st if you host), then I could see how Sony would have a problem with it. Classic case of cheating.

However, the widget simply starts races, and nothing more. It's letting the users enjoy the system already in place, and by the rules (written and un-), and harms no one.

Doesn't seem like he's a big enough fish. It's not like Yonis told us how to jailbreak or anything.

As for the server break, let's hope they're updating the events and improving the process. I was able to remote race for over 9 hours last night/ this morning, until the server went down. Anonymous made their point, I doubt they'd be at it again today, especially since I haven't been constantly losing my connection to the PSN.

I agree that actions taken by the widget are unlikely to result in legal action or even PSN account revocation. The widget just emulates end user actions in the fastest way possible. When that type of use scales, it costs money. What follows is speculation, but I have the perspective of having done application development for a very, very large corporation for the past 10 years.

Large scale (a ton of GTP users) fully automated (B-spec Grinder) remote racing is bound to introduce unanticipated load on Sony's servers. I somehow doubt Sony/PD planned for it, as otherwise they'd have made a publicly available API and Yonis would not have had to reverse engineer the API calls in order to create the widget. The unanticipated traffic costs more money in maintenance, bandwidth, etc. I would not at all be surprised if the reaction is to in some way inhibit said automation.

As far as the widget working, mine is plugging way as I type. I did, however, experience the same error that others did with the redirect. I then had a weird issue where my alt account did not reflect any of its online winnings. I had to completely log out of PSN on my PS3 and log back in. It's been smooth sailing ever since.
I saw this problem in the Widget too. I just tried to sign in via the official site and I was redirected to https://us.gran-turismo.com/us/signin/$redirect_url.replace('signout/','').

If the browser is being redirected there, I am going to have a tough time getting the Widget not to be.

My guess is this is another temporary server issue related to the 4chan raid. Wait it out for now...
Grinder causing a lawsuit against Yonis is not going to happen...

IF they would have any problems with it, i'm 100% sure Sony would contact Yonis with a notification before anything else.

Yonis is reverse engineering?..where?

Sending to, and Receiving data -from a server is not reverse engineering.
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Maintenance in progress

PlayStation Network is not available as it is currently undergoing maintenance. We apologise for the inconvenience caused while we carry out these essential updates. In the meantime, you can continue to explore the world of PlayStation at eu.playstation.com, and keep an eye on the PlayStation Network bar at the top of the PC version of the site to find out when the service is back up and running.
Sending/Receiving data from a server is not reverse engineering.

My sarcasm must not have been clear in my previous post ;) My point was that the DMCA is such a terrible law it could probably be used in cases where someone simply downloads javascript source files, figures out what they are doing, writes a widget to duplicate the functionality, and all of the sudden they are a criminal.

And of course simply sending/receiving data is not reverse engineering. A crime maybe (like what Anonymous is doing), but a little more effort is involved before it becomes reverse engineering ;)
Yonis is reverse engineering?..where?

Sending to, and Receiving data -from a server is not reverse engineering.

I agree, sending and receiving data in and of itself is not reverse engineering. That's not what I, nor Yonis, was talking about. In Yonis' own words from the original thread post:

I honestly don't know. Because you can only use one of your own drivers at a time, you're benefitting other people more than you are yourself when you use this Widget. But, this is not an official use of the Remote Race API (I've totally reverse-engineered it) and I suppose it's kind of cheating, so Sony may frown upon it. If in doubt, don't use it!
My sarcasm must not have been clear in my previous post ;) My point was that the DMCA is such a terrible law it could probably be used in cases where someone simply downloads javascript source files, figures out what they are doing, writes a widget to duplicate the functionality, and all of the sudden they are a criminal.
I'd yell "fair use!" all the way to my jail cell!
Same here, I can't signup to granturismo.com, either. Thus I'd say the hackers are pulling strings at the moment...hm.

edit:granturismo.com says when I try to sign in, that "the page you're looking for does not exist". Actually I'm feeling a bit like Jason Bourne :dopey:

i got the same error... :(
Security sandbox problem related to $redirect_url.replace('signout/','').

what do i do? I was unable to log into PSN earlier
getting error when logging in with widget....

Error message reads.....

The server redirected the Widget to a host name outside of its security sandbox. The full YRL it was told to go to is:


please report where the widget was told to go, and which stage it was at in the process. after you close this message you will be notified of a security violation

please help.....

Me2 :yuck:
Time for some good ol' A-Spec for a change :sly:

and now i got to use the old way of b-spec lol...
but tonight you can do a pink slip race??????


Pink Slip Race: verified racer list < Join here! or pop in...
Now for a pink slip race... I hope to have a online race every Wed. at 7:00 Eastern time (Pending on the day) everyone that races will send the car they used to the 1'st place winner (or a ticket)... no red bull cars... please... (Race will start at 7:15 pm eastern time... 15 min... to get ready) Go to open loby look for [NoFS] Racing, click on it... and race...

tigersharkdude , milo44 , JYD4life89 , nos1977 <<<--------- all are a verified racer... there are a few more... but will pop in if they can trade that day!!!
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i got to use the old way of b-spec lol...
and you can do a pink slip race??????


Pink Slip Race: verified racer list < Join here! or pop in...
Now for a pink slip race... I hope to have a online race every Wed. at 7:00 Eastern time (Pending on the day) everyone that races will send the car they used to the 1'st place winner (or a ticket)... no red bull cars... please... (Race will start at 7:15 pm eastern time... 15 min... to get ready) Go to open loby look for [NoFS] Racing, click on it... and race...

tigersharkdude , milo44 , JYD4life89 , nos1977 <<<--------- all are a verified racer... there are a few more... but will pop in if they can trade that day!!!

Nos, great idea of getting cars, or at least losing some :) Unfortunately, I'm out of your timezone by many...GMT+1 here :(
thanx alot... i won the first one i had last week... try to stay up...lol... it is open to all!!!

so how long will it take to fix the B-Spec Grinder thing? /just asking... this is the second day i used it downloaded it lastnight and went to work with it going and got home to this error msg... :(
I don't know why people feel the need to spam yonis' thread but it needs to end. Between posting the same error messages over and over, despite being asked not to, and now setting up online races, this thread will be shut down until further notice.
It has been brought to my attention (thanks soniae74) that gran-turismo.com and the widget are back up. As such, this thread is re-opened.

If you are still getting the error message, please refrain from posting to that effect as it will likely take some time for all of the servers to come up to full speed.

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