B-Spec Grinder 2.5.2: Automate Remote Races

  • Thread starter yonis
I can now login, so i am sure the grinder will as well. 👍

I can login GT5 fine, select drivers, Start Race, wait, wait, wait, "Unable to retrieve race start information from the game server". Tried US, Switzerland, Ireland, and Singapore :(

Who is going to feed my B-Spec driver's children? That's what I want to know!
Seems like the issue with Sony servers appears at differnt time for people all over the world. Anyone know a solution to the problem, or is just to sit and wait for Sony to fix their servers?
Not working for me now nether. Sucks when you leave your house for 3 hours expecting to have a good amount of money when you get back, only to find that the servers are down!
Seems like the issue with Sony servers appears at differnt time for people all over the world. Anyone know a solution to the problem, or is just to sit and wait for Sony to fix their servers?

Just sit and wait. Still can't log in on the US servers.
Just to add a small very low priority feature request. :)

It would be really good if you could tell the widget to stop using certain drivers if they've accumulated a certain amount of money. It would allow spots to be freed and allow other drivers to pick up higher place finishes if one of the "better" drivers reaches a certain limit.

And yes, I know, there's the rather easy workaround of simply cashing in the driver, but sometimes, you may not have anything you'd like to buy at the moment, or you don't feel like cycling the UCD in order to find anything, while you may still want to keep hosting races.
The grinder not working isn't yonis' fault (it's not, is it? :P) so don't fill up his thread with this. :rolleyes:

Thread temporarily closed to remove off topic banter.

Stay tuned.

We're back![/cheesy morning radio announcer]
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Still can't access servers in UK. Can connect to eu.gran-turismo.com from my pc but than when i try to run widget i get the "trying to verify connection" "servers unavailable" and please make sure you can connect to all the stated websites.
Is there still issues with the servers ? Why can i connect to the website but the grinder won't connect ?
Any advic pls
Hmmm, Mine is working for now.....Had some isues this morning......but it is racing at the moment as we speak ;-)
I've had issues all day (we know why, so let's stay on topic), and was just allowed to log onto GTLife via gran-turismo.com. I immediately started up v1.1.3 (old faithful) and was greeted with "Temporary Server Issue". I closed the widget, then reopened it and it started up just fine.

Earlier this morning (i.e. 4a CST) I started getting the same error, I assume as the attacks were starting. My first race is running in the background, and will update once I get 3 or 4 races in. If I get the same error on my next race, I'll run 2.0 which I just installed on my laptop, and try again.

Hopefully I'm back up so I can make teh monies.
Quick question, I've allocated a couple of friends into the Always Use area of the widget, yet they never get selected to race.

One of the accounts is my US account, and the only person on it's friends list is me, so I know for a fact that driver isn;t being used by anything else.

Am I doing something wrong?
Quick question, I've allocated a couple of friends into the Always Use area of the widget, yet they never get selected to race.

One of the accounts is my US account, and the only person on it's friends list is me, so I know for a fact that driver isn;t being used by anything else.

Am I doing something wrong?
Does that account only have 1 driver? By default the widget keeps 1 driver free from each account so that you're not hogging up someone's drivers (in case, for example, they want to do their own remote racing). You can override this and change it to zero. I think yonis goes over it in the video in the 1st post.
Quick question, I've allocated a couple of friends into the Always Use area of the widget, yet they never get selected to race.

One of the accounts is my US account, and the only person on it's friends list is me, so I know for a fact that driver isn;t being used by anything else.

Am I doing something wrong?

One thing I've seen is I can't see my friends profiles on us.gran-turismo.com and in those cases I never pickup there bobs, one night my main account was one of them and didn't get picked up one time. Relogged into gt5 the next day no problems later getting picked up
Hi Yonis

Loving the widget!

Can you explain if there are any differences in function between the Mac and PC versions?

I have both Mac and PC here. Although the Mac derives its internet connection via sharing through the PC, the widget seems to work far more reliably on the Mac than on the PC. I know there have been all the server issues in the last day or so, but I've been flipping between the two since I started using the widget and the Mac version happily gets on with racing even when the PC version claims Temporary Server Issue and suchlike. Restarting the PC widget sometimes gets things going again but it often fails to get racing, and shows problems in the logs such as "Server sent bad data" and "Will retry in 1 minute", and it gives up and waits 10 minutes, still to no avail. Then I quit it and start the widget on the Mac and it goes racing straightaway, even though I use the same settings. Is there anything inherent in the widget versions that would cause this, or is it a foible of Yahoo widgets implementation?

I wouldn't care so much and would just use the Mac version, but the way I have my internet connection set up, leaving on overnight means leaving on all three: the PS3, the PC and the Mac, as the latter has no wireless card and relies on the PC for its connection!
Help with Widget?

Have just loaded the "widget" (great idea!)
but have spent 1 hour trying to log in??

Icon says logging in for 60 seconds, says connectiong to PS3 then times out and say click to reconnect??

any ideas??

The widget says connecting to PSN but doesn't connect then it says reconnect.Then it says 3 of 6 drivers busy then wants to reconnect?????????

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