B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
The widget says connecting to PSN but doesn't connect then it says reconnect.Then it says 3 of 6 drivers busy then wants to reconnect?????????

You probably just need to adjust the Co-current Thread/Driver Delay settings. Try 2-5 I read it in this thread and its been working pretty well for me.
I am having the same sort issue as Rhino from above... If I only list my "real life" friends into the "Always Use" category, it never actually runs a race. It goes from "Reserving Drivers, Starting Race, Race Ended"... All my friends have multiple Bobs, so the issue of them only having 1 available Bob isnt the case. However, as soon as I add all my "GT5/B-Spec" friends, it automatically fills up a 16 car race, using only those friends... Anybody have any ideas on how to fix this?
Hi Yonis

Loving the widget!

Can you explain if there are any differences in function between the Mac and PC versions?

I have both Mac and PC here. Although the Mac derives its internet connection via sharing through the PC, the widget seems to work far more reliably on the Mac than on the PC. I know there have been all the server issues in the last day or so, but I've been flipping between the two since I started using the widget and the Mac version happily gets on with racing even when the PC version claims Temporary Server Issue and suchlike. Restarting the PC widget sometimes gets things going again but it often fails to get racing, and shows problems in the logs such as "Server sent bad data" and "Will retry in 1 minute", and it gives up and waits 10 minutes, still to no avail. Then I quit it and start the widget on the Mac and it goes racing straightaway, even though I use the same settings. Is there anything inherent in the widget versions that would cause this, or is it a foible of Yahoo widgets implementation?

I wouldn't care so much and would just use the Mac version, but the way I have my internet connection set up, leaving on overnight means leaving on all three: the PS3, the PC and the Mac, as the latter has no wireless card and relies on the PC for its connection!

Thats the wonderful power of the Mac, just works better.
mine just sticks on "CONNECTING TO PS3..." for a few minutes, then says "CLICK HERE TO RECONNECT"

It shows an accurate credit total, and it shows 1/5 drivers in use, although i'm not sure if that is correct or not.. am i missing something?
mine just sticks on "CONNECTING TO PS3..." for a few minutes, then says "CLICK HERE TO RECONNECT"

It shows an accurate credit total, and it shows 1/5 drivers in use, although i'm not sure if that is correct or not.. am i missing something?

ps3 in server standby mode??
Anyone having issues getting beyond the 'logging in' step with the widget?

I can manually connect the gran-turismo website and start a remote race from there but can't get the widget to connect.

Any thoughts?
getting error when logging in with widget....

Error message reads.....

The server redirected the Widget to a host name outside of its security sandbox. The full YRL it was told to go to is:


please report where the widget was told to go, and which stage it was at in the process. after you close this message you will be notified of a security violation

please help.....
getting error when logging in with widget....

Error message reads.....

The server redirected the Widget to a host name outside of its security sandbox. The full YRL it was told to go to is:


please report where the widget was told to go, and which stage it was at in the process. after you close this message you will be notified of a security violation

please help.....

Got the same error.
The server redirected the Widget to a host name outside of its security sandbox. The full YRL it was told to go to is:


Hi Guys I am getting the same message while trying to log in??
you get the same error when you manualy log into to your gt account.

You cannot progress past the log in, so there is something up with the website

The server redirected the Widget to a hostname outside of its security sandbox. The full URL it was told to go to is:


Please report where the Widget was told to go, and which stage it was at in the process. After you close this message, you will be notified of a security violation.
I'd like to Thank anonymous for ruining remote racing thank you guys it's been great........ don't think the error is the widget, sorry.
Well, no need to paste the error message again, I guess.
By the way, Yonis, I'm taking the opportunity to say a massive thank you, and what a piece of code this thing is. Impressive.

Note: the manual remote racing is working fine.
I'd like to Thank anonymous for ruining remote racing thank you guys it's been great........ don't think the error is the widget, sorry.

Is this all tied back to the 'Anonymous'? What is strange is that I can start a remote race through the website but can't get the widget to log in.
Hi guys,

I try to connect to eu.gran-turismo/PT for portugal, and recive the message that my page don't exist our as deleted.... I'm wait but if the page as deleted, sony will take some responsabilities over this!!!! goodddddd :( and I don't will argg that I was with a widget that they may think is cheat our not legal!!!
Report to "report on gtplanet" error and on GT site:
"The page you're looking for does not exist.

- The page might have been deleted or moved.
- Home "

Yeah something is up with them. Guess I gotta wait it out.
I am getting it also: $redirect_url.replace('signout/','')

It worked great all day yesterday.

It appears PSN is still under attack and that is probably causing all of the problems people are reporting.

But back on topic....


Why is the widget not allowing the user to follow that URI to the signout url? I ask because it occurs to me that cleanly logging out on the remote side might end up clearing up some of the driver reservation issues etc...
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OK - Sonys servers are still under attack from GeoHot friends!
You just have to wait =/, the error messages you get right now is probably because of the reason above.

Checklist: You should be able to use grinder if following criterias are met.

1. You can log into "GT5 My Home" (be sure to clear browser cache before you try)

2. Playstation 3 is in server SSM (be sure to leave SSM, and then set it servermode again as you can sometimes experience a "Event Error" , if Grinder gets interrupted, message will be displayed on PS3. (But only AFTER you have left SSM*)

3. Be SURE that you have atleast one driver free

*SSM = Server Standby Mode
If something changed (like the authentication code from a few weeks ago) and the widget needs to be adjusted accordingly, I have the utmost confidence that yonis will figure it out.

If something is wonky with the PSN, that's not the grinders fault and will be remedied in time.

Either way, we really don't need any more "*random text* same error message *random text*" posts, please. :)